21.(北大附中2009届高三高考模拟) China has hundreds of islands, the largest is Taiwan. A. in which B. to which C. from which D. of which 答案 D 查看更多



A senior United Nations Children's fund (UNICEF) official on May 29 praised China for its remarkable achievements in children's welfare(福利).

A.H.M. Farook, UNICEF's operations area officer for China and Mongolia said, “China can be very satisfied to tell the whole world what can be done with limited resources to help its children to grow healthily and happily.”

China's child population makes up one fifth of the world's total.

“The reason behind the remarkable achievement is China's long tradition of caring for children both at home and in society," he said.

“What's more is that Chinese people have always given special attention to children who are in special need."

The UN official made the remarks when addressing a group of 50 children and staff from the Beijing Children's Welfare Home at the Shangri la Hotel, Beijing.

The hotel invited the orphans to share snacks(小吃), sing, dance and play games at a park inside the hotel for a “Share the Sunshine" party, as a prelude(前奏) to celebrations to mark the Children’s Day.

The Beijing children's Welfare Home, set up soon after New China was founded in 1949, has at present more than 400 children.

A leading official of the welfare institution said that the children live a happy life and that the agency spends 400-500 yuan a month for an average orphan. An average Chinese worker earned 440 yuan a month during the first quarter this year. k+s-5#u 

Gu Xiaojin, deputy secretary general of the China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF), said people from all walks of like have contributed to the welfare of the Chinese children.

She said that CYDF set up the Project Hope in 1989, which walls on people across the country to donate money to help poor children to continue their schooling.

By the end of last year, she said, CYDF had collected nearly 700 million yuan in donations, which has helped the establishment(建立) of 2,074 Hope primary schools and enabled more than 1.25 million dropouts to return to school classrooms.

According to the passage, how can children grow healthily and happily?

       A.They are offered best education and satisfying life.

       B.They must have their own parents who are rich.

       C.Both the society and their parents care for them.

       D.They are allowed to take part in many activities like computer games as often as possible.

From the passage, we know the Beijing Children's Welfare Home spends at least _____ yuan on the orphans every year.

       A.1,920,000 B.700,000    C.874,000    D.900,000

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

       A.China's population makes up one fifth of the world's total.

       B.The CYDE has used the money to help reduce dropouts.

       C.The Beijing children's Welfare Home was founded in 1989.

       D.An average Chinese worker earned 440 yuan during the first quarter this year.

China can get the remarkable achievements in children’s welfare because _______.

       A.There are many children’s welfare homes. k+s-5#u 

       B.The Hope Project has been very successful.

       C.The Chinese governments have been working harder than before.

       D.China has a long tradition of caring for children both at home and in society.



1. Life in the oceans appears in different sizes, r_______ from the

tiniest fish all the way up to the biggest blue whales.        

2. I’m not going to tell you about it; it was my p____ business.   

3. She agreed without slightest h________.                   

4.We’re old enough to be i______ and we should deal with the things

 by ourselves.                                        

5.Did you take part in the festival f_____ last night?            

6. Martin Luther King, Jr led many demonstrations, fighting for


7. The police ______ (逮捕) Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused

to give her seat to a white man.                          

8. You look _______(可笑的) in those tight jeans.              

9. The social and economic ______ (发展) of China has become the

focus of world attention.                                

10.Our eyes are _______ (敏感的) to the light.                





Life in the oceans appears in different sizes, r_______ from the

tiniest fish all the way up to the biggest blue whales.        

I’m not going to tell you about it; it was my p____ business.   

She agreed without slightest h________.                   

We’re old enough to be i______ and we should deal with the things

 by ourselves.                                        

Did you take part in the festival f_____ last night?            

Martin Luther King, Jr led many demonstrations, fighting for


The police ______ (逮捕) Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused

to give her seat to a white man.                          

You look _______(可笑的) in those tight jeans.              

The social and economic ______ (发展) of China has become the

focus of world attention.                                

Our eyes are _______ (敏感的) to the light.                


Anchors(新闻节目主持人)on China Central Television(CCTV) will need to do some fast talking to replace the popular English acronyms(首字母缩略词)they are now banned from using. Shanghai Daily reports that “anchors at China Central Television have been banned from saying the English acronyms NBA, CBA, GDP, and the like in their programs.”

    The replacement for those handy acronyms? Chinese presenters must use the full Chinese name, standardized by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

    Although CCTV(oops, we mean China Central Television) presenters must already have a score of at least 94 in their government-rated oral mandarin proficiency(普通话水平)exam, saying the full name of organizations like the CBA and WTO---10 and 6 characters’ long respectively---is sure to challenge even the most skillful anchors. CCTV sports anchor Sun Zhengping tells Shanghai Daily, “A full Chinese explanation of the English initials must be followed if my tongue slips. It is a little troublesome but a necessary one because not every member of the audience can understand the initials.”

    Although the government isn’t giving any official explanation for the shift, it is believed to have something to do with a proposal by Huang Youyi, director of the China International Publishing Group, at March’s NPC meeting. In his speech, Huang said, “With more and more publications mixing Chinese with English, measures and regulations should be adopted to avoid English invading Chinese. If we don’t pay attention and don’t take measures to stop the expansion of mixing Chinese with English, Chinese won’t be a pure language in a couple of years.”

    Although China is far from the first country to take measures to protect local languages, acronyms are more about saving time than they are about corrupting(破坏)a language, we would think. Good luck to the CCTV anchors.

1.CCTV anchors have to “do some fast talking” because they can no longer                       ____________________.

A.                   speak as slowly as they like

B.                    mix English into Chinese

C.                    use shortened Chinese expressions

D.                   have much time for their programs

2.According to the writer, “CBA” is supposed to be replaced with “________________”by CCTV anchors.

A.                     中国男子篮球职业联赛

B.                      中国篮球协会全国男女篮球职业联赛

C.                      中国篮球联赛

D.                     男子篮球联赛

3.What’s Huang Youyi’s purpose?

E.                      Using full English names instead of short forms.

F.                      Translating Chinese terms into proper English.

G.                     Avoiding Chinese words being mixed into English.

H.                     Keeping our mother tongue a pure language.

4.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

I.                        China has fallen behind in the matter of protection of its language.

J.                       The ban is not necessary.

K.                     Chinese shouldn’t be corrupted.

CCTV anchors will have a hard time.



China_is_going_green. In order to reduce air pollution and oil­shortages, automobile manufacturers have announced their plans to develop hybrid vehicles (混合燃料汽车) for the Chinese market. Toyota's hybrid car Prius will be ready to drive in China this week. Let's have a look at the new car.
Any vehicle is a hybrid when it combines two or more sources of power. Hybrid cars run off a rechargeable battery and gasoline. Hybrid cars have special engines, which are smaller than traditional gasoline engines. They run at 99 percent of their power when the car is cruising (匀速行驶). A specially designed battery motor provides extra power for running up hills or when extra acceleration is needed.
Step into a Prius, and turn on the engine. The first thing you notice is how much quieter it is than a traditional car. At this point, the car's gasoline engine is dormant (休眠). The electric motor will provide power until the car reaches about 24 km/h. If you stay at a low speed, you are effectively driving an electric car, with no gasoline being used, and no waste gas gives off.
The onboard(车载的) computer makes the decision about when to use a gas engine, when to go electric, and when to use a combination of the two. If you go over 24 km/h, when you step on the gas pedal (油门), you are actually telling the computer how fast you want to go.
The electronic motor recharges automatically using a set of batteries. When driving at high speed, the gasoline engine not only powers the car, but also charges the batteries. Any time you use the brake, the electric motor in the wheels will work like a generator and produce electricity to recharge the batteries. As a consequence, the car's batteries will last for around 200,000 miles.
【小题1】The author writes this passage mainly to________.

A.teach people how to drive a hybrid car
B.introduce a new kind of “green” car
C.show how to save their gasoline when driving a car
D.announce plans to develop hybrid vehicles for China
【小题2】The first sentence probably refers to ________.
A.there will be more and more green land in China
B.China is still young and lacking experience
C.China's new cars are combinations of different green models
D.China has started producing environmentally friendly cars
【小题3】Which of the followings is NOT true?
A.The hybrid cars reduce air pollution and oil­shortages.
B.The car's gasoline engine doesn't work until it reaches about 24 km/h.
C.This kind of car is completely controlled by an onboard computer.
D.A specially designed battery motor provides extra power when needed.
【小题4】What is the most important feature of hybrid cars?
A.They are powered by both a rechargeable battery and gasoline.
B.They are much quieter than traditional cars.
C.They only use 99 percent of their power to run up hills.
D.They have smaller engines than traditional gasoline ones.

