We are both pleased honoured to be the guests of the president. A. also B. and C. alike D. as 查看更多



LONDON Thursday July 26 (Reuters)―Eddy missed his girlfriend Anna so much he flew back to Britain from Australia to propose(求婚)to her. The problem is she did the same in the opposite direction.

       He and Anna even managed to miss each other when they sat in the same airport waiting room in Singapore at the same time to wait for connecting flights.

       Anna, heartbroken when she arrived at Eddy’s Sydney flat to find he had flown to London, told The Times: “It was as though someone was playing a cruel joke on us.”

       “He is the most romantic person I have ever known .I think our problem is that we are both quite impulsive(冲动的)people. We are always trying to surprise each other.”

       After an 11,000-mile flight across the globe, she was greeted by Eddy’s astonished roommate asking what she was doing there.

       Eddy, a 27-year-old engineer ,had taken a year off to travel round Australia .But he was missing Anna ,a 26-year-old secretary, so much he got a job on a Sydney building site(工地)and started saving for a surprise.

       He then flew home to Britain and went to her flat armed with an engagement(订婚)ring, wine and flowers.

       “I really missed Anna and I’d been thinking about her all the time. I was so excited when she phoned me from Australia,” he said.

       Eddy then asked Anna to marry him on the phone. “I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but I accepted,” she said.

       Anna was given a tour of Sydney by Eddy’s friends before going back home .Eddy had to stay in Britain for two weeks because he could not change his ticket.


45.What does the last sentence of the first paragraph tell us?

       A.Anna flew to Britain from Australia to marry him.

       B.Anna flew to Australia from Britain to marry him.

       C.Anna flew to Britain from Australia to propose to him.

       D.Anna flew to Australia from Britain to propose to him.

46.The underlined word “miss” in paragraph 2 most probably means      .

       A.escape from                                        B.fail to understand

       C.fail to meet                                          D.long to see

47.Eddy got a job on a Sydney building site because he      .

       A.wanted to travel round Australia

       B.needed money to pay his daily cost

       C.was an engineer at this building site

       D.hoped to make money from this job

48.Which of the following is TRUE about Eddy and Anna according to the text?

       A.Eddy proposed to Anna on the phone and Anna accepted.

       B.Anna stayed in Australia waiting for Eddy’s arrival.

       C.Anna had a good time touring Sydney with Eddy.

       D.Eddy met Anna in the airport waiting room by chance.



This is the story of two lovers, who finally got married. Both of them were romantic at first,     on the walk of life, problems, quarrels, profession came into their life.

    One day, she finally decided, “I want to break up.”

“Why?” he asked.

    “I am      ”She answered.

He kept silent the whole night, seemingly in deep      . Finally he asked, “What can I do to      

your mind?”

Looking into his eyes she said, “Answer my question. If you can       my heart, I will change my mind. Let’s say, I want a flower       on the face of a mountain cliff (悬崖), we are both sure that picking the flower will cause your      . Will you do it for me?”

He said, “I will give you my       tomorrow.”

She woke up the next morning, found him gone, and saw a piece of paper on her bed, which      , “My dear, I would not pick that flower for you. The       are …”

“When you use the computer you always        the software, and you cry in front of the screen. I have to save my fingers so that I can help to       the programs. You always leave the house keys behind, so I have to save my       to rush home to open the door for you. You love traveling but always lose your way in a (n)       city. I have to save my eyes to show you the way. You always       at the computer, and that will do nothing good for your eyes. I have to save my eyes       when we grow old, I can help to clip your nails and help to remove those       white hairs.”

“Thus, my dear,        I am sure that there is someone who loves you more than I do … I can not pick that flower yet, and die …”

That’s life, and      . Flowers, and romantic moments are only used and appear on the       of the relationship. Under all this, the pillar of true love stands.

1.A. while                    B. and                           C. but                           D. so

2.A. lonely                            B. dead                        C. worn out                D. awesome

3.A. sorrow                B. thought                   C. shade                       D. anger

4.A. speak                             B. change                    C. blow                         D. keep

5.A. represent           B. expand          C. warm                       D. convince

6.A. grown                           B. planted          C. living                        D. growing

7.A. injury                             B. hurt                          C. wound                     D. death

8.A. decision              B. answer                    C. opinion          D. choice

9.A. wrote                            B. informed                C. printed                   D. went

10.A. answers            B. messages                C. reasons                   D. purposes

11.A. run out             B. put up                      C. use up                     D. mess up

12.A. repair                B. restore                   C. fix                    D. mend

13.A. legs                    B. life                            C. energy                    D. strength

14.A. big                      B. new                          C. modern                  D. strange

15.A. glance               B. look                          C. glare                        D. stare

16.A. as if                    B. now that                 C. so that                     D. in case

17.A. annoying          B. emerging                C. rough                       D. refreshing

18.A. although           B. even if                     C. unless                      D. if

19.A. friction              B. love                          C. couple                    D. power

20.A. surface             B. way                          C. course                     D. nature



I got married in 2008. My husband and I are very emotional and have loads of dreams in life. Now I want to share a hidden part of my life.
After one month of my marriage, I started working because I could not sit home. To accomplish our dreams, we are both working hard day and night in spite of belonging to a good family. Life is very strange. When any turn happens, one cannot know.
I started working because I was very ambitious. I used to wonder about people who worked to earn their bread but I never knew in my wildest dreams that I would be part of the crow who work to earn a livelihood.
I was blessed with a daughter in November, 2009. She was just three months and 15 days old when I rejoined my job. My husband supported me and my family supported me but I never wanted to work again because I belonged to a family where a mother should give her full attention to her child.
Keeping all the values aside that I learnt from my parents, I went back to work and will work till my last breath.
I missed my daughter every second. She has started recognizing and throwing expressions for likes and dislikes. I cannot share my feelings with anyone, as I do not want anyone to know that I am broken completely from inside.
My husband and my daughter are my greatest strength but I ignore them just to earn money and fulfill my dreams that I have.
If one day, my daughter complains to someone about her mom, please tell her that she is my reason for survival and happiness and she is the only one who brings smile to my face.
【小题1】The author began to work after her marriage mainly because ____.

A.She expected to prevent herself from doing housework
B.She hoped to achieve her dream
C.She wanted to support her husband
D.She wanted to make her own bread
【小题2】 After her daughter’s birth, the author thought ____ in the beginning.
A.she should work harder
B.she should continue her career as she used to
C.she should stop working and care for her child
D.she should become a more ambitious mother
【小题3】From the passage, we can know that the author’s daughter ____.
A.lives together with her mom now
B.hasn’t begun to learn to speak so far
C.always makes her mom heartbroken
D.has given much comfort to her mom
【小题4】The author wrote this passage in order to ____.
A.complain about her present life
B.show her love for her daughter
C.keep a diary of her daughter’s growth
D.present the hardships of a working mother
【小题5】What is the best title of this passage?
A.The secret of a working mother
B.A working family is continuing
C.A husband’s support for his wife’s career
D.The comparison between the family and career for a mother



1.Please keep me_____通知)of what happens.

2._______(显然), what he said has nothing to do with me.

3.Years ago,my daughter_______ (更喜欢) apples to bananas

4.The old professor joined a_______( 医疗) team and went to the flooded areas.

5.If the rain_____ (连续) for a few more days, our crops will be mined.

6.The _____ (熟悉的)face suggested that I must have seen him before.

7.We are both newcomers. Do you have any friends or _____(亲戚) here?

8.I received a letter ________ (邀请)me to a national English teaching conference.

9.As is well known to us all, the ______  (十二)month of a year is called December

10.On hearing the news, he went to the hospital to see his friend without ____(拖延)




I got married in 2008. My husband and I are very emotional and have loads of dreams in life. Now I want to share a hidden part of my life.

After one month of my marriage, I started working because I could not sit home. To accomplish our dreams, we are both working hard day and night in spite of belonging to a good family. Life is very strange. When any turn happens, one cannot know.

I started working because I was very ambitious. I used to wonder about people who worked to earn their bread but I never knew in my wildest dreams that I would be part of the crow who work to earn a livelihood.

I was blessed with a daughter in November, 2009. She was just three months and 15 days old when I rejoined my job. My husband supported me and my family supported me but I never wanted to work again because I belonged to a family where a mother should give her full attention to her child.

Keeping all the values aside that I learnt from my parents, I went back to work and will work till my last breath.

    I missed my daughter every second. She has started recognizing and throwing expressions for likes and dislikes. I cannot share my feelings with anyone, as I do not want anyone to know that I am broken completely from inside.

My husband and my daughter are my greatest strength but I ignore them just to earn money and fulfill my dreams that I have.

If one day, my daughter complains to someone about her mom, please tell her that she is my reason for survival and happiness and she is the only one who brings smile to my face.

1.The author began to work after her marriage mainly because ____.

A. She expected to prevent herself from doing housework

B. She hoped to achieve her dream

C. She wanted to support her husband

D. She wanted to make her own bread

2. After her daughter’s birth, the author thought ____ in the beginning.

    A. she should work harder

    B. she should continue her career as she used to

    C. she should stop working and care for her child

    D. she should become a more ambitious mother

3.From the passage, we can know that the author’s daughter ____.

    A. lives together with her mom now

    B. hasn’t begun to learn to speak so far

    C. always makes her mom heartbroken

    D. has given much comfort to her mom

4.The author wrote this passage in order to ____.

    A. complain about her present life

    B. show her love for her daughter

    C. keep a diary of her daughter’s growth

    D. present the hardships of a working mother

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A. The secret of a working mother

B. A working family is continuing

C. A husband’s support for his wife’s career

D. The comparison between the family and career for a mother


