51.A.challenging B.exploring C.inspecting D.discovering 查看更多




I had my first job at the age of thirteen,when a friend of my mother who owned a bookshop hired me for six hours a week to help her in the shop.I was very     36   to earn my own pocket money and my parents never interfered with    37    I spent it,even when I was spending it foolishly.They    38    that by earning money,spending it,and learning from my mistakes,I would become more     39    and responsible about how to handle work,    40 with others,and money.

Like many American parents,my parents also let my brother and me do things over which they    41    a great deal.When I was sixteen,   42  ,after I finished high school and before I entered    43  ,I wanted to spend the summer months traveling around Europe.My mother was against the idea of my traveling     44   at such a young age,but my father felt that it would be a great    45   for me.In the end,my father won the argument on the condition that I    46   my  traveling to France,my mother’s home,where I had many relatives who could     47    shelter and help if I needed it.

Three years later,when he was eighteen,my brother decided to    48   a year off after his first year in university and   49   through the States and the Caribbean.Again my mother was worried to see my brother leave school,but my father encouraged him and my brother had a fantastic year   50   his way on trains and ships to earn passage to different ports and cities,and  51   many fascinating places and people.

Such experiences are    52    rare children in many countries,but in the US they are fairly   53   .Most parents start pushing their children at a young age to do small things by themselves.   54   they finish high school,many American kids have already had part-time jobs,traveled around the US or other countries on their own,    55   a university and maybe even decided on their future career

36.A.anxious                   B.proud                     C.disappointed            D.successful

37.A.how                             B.whether                  C.when                      D.where

38.A.suggested               B.explained                 C.believed                  D.mentioned

39.A.generous                 B.energetic                 C.creative                  D.mature

40.A.relationships            B.operations               C.instructions             D.situations

41.A.panicked                 B.suffered                  C.worried                  D.struggled

42.A.as a result                                   B.in reality                 

C.for example                                 D.on the whole

43.A.university                B.business                  C.politics                   D.market

44.A.along                      B.apart                       C.alone                      D.aboard

45.A.practice                  B.experience               C.performance           D.schedule

46.A.stopped                  B.turned                     C.devoted                  D.limited

47.A.support                   B.equip                      C.provide                   D.take

48.A.send                       B.take                        C.pick                       D.give

49.A.travel                      B.march                     C.explore                   D.push

50.A.finding                    B.working                  C.making                   D.forcing

51.A.challenging                                  B.exploring                

C.inspecting                                   D.discovering

52.A.probably                 B.nearly                     C.merely                    D.slightly

53.A.special                    B.usual                      C.common                 D.ordinary

54.A.At the moment                            B.On the occasion      

C.To the point                                D.By the time

55.A.attended                  B.selected                  C.finished                  D.joined

