A. no one B. anyone C. everyone D. someone 查看更多




A.   Decide to Be Happy

B.   Lower Your Expectations

C.   Learn to Enjoy the Moment

D.   Look for the Good in Everything

E.   Let People Deal with Their Own Problems

F.   Focus More on What You Can Control Than on What You Can’t

So many times I hear people say that they will be happy once a certain event occurs. They think that once they move into a new house, start their new job, travel or retire they will be happy. But it doesn’t work that way.

If you truly want to be happy, here’s what to do.



You are not just a victim of circumstances or your emotions. Think about it this way. If you are in a horrible argument with someone, and the person you most respect enters the room, what will happen? The fighting will likely stop immediately, your mood will change, and so will your behavior. You do have control, and you are the one who decides how you will face the day!



We are never disappointed unless we have expectations. If you base your emotions on the need for certain things to happen, you will likely be let down most of the time. Instead, work hard, and treat everything good that happens as a bonus for which you can be thankful.



Don’t get too wrapped up in issues involving friends or family. We are each responsible for our own lives, and even when someone makes a bad mistake, it is not up to you to make things better. And remember that worry doesn’t help anyone!



You might not be satisfied with your income, but there’s no point complaining about it. Improve your diploma so that you can get a better job in the future. You may have an incurable illness, such as diabetes, but the fact that it’s incurable doesn’t mean that it cannot be managed.



   You don’t have to be a Pollyanna(盲目乐观者)about life, but you can see the bright side of almost every situation if you just make a point of looking for it. Happiness is not an uncatchable mouse! Once you have made up your mind that you are going to be happy despite what is going on around you, the task becomes easier. One of the key things to remember is that happiness doesn’t come from outside but begins on the inside and actually spread outward, and can influence everyone around you in a positive manner.



Crystal, one of my classmates, came into my class last year.Honestly, she was unfavorably impressed (给……留下印象) on me in the beginning.She was short and had fairly dark skin.She was just sitting in front of me.She didn’t say much, and yet I almost always saw smiles on her face every day.I hardly spoke to her for about one week since she joined us.Anyone else in my class didn’t, either, but it seemed that she never paid attention to this.She always smiled at everyone.

One day, we all studied overtime.“It is raining again! What a day!” someone complained (抱怨).Turning around, she said, “Do you have an umbrella, Jenny?” “No,” I answered.Then she was out of the classroom.After a while, I saw her entering the classroom with an umbrella in her hand.She walked up to me.“Here you are! And the rain is heavy now.You’d better wait a second, otherwise you’ll get drenched to the skin,” she said and gave her face a wipe .I stood up beside the desk and couldn’t say anything at that moment.I was very uneasy.“Th-th-thank you,” I said after some minutes.She gave me a bright smile.

After that, she has been my little sister.She is good at English, though her pronunciation is not very good.But I learn her strong points to make up my weaknesses.We have become good friends.

1.Jenny didn’t speak to Crystal for one week in the beginning because____.

  A.Crystal was a new student in class

  B.she didn’t like Crystal to sit in front of her

  C.all her classmates didn’t speak to Crystal

  D.Crystal didn’t leave her a good impression

2.From the passage, we can know that Crystal____.

  A.speaks English very beautifully

  B.is not pleasant to look at

  C.cares much about the ways others look at her

  D.is liked by all her classmates

3.The underlined word “drenched” in the second paragraph probably means___.

  A.wet     B.hurt     C.caught    D.burnt

4.When Jenny received the umbrella, she felt___.

  A.uncomfortable         B.disappointed C.excited     D.satisfied



Cheerful Charlie was a very special boy. When he was still in his mother’s tummy (肚子), she had had an accident, which  36 that Charlie couldn’t walk. But that had never been a(n)  37 for him; he had always been happy. When he became older, they had started calling him Cheerful Charlie because of his joyful and  38 nature. He really brightened everything up for those around him.

There wasn’t a postman, or a taxi driver who wasn’t  39 to see Charlie. “Cheer up, Mr. Postman, that way you’ll  40 more letters today!” he would say, or “That was great, Mr. Taxi Driver. You  41 that thing better than anyone else.” He also had great ideas and  42 for everything; and he shared them so  43 that, just about every day in that town, someone did a great job, or  44 something new, thanks to Charlie’s ideas.

    One day, though, he came up against a real  45 . A young boy came to town on his holidays. He was known as Waterworks and was a real crybaby. No matter what Charlie said to him, Waterworks would always find some  46 to be sad: “I don’t have many sweets…my parents didn’t buy me that toy…” Everything seemed so bad to him. But Cheerful Charlie wasn’t going to be  47 , and he kept spending more time with Waterworks,  48 trying to cheer him up, just as he did with everyone.

    Then, one day, when they were together in the street, someone  49 a pie from a window above by chance, and it landed  50 on Charlie’s head. He got such a fright that he couldn’t even move his lips. He was speechless, and  51 Waterworks was just about to cry, he  52 Charlie’s happy words so much that he finally said, “Wow, Charlie, that’s a nice clown mask (小丑面具) you just  53 !”

    On saying those words, Waterworks felt so  54 that he finally understood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful. He realized that he was so used to Charlie’s enthusiasm that he couldn’t help but see the fun  55 of everything.

36. A. reflected       B. meant       C. told          D. predicted

37. A. problem          B. mistake     C. excuse          D. topic

38. A. sensitive        B. humorous      C. responsible   D. enthusiastic

39. A. surprised       B. moved       C. pleased       D. disappointed

40. A. send          B. write         C. print         D. find

41. A. paint          B. play          C. park          D. repair

42. A. theories       B. solutions       C. comments     D. impressions

43. A. eagerly        B. carefully       C. quickly        D. generously

44. A. cleared        B. noticed        C. enjoyed     D. invented

45. A. difficulty       B. surprise      C. risk          D. disaster

46. A. means         B. reason       C. method     D. value

47. A. let down       B. taken up     C. set free     D. driven away

48. A. hardly         B. quickly       C. constantly     D. specially

49. A. aimed         B. moved       C. threw        D. dropped

50. A. ahead          B. right         C. almost      D. even

51. A. because          B. but          C. therefore      D. although

52. A. missed        B. loved         C. envied      D. disliked

53. A. set on         B. put on        C. build up       D. make up

54. A. ordinary        B. sorry         C. good         D. curious

55. A. result          B. wonder       C. side         D. influence


     Everyone is looking for love.But what is real love? Maybe it's not an easy question for
us to answer.But remember,loving someone means accepting his or her success or failure.
     Freda Bright says,"Only in opera do people die of love." It's true.You really can't love
somebody to death.I've known people to die from no love,but I've never known anyone
to be loved to death.We just can't love one another enough.
     A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a
raise in salary.All day she felt __1__.Late in the afternoon she gathered the courage to
see her employer.To her delight,the boss __2__ to a raise.
     The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table __3__ with their best
dishes.Candles were __4__ glowing.Her husband had come home early and prepared
a festive meal.She wondered __5__ someone from her office had told him about the
__6__,or...did he just somehow know that she would not get __7__?
     She found him in the kitchen and told him the good news.They __8__ and kissed,
then sat down to the wonderful meal.Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully
lettered __9__.It read,"Congratulations,darling! I __10__ you'd get the raise! These
things will tell you how much I love you."__11__ the supper,her husband went into the
kitchen to clean up.She noticed that a second card had __12__ from his pocket.Picking
it off the floor,she read,"Don't __13__ about not getting the raise!You __14__ it
anyway!These things will tell you how much I love you."
     Someone has said that the __15__ of love is when you love without measure.What
this man feels for his wife is total __16__ and love,whether she succeeds or fails.His love
__17__ her victories and soothes (减轻) her __18__.He stands with her,no matter what
life __19__ in their direction.
      Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize,Mother Teresa said,"What can you do to
promote world __20__? Go home and love your family.And love your friends.Love
them without measure."
(     )1.A.nervous
(     )2.A.allowed
(     )3.A.made
(     )4.A.quickly
(     )5.A.that
(     )6.A.raise
(     )7.A.turned in
(     )8.A.looked
(     )9.A.letter
(     )10.A.knew
(     )11.A.Eating
(     )12.A.fallen
(     )13.A.cry
(     )14.A.received
(     )15.A.balance
(     )16.A.acceptance
(     )17.A.congratulates
(     )18.A.tiredness
(     )19.A.gives
(     )20.A.peace

B.turned down

C.turned over
C.pred icted
C .sympathy

D.turned up


The classroom is almost empty, where is _____?

A. someone    B. anyone

C. everyone    D. no one

