I know you don't like her but try not to make so obvious. A.this B.her C.it D.one 答案 C 查看更多



Collecting information about pre-employment and filling out an application form are closely connected, However, filling out an application form is much easier because you have total control and have enough time to think and plan.

  That you are given a form to fill out does not necessarily mean that you have to answer all the questions in it. If the form contains unclear questions or terms and conditions, you can make some changes before signing(签约)it, or refuse to answer some of the questions. What you must realize is that those terms and conditions have been written by highly paid lawyers. Each word is important, or it would not be there; and you can be sure that there is not anything there that is written with your interests in mind.

  I know what I speak of because, as a lawyer for Litton Industries. I wrote the terms and conditions that were printed on the back of order forms, I wrote the most tiring terms and conditions anyone has ever seen. Still, 90 percent of the buyers would just sign on them without questioning anything. If anyone questioned them, we would reach an agreement on something that was acceptable to both sides.

  So when you see a preprinted application that contains questions or terms and conditions, read it all and read it slowly. If you don’t like something, you can simply change the parts you don’t like, Remember that everything can be settled by discussion. To what degree it can be settled depends on your position, of course, and that is something only you can determine.

1.Filling out application forms is much “easier” because_______.

A. everything connected with application forms is easier

B. you can control the form filling with enough time

C. you can plan and have control of the needed time

D. it is easier to collect information about pre-employment

2.We can learn from the underlined part “Each word is important” that _______.

A. questions in a form must be answered

B. everything in a form must be read carefully

C. the conditions that interest you are changeable

D. something of your interests is most important

3.It can be inferred from the 4th paragraph that_______.

A. you must change a preprinted application before it is discussed

B. questions in a form are more important

C. you have little right to determine the conditions you like most

D. it depends on yourself to settle things in a form




  From Monday till Friday most people are busy__1__or studying, __2__in the evenings and on weekends they___3___enjoy ___4___. Some watch TV or go to movies; others engage in sports. It ___5___ individual(个人的)interests. ___6___ many different ways to spend our spare time.

  Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be anything ___7___collecting stamps___8___model airplanes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others___9___anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money, others are ___10___only to___11___.

  I know a man who has a coin___12___worth seven thousand dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece worth 250 dollars! He was very happy about that and thought the price was___13___. On the other hand, my younger brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I___14___if they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are extremely___15___ ___16___makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

  That's___17___a hobby means, I guess. It is something we like to do in our spare time simply___18___of it.___ 19___in dollars is not important but the pleasure it___20___us is important.

(1)A.with    working      


   C.At    working

D.with    work      







   C.are    thought to

D.are    free to





(5)A.depends    on      

B.is    of      



(6)A.Everyone    has      

B.There    has      

   C.There    are      

D.People    invent      

(7)A.for    example      

B.such    as      



(8)A.to    making      

B.and    make

   C.to    make      

D.besides    making      

(9)A.are    not

B.are    not worthy

   C.don't    cost      

D.aren't    cost





(11)A.their    own      

B.their    owners      











(14)A.am    sure
















(18)A.to    Enjoy      

B.for    pleasure      

    C.for    the fun      

D.to    please ourselves      

(19)A.The    value      

B.The    money      

    C.The    expenses      

D.The    cost      

(20)A.that    gives      



D.is    given      


-The girls in blue are our new classmates.? 

-I know _____.?

  A. these   B. so  C. such   D. that


Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftops. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about what a pity it was that most city people? Myself included? Usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.
My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.
 I know the feeling. Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campfires outside every night, and indoors when it was too cold outside. The moon grew to its fullest during our trip. Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys. Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard. It was one of the quietest places I have ever known, a bottomless well of silence. And above me was the full moon, which struck me deeply.
Today our lives are filled with glass, metal, plastic and fibre-glass. We have televisions, cell phones, pagers, electricity, heaters and ovens and air-conditioners, cars, computers.
Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day, most of it spent indoors, I thought: before long, I would like to live in a small cottage. There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains And perhaps write, but not in anger. I may become an old man there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons. But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.
71.The best title for the passage would be______.
A. Touched by the moon
B. The pleasures of modern life
C. A bottomless well of silence
D. Break away from modern life
72. The writer felt sorry for himself because________.
A. there was too many pollution
B. he failed to see the fullest moon
C. he didn’t adapt to modern inventions
D. there were too accidents on the road
73. What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?
A. No modern equipment     B. Complete silence.
C. The nice moonlight        D. The high mountains
74. Modern things (Paragraph 4) are mentioned mainly to______.
A. show that the writer likes city life very much
B. tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life
C. explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature
D. show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them
75. The author wrote the passage to_______.
A. express the feeling of returning to nature
B. show the love for the moonlight
C. advise modern people to learn to live
D. want to communicate longing for modern life



Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftops. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about what a pity it was that most city people? Myself included? Usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.

My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.

 I know the feeling. Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campfires outside every night, and indoors when it was too cold outside. The moon grew to its fullest during our trip. Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys. Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard. It was one of the quietest places I have ever known, a bottomless well of silence. And above me was the full moon, which struck me deeply.

Today our lives are filled with glass, metal, plastic and fibre-glass. We have televisions, cell phones, pagers, electricity, heaters and ovens and air-conditioners, cars, computers.

Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day, most of it spent indoors, I thought: before long, I would like to live in a small cottage. There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains And perhaps write, but not in anger. I may become an old man there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons. But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.

71.The best title for the passage would be______.

A. Touched by the moon

B. The pleasures of modern life

C. A bottomless well of silence

D. Break away from modern life

72. The writer felt sorry for himself because________.

A. there was too many pollution

B. he failed to see the fullest moon

C. he didn’t adapt to modern inventions

D. there were too accidents on the road

73. What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?

A. No modern equipment     B. Complete silence.

C. The nice moonlight        D. The high mountains

74. Modern things (Paragraph 4) are mentioned mainly to______.

A. show that the writer likes city life very much

B. tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life

C. explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature

D. show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them

75. The author wrote the passage to_______.

A. express the feeling of returning to nature

B. show the love for the moonlight

C. advise modern people to learn to live

D. want to communicate longing for modern life


