2.(安徽省涡阳二中2010届高三第二次月考) Young man, if you hurry up , I think quite that you will catch the next train. A. that; probably B. this; certainly C. it; likely D. you; nearly 答案 C 查看更多



Internet has become part of young people’s life. You can do lots of things on line such as chatting, sending messages and emails, getting useful knowledge and information, buying things without going to the shops, visiting cool websites, and so on. But it’s also easy to be cheated online. Here’s a story about a girl named Mary.
Mary is an 18-year-old girl who lives in New York. The people in Mary’s family are so busy that they hardly have time to be with her. In fact, Mary is quite lonely. So she spends a lot of time on QQ.
Last year Mary made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and he lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Mary had a common interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot the time. David sent Mary a picture of “himself”: he was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.
Before David’s birthday, Mary wanted to give him a surprise. She flew to San Francisco. But when Mary knocked on David’s door, she found that the special friend was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim!
So when you make friends on the Internet, please be careful. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.
u    Don’t give your password to anyone else, and never let out the following information: your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information.
u    Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents’ permission. Never meet anyone you met online alone.
u    Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as if they were strangers.
u    Remember — not everything you read on the Internet is true.
【小题1】Why does Mary spend a lot of her time on QQ?

A.Because she feels lonely.
B.Because she doesn’t like learning.
C.Because she wants to make a boyfriend.
D.Because she likes computer games.
【小题2】Mary thought David was special because __________.
A.he was tall and good-looking B.he sent her a picture of himself
C.he was from San FranciscoD.he made her quite happy on QQ.
【小题3】It’s good for children to _________ on the Internet.
A.give password to others
B.get useful knowledge and information
C.give phone number to others
D.believe everything they read
【小题4】What shouldn’t be done when you are online according to the passage?
A.Sending messages and emails.
B.Visiting cool websites.
C.Giving your real name to others.
D.Treating everyone online as strangers.
【小题5】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Things might not be real on the Internet.
B.It’s not good to chat on QQ.
C.Don’t meet some one you get to know on QQ.
D.Don’t buy anything on line.


I have a friend named John Roberts who owns a horse ranch (牧马场)in San Ysidro.  The last time I was there he shared a story with me. “It is a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer. When he was a senior,he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.”

That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings,the stables and the track.  

“The next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, ‘See me after class.’”

  “The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, ‘Why did I receive an F?’”

  “The teacher said, ‘This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have to pay large stud fees. There‘s no way you could ever do it.’ Then the teacher added, ‘If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.’”

  “The boy went home and asked his father what he should do. His father said, ‘Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.’”

  “Finally,after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, ‘You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.‘”

  John continued, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.” He added, “If I had changed my paper at that time, maybe we would not have the chance to be here talking about the dreams .”

1.What was the boy’s goal described in his seven-page paper? (No more than 6 words)

2.Why did the teacher give him a F”?                    (No more than 14 words)

3.How did John’s father respond to his son’s puzzlement?    (No more than10 words)

4.What can we learn from the article?                    (No more than 8 words.)



Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fast.He was able to sell millions of models because be could produce them in large numbers at a time;that is,he made a great many cars of exactly the same kind.Ford’s father hoped that his son would become a farmer,but the young man did not like the idea and he went to Detroit(底特律)where he worked as a mechanic(机械师).By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first car.However,the car made in this way,the famous “Model T” did not appear until 1908-five years after Ford had started his great motor car factory.This car showed to be well-known that it remained unchanged for twenty years.Since Ford’s time,this way of producing cars in large numbers has become common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would otherwise be very expensive.
【小题1】    Henry Ford was the man to built _____ cars.

A.cheap and strongB.cheap and long
C.fast and expensiveD.strong and slow
【小题2】    Ford was able to sell millions of cars,because_____.
A.he made many great cars
B.his cars are many
C.he made lots of cars of the same kind
D.both A and B
【小题3】    The young man became a mechanic,_______.
A.which was his father’s will
B.which was against his own will
C.which was against his father’s will
D.which was the will of both
【小题4】    The “Model T” was very famous_____.
A.before 1908B.between 1982 and 1908
C.before 1892D.after 1908
【小题5】    Ford built his own car factory______
A.in 1903B.in 1908C.in 1913D.in 1897


The iPhone has become one of the most popular mobile phones in the United States. An 18-year-o1d student in California has used his knowledge of the device to create his own business,gaining national recognition for his work.
Vincent Quigg is the CEO of TechWorld. His company is kind of like a hospital for iPhones,specializing in customizing and repairing iPhones. Vincent Quigg launched TechWorld while in high school. “My mom became single a couple of years ago and I had to grow up. And in order to keep my lifestyle, I had to find different ways to keep my phone, keep a car, transportation and all that stuff. So I had to find ways to be entrepreneurial.” An organization cal1ed the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship. or NFTE, helped the young man get started. His mother, Carla Quigg: “He quit the class, which made me very disappointed.”
“It was extremely hard for myself to find a business to start and run with it. But once I had that ‘aha moment’or what I knew I wanted to go with, it was really easy and extremely fun.”
At the time, Vincent worked for the electronics store BestBuy. He says people always came into the store with broken electronic devices. He decided that repairing those devices was what he wanted to do. He not only re-registered for the NFTE class, but he also won the organization’s national competition for best young entrepreneur.His business has grown through word-of-mouth. Vincent says he now fixes up to l0 phones per week. He earns about $l,500 each month in sales. TechWorld has two other employees. Kacee Wheeler is one of them. He works on the technical side of the business while Vincent Quigg now deals with finances and planning. He says he wants to continue to grow his business.
【小题1】What is Vincent Quigg’s company specialized in?

A.Customizing and repairing iPhones.B.Advertising and selling iPhones.
C.Helping students set up business.D.Offering people medical advice.
【小题2】What drove Vincent to start his own business?
A.His special family education background.
B.The need to keep his former way of 1ife.
C.The desire to be the CEO of a company.
D.The encouragement from another company.
【小题3】What does the underlined phrase “aha moment” probably mean?
A.The moment to celebrate success.
B.The moment to comp1ain hardship.
C.The moment to have a great idea.
D.The moment to have great fun.
【小题4】What can we 1earn from the text?
A.Vincent started his own business with the help of his col1ege.
B.Vincent went through great difficulty in the beginning.
C.Vincent promotes his business by large scale advertisements.
D.Vincent’s mother was disappointed by his achievement.


Choosing the right job is probably one of the most important decisions we have to make in life, and it is frequently one of the hardest decisions we have to make. One important question that you might ask yourself is: “How do I get a good job?”__【小题1】__.
There are people who can answer an insignificant(无关紧要的) advertisement in the local paper and land the best job in the world; others write to all sorts of places all over the country, and never seem to get a reply at all. Still others believe that the in person, door­to­door approach is by far the best way to get a job; and then there are those who, through no active decision of their own, just seem to be in the right place at the right time. __【小题2】__. He used to spend a lot of his free time down by the sea watching the tall ships, but never thinking that he might one day sail one of them. His father was a farmer, and being a sailor could never be anything for the boy but an idle dream. One day, on his usual wandering, he heard the captain of the ship complaining that he could not sail because one member of his crew was sick. Without stopping to think, the lad(少年)offered to take his place. __【小题3】__.
__【小题4】__. If the lad had gone home to ponder(考虑)his decision for a week, he may have missed his chance. It is one thing to be offered an opportunity; it is another thing to take it and use it well.
Sometimes we hear stories about people who break all the rules and still seem to land plum jobs(美差). When you go for a job interview or fill out an application, you are expected to say nice things about the company to which you are applying. __【小题5】__. And within a year this person had become general manger of the company.

A.This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself.
B.People find jobs in an infinite number of ways.
C.It’s almost impossible to find a good job by answering advertisement in newspapers
D.Take for example the young man who wanted to be a sailor.
E.But there was one person who landed an excellent job by telling the interviewer all the company's faults.
F.He spent the rest of his life happily sailing the ships he had always loved.
G.It is very important to seize an opportunity when it presents itself.

