A. hope B. dream C. achievement D. wish 查看更多




Nicknamed the Golden Music Boy, 21-year-old Hu Yanbin, was born and grew up in Shanghai. At the age of 15, he made a       21     that he would make his own album before he was 18. Fortunately, the      22       boy’s dream came true. His first album Adept with Both Pen and Sword       23      in 2002 and he became the first mainland artist to     24        a solo album in the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan     25       at the same time. The album   26    him to become a popular star.

His success is not only because of his excellent singing       27      , but also because of his talent in song      28      .

Before his album was made, Hu Yanbin’s      29        company tried to invite someone else to write several songs     30      him.  None of them were as good as they’d hoped.   31    Hu Yanbin came into the office with a guitar on his back and played several songs.  32     , everyone in the office really liked these tunes and they decided to    33    them on his first album.

Some people would    34   this rising star with Jay Chou from Taiwan, but Hu says his musical      35     is quite different from Jay Chou’s,       36      he likes Jay Chou’s music. With many music awards already in his     37    , Hu Yanbin seems to be     38     up with many of the superstars in the country. Though some people don’t like him and say    39    things about him, he says that it doesn’t     40     him. All he plans to do is focusing on his music and bringing out more and better songs for his fans.

21. A. hope      B. dream       C. achievement      D. wish

22. A. clever     B. talented      C. determined       D. fearless

23. A. came up   B. came over    C. came about       D. came out

24. A. realize    B. dismiss       C. release          D. gain

25. A. even      B. all          C. still             D. yet

26. A. wanted    B. expected     C. desired           D helped

27. A. skills      B. ideas        C. means           D. methods

28. A. playing    B. making      C. writing           D. feeling

29. A. concert    B. record       C. music            D. performance

30. A. to        B. about        C. with             D. for

31. A. But      B. And          C. Thus            D. Then

32. A. To his surprise             B. In a word

C. To be honest                 D. In reality

33. A. take      B. include      C. contain            D. seize

34. A. praise     B. provide     C. compare          D. cheer

35. A. ability     B. taste        C. form            D. style

36. A. as though   B even though   C in case           D now that

37. A. pockets     B. mind       C. sight           D. heart

38. A. keeping     B. coming     C. catching        D. doing

39. A. nice       B. strange      C. some           D. bad

40. A. bother     B. mind        C. care            D. ruin



II. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)



At the beginning of a new year, I always ask my Chinese friends what their expectations are. I am  21 to realize that, they all dream of owning a car. Most of them  22   that sooner or later every Chinese family can acquire a car.

I don’t by any means contest the  23  of  Chinese people to enjoy the same housing conditions, household appliances and other goods that are available in developed countries. But it seems obvious that many of them have related to the mass ownership of  24   autos.

I know that it’s not   25   to sacrifice our personal comfort and open our minds to consider what is good for an entire  26    , rather than just for ourselves. But I would not   27   to the further pollution of Beijing by owning a car. And if I were to return to Montreal, I would not buy a car there either.

In today’s China owning a car is seen as a symbol of  28    and success. I wish Chinese people would acquire the maturity to reject that idea, and make their  29  towards developing a good public transportation system. The country needs more trains, more buses and more subways. That is the only way to get out of the traffic  30 .

21. A. delighted            B. surprised         C. satisfied                    D. frightened

22. A. hope                B. suggest              C. require                     D. encourage

23. A. trends               B. hobbies          C. rights                D. duties

24. A. modern              B. fashionable          C. public               D. private

25. A. difficult             B. easy                   C. convenient            D. suitable

26. A. organization          B. family              C. society               D. country

27. A. belong              B. contribute           C. stick                 D. devote

28. A. wealth               B. glory               C. treasure              D. achievement

29. A. ways                B. decisions            C. turns                 D. efforts

30. A. accident             B. jam              C. way                 D. system



II. 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分35分)

第一节 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)


           At the beginning of a new year, I always ask my Chinese friends what their expectations are. I am  21 to realize that, they all dream of owning a car. Most of them  22   that sooner or later every Chinese family can acquire a car.

I don’t by any means contest the  23  of  Chinese people to enjoy the same housing conditions, household appliances and other goods that are available in developed countries. But it seems obvious that many of them have related to the mass ownership of  24   autos.

I know that it’s not   25   to sacrifice our personal comfort and open our minds to consider what is good for an entire  26    , rather than just for ourselves. But I would not   27   to the further pollution of Beijing by owning a car. And if I were to return to Montreal, I would not buy a car there either.

In today’s China owning a car is seen as a symbol of  28    and success. I wish Chinese people would acquire the maturity to reject that idea, and make their  29  towards developing a good public transportation system. The country needs more trains, more buses and more subways. That is the only way to get out of the traffic  30 .

21. A. delighted             B. surprised          C. satisfied                     D. frightened

22. A. hope                 B. suggest               C. require                      D. encourage

23. A. trends                B. hobbies           C. rights                 D. duties

24. A. modern               B. fashionable           C. public                D. private

25. A. difficult              B. easy                     C. convenient             D. suitable

26. A. organization           B. family               C. society                D. country

27. A. belong               B. contribute            C. stick                  D. devote

28. A. wealth                B. glory                C. treasure               D. achievement

29. A. ways                 B. decisions             C. turns                  D. efforts

30. A. accident              B. jam               C. way                  D. system

