A. win B. succeed C. get D. wish 查看更多



Micro-blog is no longer simply a platform for self-expression, gossip and networking, as it is becoming an increasingly fierce battlefield for businesses wanting to promote their products and services.

Over the last year, micro-blogging has become wildly popular in China, with some 65 million China based micro-blog accounts registered(注册登记) by the end of 2010 and the number is growing by more than 10 million each month, according to Data Center of the China Internet (DCCI).

At present, China’s largest web portal Sina claims to have 5,000 company micro-blog users, including Starbucks, Channel, and IKEA. On the micro-blog pages of the companies, visitors can not only view advertisements, but also see consumer feedback (反馈) and even commentaries on hot social issues.

E-commerce (电子商务) expert Lu Bowang says micro-blogging has opened a whole new dimension of marketing. Through micro-blogs, companies can quickly grasp the attention of potential consumers and interact with them on a regular basis so to develop a friendly link with consumers, Lu said.

An Internet surfer nicknamed Xiaoben posted on his micro-blog page that he enjoyed drinking Puer tea, and within 10 minutes, a micro-blogger who owned an online shop selling Puer tea recommended his shop to Xiaoben. “It is a little bit like magic. I just make a wish, and then I get a micro-blog response.”

However, with more and more people micro-blogging to make money, experts warn that marketing via micro-blog could be a double-edged sword.

Huang Heshui, professor from Xiamen University says micro-blogging is highly personal and private, and that too many advertising messages can annoy micro-blog users leading them to dislike certain brands.

Further, a brand can be as easily damaged as established through micro-blogging, as consumers’ negative feedback about a certain product or company can be very quickly spread in the micro-blog community, Huang added.

The micro-blog managers should set up some rules and regulation to supervise micro-blog marketing, and at the same time, business organizations need to strengthen self-discipline(自律) and try to build up an honesty-based business culture, e-commerce expert Lu Bowang suggested.


1. By the end of March. 2011, the number of registered accounts based in China probably has

increased to __________.

A. 65,000,000     B. 10,000,000    C. 5,000      D. 95, 000,000

2. What is the purpose of telling Xiaoben's experience ?

A. To indicate how fast he got the tea.     

B. To strengthen micro-blog based marketing. 

C. To show the win-win situation in micro-blog marketing.    

D. To persuade people to make a wish through micro-blog.

3. From what Professor Huang says, we can learn that_______.

A. Advertising information will lead to micro-bloggers' great anger

B. A brand's reputation can be easily damaged because it's founded through micro-blogging

C. Consumers' reaction plays a vital role in a company's survival in the micro-blog community.

D. Self-discipline requires enhancing if business is to succeed through micro-blogging.

4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Micro-Blog: A Double-Edged Sword  B. Business Online

C. A Fierce Battlefield         D. Micro-Blog Makes its Way to Business



I believe influence is the union of power and purpose. As a TV star, magazine founder, businesswoman and celebrity, Oprah Winfrey certainly has power. But most important, she has purpose—a lasting commitment to the principles of goodness and generosity that goes beyond any one individual. ① I have sat with Oprah in interviews and in my home. I have felt her warmth, and I am always moved by her deep love for others. She makes you want to invite her into your life—and she invites you into hers.

Oprah’s story is America’s story: a young girl from Mississippi, who grew up without electricity or running water but realized her promise through education and achieved her dreams in liberty. Oprah, 52, reminds us that we who prosper in freedom have a moral responsibility to help others who have the desire to succeed but just need an opportunity. ②  Oprah is helping create those opportunities. Out of her own pocket, she built new homes—and gave new hope—to 65 families who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina. ③ And just last year, Oprah launched a successful campaign to help victims of abuse find the justice they deserve, so they can move on with confidence.

For most people, Oprah’s influence is less direct but no less meaningful. Those are the millions of ordinary men and women who wish to improve themselves—to become better parents, kinder friends and stronger individuals. For those people, Oprah is an inspiration. She has struggled with many of the challenges that we all face, and she has transformed her life. ④ Her message is powerful: I did it, and so can you. So who, then, is Oprah Winfrey? She is a woman of moral character and a source of strength for millions of her admirers. Her life and her work are evidences to the greatness of her generous heart. She is influential, to be sure. And she is someone I am deeply honored to call my friend.

63. Through this passage the author intended _________.

A. to show her encouragement to Winfrey Oprah

B. to summarize the whole life of Winfrey Oprah

C. to introduce Winfrey Oprah as a friend and her shows 

D. to show her appreciation of Winfrey Oprah

64. Which of the following story is America’s story in the author’s eyes?

A. Rich young girls from Mississippi gain success in their life.

B. Poor young girls achieve their success through hard work.

C. Rich young men experience hardship and win success.

D. Poor young men pursue higher education but get nothing.

65. The supporting sentence “In South Africa, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls will educate a new generation of women leaders.” should be placed at _______.

A. ①                                 B. ②                          C. ③                          D. ④

66. Through the underlined part “I did it”, the author means that Winfrey Oprah is saying ________.

A. I managed to overcome the challenges                       

B. I encouraged parents, friends and individuals

C. I created many opportunities to help people          

D. I was admired as a source of strength



  If there is any single factor that makes success in living, it is the ability to be benefited by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze (分析) defeat and actually learn something from it in this next undertaking (从事的工作). Wrongly taking defeat for failure, you are sure indeed to fail, for it isn't defeat that makes you fail; it is your own refusal to see the guide and encouragement to success in defeat.

  Defeats are nothing to be afraid of. They are common incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to get rid of its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing can cause within us such a strong wish to succeed. If you let a baby grasp a stick and try to pull it away, he will hold it more and more tightly until his whole weight is hung up. It is this same reaction that should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you make full use of the power which defeat gives, you can complete with it far more than you are able to.

1.What does the writer know?

[  ]

A.He knows at least several examples of success.

B.He knows every success in life.

C.He knows every success that has been achieved by man.

D.It is not referred to.

2.The person who is able to analyze defeat is likely ________ .

[  ]

A.to achieve success

B.to be afraid of his defeat

C.to let a baby grasp a stick

D.to make a living

3.The writer ________ .

[  ]

A.advises you to mix defeat with failure

B.asks you to compare defeat with success

C.wants you to wrongly take defeat for failure

D.warns you not to wrongly take defeat for failure

4.Defeat is valuable ________ .

[  ]

A.because it makes you fail

B.because it forces you to face it

C.because it gives the guide and encouragement to success

D.because of your own refusal to see in it the guide and encouragement to success

5.What does the writer advise to do with the power which defeat gives ?

[  ]

A.One should explain it.

B.One should examine it.

C.One should use it to win success.

D.One should know it's useful.




       When I moved into an empty dormitory for the first time two years ago, I was certain of a few things.Firstly, I realized that I didn’t  1anybody at the school.Secondly, I knew that I wanted to work hard at my lessons and learn something useful.And thirdly, I wanted to have a good time with new classmates, without my parents around.

       The first  2frightened me in the beginning.But that  3quickly disappeared.It was the other two goals  4ended up being my difficulties.I knew that it was hard to devote enough time to class and to social efforts.But I wanted to  5in both.I knew this would be a  6, but I didn’t realize how much until classes began.

       I got on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm. 7, instead of finishing my homework  8it was due, I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor.I always finished it the next day between classes.I knew it wasn’t very good and the grade I  9showed my lack of effort.

       I was  10that I needed to find some sort of balance.So I created a schedule that would  11my time up between going to class, doing homework, and relaxing.It seemed like a good idea, but I was only able to  12it for a few days.A schedule like that was too much pressure.

       So I tried another 13.Each week I made a list of everything I had to get done during that week.Then, under the list of things I had to get done, I made a list of things I could do if I had time.

       This is the method I have used since then.I’m glad that I’ve learned to  14things and it has  15prepare me for what is to come after graduation.

1.A.know                  B.recognize          C.realize               D.like

2.A.teacher                  B.day                   C.class                D.realization

3.A.happiness               B.excitement         C.fear              D.desire

4.A.which                  B.what                C.that                  D.who

5.A.win                      B.succeed            C.get                   D.wish

6.A.chance                  B.job                   C.challenge           D.time

7.A.Often                   B.Seldom             C.Unluckily           D.Fortunately

8.A.because                  B.when               C.after                D.before

9.A.demanded              B.took                 C.accepted            D.received

10.A.asleep                  B.awake              C.ashamed            D.aware

11.A.fix                      B.divide               C.put                  D.build

12.A.use                     B.keep                 C.follow               D.make

13.A.plan                    B.energy              C.pressure            D.effort

14.A.do                      B.control             C.balance             D.hold

15.A.had                    B.helped              C.let                    D.forced



There are three kinds of goals: short-term, intermediate and long-term goals. Short-term goals are those that usually deal with present activities. Such goals can be achieved in a week or two, or possible months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation (基础), our long-term goals cannot be achieved without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the time and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school years, or they could extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you never allow yourself to become discouraged. As you complete each step, you will have more belief in your ability to grow and succeed.

Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static (静态的) thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

1. The long-term goals mean______.

A. something static and easy to get if we complete our short-term goals

B. something easy to reach if we complete a short-term goal in time

C. nothing but our dreams of future

D. a lot, such as a dream, and aspiration (热望) or a wish in our life

2.When we complete each step of our goals, ______.

A. we will win final success            B. we become down-hearted

C. we should encourage ourselves        D. we should think about changing our goals

3. It is the most important for us students to have ___________ first.

    A. long-term goals                  B. intermediate goals

    C. short-term goals                 D. dreams of future

4.Which of the following titles is best for this passage?

A. Three Kinds of Goals         B. How to Reach Goals

C. Changeable Goals             D. Moveable Goals


