2.(贵州省崇文中学2010届高三10月月考) -What do you think of Spain? -Well, considering its diverse cultures, it is an attractive country, worthy of a visit. A. it B. one C. this D. that 答案 B 查看更多






56. How many days will the two jazz masters perform in Hong Kong?

A. 2 days.          B. 3 days.            C. 4 days.          D. 5 days.

57. You can get a ticket except that ________.

A. you go and buy one at the ticket office           B. you book online

C. you call and pay with your credit card            D. you wait to get one for free

58. Why will the two jazz masters perform in Hong Kong?

A. Because they meet in there after not seeing each other for 40 years.

B. It’s for Hong Kong Arts Festival.

C. Because they can’t live without music.

D. It just happens that they two are performing there.

