A. day B. week C. time D. second 查看更多



A teacher of English as a second language is the 2004 Teacher of the Year in the United States .Kathy Mellor of Rhode Island will spend the next year as an international spokeswoman for education. President Bush and his wife, Laura ,honored her during a ceremony at the White House last week.

   For the past nineteen years ,Kathy Mellor has taught English as a second language at Davisville Middle School in North Kingstown, Rhode Island ,in the northeastern United States .She redesigned the program for E.S.L students at her school to provide each student with one to three periods per day in classes for English learners .How much instruction the students get depends on their level of skill in listening ,speaking ,reading and writing. The amount of time they spend in these classes in reduced as their level of English increases.

   A teacher describes this as the most successful E.S.L. program in North Kingstown. She also praises Kathy Mellor for providing help to students and their families by forming a local parents group for speakers of other languages .This improved their ability to help their children.

   Kathy Mellor earned a master’s degree in education from Rhode Island College. She studied teaching English as a second language.

   She was chosen for the national honor of Teacher of the Year from among top teachers in each of the fifty states .As Teacher of the Year ,Kathy Mellor will travel around the United States and to other countries .She will talk about the importance of education and the work of teachers.

This passage is mainly about________.

    A.Teacher of the Year 2004 in the United States

    B.Ms Mellor’s English teaching instruction

    C.Ms Mellor’s teaching skills of learning English

    D.praises to Ms Mellor from other teachers

What does “E.S.L.” in the passage stand for?

    A.English study learners.             B.English speaking and listening.

    C.English special learners.           D.English as a second language.

From this passage we can learn that ________.

    A.middle school teachers from each state are honored Teachers of the Year

    B.middle school teachers in the USA have to get master’s degrees

    C.Ms Mellor’s students have no problems in learning English

D.the American government pays much attention to education


A teacher of English as a second language is the 2004 Teacher of the Year in the United States.Kathy Mellor of Rhode Island will spend the next year as an international spokeswoman for education.President Bush and his wife,Laura,honored her during a ceremony(仪式)at the White House last week.

For the past nineteen years,Kathy Mellor has taught English as a second language at Davisville Middle School in North Kingstown,Rhode Island,in the northeastern United States.She redesigned the program for E.S.L students at her school to provide each student with one to three periods per day in classes for English learners.How much instruction the students get depends on their level of skill in listening,speaking,reading and writing.The amount of time they spend in these classes is reduced as their level of English increases.

A teacher describes this as the most successful E.S.L.program in North Kingstown.She also praises Kathy Mellor for providing help to students and their families by forming a local parents group for speakers of other languages.This improved their ability to help their children.Kathy Mellor earned a master’s degree in education from Rhode Island College.She studied teaching English as a second language.

She was chosen for the national honor of Teacher of the Year from among top teachers in each of the fifty states.As Teacher of the Year,Kathy Mellor will travel around the United States and to other countries.She will talk about the importance of education and the work of teachers.

50.This passage is mainly about______.

A.Teacher of the Year 2004 in the United States

B.Ms Mellor’s English teaching instruction

C.Ms Mellor’s teaching skills of learning English

D.praises to Ms Mellor from other teachers

51.What does“E.S.L.”in the passage stand for?

A.English study learners.                               B.English speaking and listening.

C.English special learners.                           D.English as a second language.

52.From this passage we can learn that______.

A.middle school teachers from each state are honored Teachers of the Year

B.middle school teachers in the USA have to get master’s degrees

C.Ms Mellor’s students have no problems in learning English

D.the American government pays much attention to education


When companies do business overseas, they come in contact with people from different cultures.  These individuals often speak a different language and have their own particular custom and manners.  These differences can create problems.
For example, in France, business meetings begin immediately at the scheduled time and everyone is expected to be there.   Foreign business people who are slow in acting are often left outside to cool their heels as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness(准时). Unless one is aware of such expected behaviors he may end up insulting the people with whom he hopes to establish trade relations.
A second traditional problem is that of monetary conversions(货币兑换).  For example, if a trade is conducted with Russia, payment may be made in rubles.  Of course, this particular type of money used in Russia is of little value to the American firm.  It is, therefore, necessary to exchange the foreign money to American dollars.  How much are these Russian rubles worth in terms of dollars?  This exchange rate is determined by every market, where the money of countries are bought and sold.   Thus there is an established rate, although it is often different from day to day.  For example, the ruble may be worth 0.75 on Monday and 0.72 on Tuesday because of an announced wheat shortage in Russia.  In addition, there is the problem associated with exchange at 0.72.  Some financial institutions may be unwilling to pay this price, feeling that the ruble will sink much lower over the next week.   As a result, exchange may finally come at 0.69.   These "losses" must be accepted by the company as one of the costs of doing business overseas.
A third unique problem is trade barriers.  For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their borders.  Some trade barriers are directly related to exports.  For example, the United States permits strategic military material to be shipped abroad only after government permission has been obtained.  Most trade barriers, however, are designed to restrict import.  Two of the most common import barriers are quotas and tariffs.
76. The best title for the passage would be ___.
A. How to Succeed in International Trade
B. Monetary Conversion
C. Trade Barriers
D. Unique Problems in International Trade
77. In France, slow business people ___.
A. are often insulted
B. often suffer from coldness
C. are often left outdoors waiting
D. are often asked to polish their shoes
78. According to the passage, exchange rates ___.
A. seldom change
B. are determined by financial institutions
C. are agreed upon by two trading countries
D. vary from day to day
79. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. Misunderstanding may occur because of the culture differences.
B. Exchange rate can bring losses when doing international trade.
C. Most trade barriers are designed to restrict import.
D. All the exports must get the permission of the government.   .


It’s hardly surprising that weather is a favorite topic for so many people around the world---it affects where we choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our national characteristics.Studies have shown that changeable weather can make it difficult to concentrate, cloudy skies slow down reaction, and high humidity with hot, dry winds makes many people bad-tempered.
If you live in a place like Britain, where the weather seems to change daily if not hourly, you could be forgiven for thinking that the weather is random.In fact, the weather is controlled by systems which move around areas of the globe.In the UK the weather depends on depressions, often called lows, and anticyclones, also known as highs.These systems start in the Atlantic Ocean, and make their way across the British Isles from the west to the east.Highs bring sunny weather, while lows bring rain and wind.In modern times, human activities seem to be altering weather patterns.Gases produced by heavy industry change the temperature of the Earth’s surface, and affect cloud formation.Some researchers say that factories in Europe and North America may have been one of the causes of the droughts in Africa in the 1980s.
The human race has always tried to guess the weather, especially in areas of the world where there are frequent changes.Traditional rhymes point to early attempts to identify weather patterns, popular poems include:
Red sky at night, shepherds’ delight; red sky in the morning, shepherds’ warning.
Flies will swarm before a storm.
Rain before 7, clear by 11.
While folk wisdom can still provide a guide to help forecast weather, today’s methods of prediction increasingly rely on technology.Satellites, balloons, ships, aircrafts and weather centers with sensitive monitoring equipment, send data to computers.The data is then processed, and the weather is predicted.However, even this system cannot predict weather for longer than about a week.
66.When weather keeps changing, _____________.
A.people become bad-tempered
B.people’s reaction slows down
C.people find it hard to focus on their work
D.people become hungrier
67.What is mainly talked about in the second paragraph?
A.Changes in weather.     B.Weather in Britain.
C.African droughts.  D.Research on weather.
68.The weather in Britain is _______________.
A.random    B.moist C.depressing D.satisfying
69.According to a traditional rhyme, if there is a red sky at night, the next day will be _______.
A.windy      B.rainy C.fine   D.snowy
70.Which of the following statements is true?
A.Anticyclones often bring rain and wind.
B.Weather forecasting has been done for a long time.
C.Weather could never be predicted.
D.Modern methods of weather prediction are developed from folk wisdom.



It’s hardly surprising that weather is a favorite topic for so many people around the world---it affects where we choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our national characteristics.Studies have shown that changeable weather can make it difficult to concentrate, cloudy skies slow down reaction, and high humidity with hot, dry winds makes many people bad-tempered.

If you live in a place like Britain, where the weather seems to change daily if not hourly, you could be forgiven for thinking that the weather is random.In fact, the weather is controlled by systems which move around areas of the globe.In the UK the weather depends on depressions, often called lows, and anticyclones, also known as highs.These systems start in the Atlantic Ocean, and make their way across the British Isles from the west to the east.Highs bring sunny weather, while lows bring rain and wind.In modern times, human activities seem to be altering weather patterns.Gases produced by heavy industry change the temperature of the Earth’s surface, and affect cloud formation.Some researchers say that factories in Europe and North America may have been one of the causes of the droughts in Africa in the 1980s.

The human race has always tried to guess the weather, especially in areas of the world where there are frequent changes.Traditional rhymes point to early attempts to identify weather patterns, popular poems include:

Red sky at night, shepherds’ delight; red sky in the morning, shepherds’ warning.

Flies will swarm before a storm.

Rain before 7, clear by 11.

While folk wisdom can still provide a guide to help forecast weather, today’s methods of prediction increasingly rely on technology.Satellites, balloons, ships, aircrafts and weather centers with sensitive monitoring equipment, send data to computers.The data is then processed, and the weather is predicted.However, even this system cannot predict weather for longer than about a week.

66.When weather keeps changing, _____________.

A.people become bad-tempered

B.people’s reaction slows down

C.people find it hard to focus on their work

D.people become hungrier

67.What is mainly talked about in the second paragraph?

A.Changes in weather.     B.Weather in Britain.

C.African droughts.  D.Research on weather.

68.The weather in Britain is _______________.

A.random    B.moist C.depressing D.satisfying

69.According to a traditional rhyme, if there is a red sky at night, the next day will be _______.

A.windy      B.rainy C.fine   D.snowy

70.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Anticyclones often bring rain and wind.

B.Weather forecasting has been done for a long time.

C.Weather could never be predicted.

D.Modern methods of weather prediction are developed from folk wisdom.


