A.Make B. Take C. Give D. Have 查看更多



A. Make plans.

B. Give yourself a break.

C. Expect the unexpected.

D. Remember what matters.

E. Remind yourself that doing things takes time.

F. Try to figure out why you will lose your patience.


We tend to lose our patience when we’re multi-tasking or when we’re on a tight schedule. If you’re stretching yourself too thin, you should reconsider your to-do list before you attempt to change your natural reaction to an overwhelming situation. Try to spread out your tasks so that you’re doing only one thing at a time. Pass on responsibilities to others if you can; this in itself may be a test of your patience, but you have to learn to share the load


People who are impatient are people who insist on getting things done now and don’t like to waste time. However, some things just can’t be rushed. Think about your happiest memories. Chances are, they were instances when your patience paid off, like when you worked steadily towards a goal that wasn’t immediately gratifying, or took a little extra time to spend leisurely with a loved one. Good things may not always come to those who wait, but most good things that do come don’t come right away


Yes, you have plans, but things don’t always work out as planned. Accept the twists and turns in life gracefully. Keep your expectations realistic. This applies not only to circumstances, but also the behavior of those around you. If you find yourself blowing up over your child or your spouse accidentally spilling a drink, you’re not in touch with the fact that people aren’t perfect. Even if the occasion is not an isolated incident but is instead caused by their repeated neglect and carelessness, losing your patience isn’t going to make it any better. That’s something to be addressed with discussion and self-control


First, take a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. Just sit quietly and think. Don’t watch television; don’t even read. Do nothing. It may be hard at first, and you may even feel pretty impatient after a minute or two, but by taking some time out you can essentially slow your world down, and that’s important to develop the attitude necessary to develop patience. Second, stop holding yourself and the world around you to unreachable standards. Sure, we’d all be more patient if babies didn’t cry, dishes didn’t break, computers didn’t crash, and people didn’t make mistakes ― but that’s never going to happen. Expecting the world to run smoothly is like beating your head against the wall.


Not focusing on what matters most in this life fuels impatience. Move the world toward peace by being kind, generous in forgiveness of others, being grateful for what is, and taking full advantage of what matters most. When other less important things fuel our impatience, taking time to remember any one of these items reduces our tendency to want something different right now


A TAXI driver taught me a million dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and expectation. Inspiring speakers charge thousands of dollars to give his kind of training to corporate directors and staff.  It cost me only a $12 taxi ride.

I had flown into Dallas just for the purpose of calling on a client. Time was important and my plan included a quick turn – around trip from and back to the airport. A clean taxi pulled up.

The driver rushed to open the passenger door for me and made sure I was comfortably seated before he closed the door. As be got in the driver’s seat, he mentioned that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me for my use. He then showed me several tapes and asked me what type of music I would enjoy.

Well! I looked around for a “Candid Camera!” Wouldn’t you? I could not believe the service I was receiving! I took the opportunity to say, “Obviously you take great pride in you work. You must have a story to tell.”

“You bet,” he replied, “I used to be in Corporate America. But I got tired of thinking my best would never be good enough. I decided to find my right position in life, somewhere I could feel proud of being the best I could be.

I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day’s work and done it well. I evaluated my personal property and, I became a taxi driver!

One thing I know for sure, to be good in my business I jus have to meet the expectations of my passengers. But, to be GREAT in my business, I have to EXEED the customer’s expectations! I like the sound of being ‘great’ better than just being ‘average’. ”

Did I tip him big time? You bet!

 The taxi driver taught me a great life lesson: Go an extra mile when providing any service to others. And there is no good or bad job you can make any job good.

What lesson did the author learn from the taxi driver?

    A.How to make the best use of time.

    B.How to do better in the service business.

    C.How to turn an interest into your career.

    D.How to become a motivational speaker.

Why did the author look around for a “Candid Camera”?

    A.Because he was afraid he would be photographed in the cab.

    B.Because he was worried what the driver could be up to.

    C.Because he was amazed by the way the driver was treating him.

    D.Because he wasn’t interested in the tapes offered by the driver

It can be inferred from the story that          .

    A.the taxi driver couldn’t accept just being average

    B.the author was anxious to get back to meet a client

    C.when the author waited for a taxi at the airport, he was not in a rush

    D.the taxi driver loved to play his favorite music during rides

According to the story, the taxi driver        .

    A.was dissatisfied wit his present job

    B.was once often rewarded for being a model worker

    C.enjoyed offering his customers more than they expected

    D.was forced to become a taxi driver to support his family


A peer is a person who is about the same age as you. Peers affect your life, whether you know it or not, just by spending time with you.

Peers can have a good effect on each other. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in solar system. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book, and now everyone's reading it.

However, sometimes peers affect each other in another way. For example, one kid in school might try to get another to cut class with him, your soccer friend might try to persuade you to be mean to another player and never pass him the ball, or a kid in the neighborhood might want you to shoplift with him.?

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others may go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that “everyone's doing it ” may influence some kids to leave their better judgments, or their common senses behind.

  Peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to get rid of. Experiments have shown how peer pressure can influence someone to change mind from what she knows for sure is a correct answer to the incorrect answer—just because everyone else gives the incorrect answer! That holds true for people of any age in peer pressure situations.

It can be hard to walk away from peer pressure, but it can be done. Pay attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and resist doing something when you know better.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Peers have a good effect.

B. Children give in to peer pressure.?

C. Peer pressure is hard to stop.

D. Peer pressure.?

The underlined word “shoplift” probably means to_______.?

A. do shopping      B. carry goods for shops?

C. steal in the shop D. take the lift upstairs in the shop?

The writer will NOT agree that_______.?

A. only children change their correct answers to incorrect ones because of peer pressure?

B. peers have an effect on each other?

C. peer pressure can be got rid of ?

D. peers will believe in themselves if there are other peers who agree with them?

The writer intends to _______ by writing the passage.?

A. warn peers to separate from each other?

B. tell peers to follow others?

C. show it is hard to walk away from peer pressure?

D. persuade peers to do what they think is the right thing??


A new study by Penn State College of Medicine research team found that honey is a better and safer treatment for children than cough medicines.

   Ian Paul, the study’s lead researcher, was motivated to test honey because treating coughs in children has recently become a sticky subject. Coughing is the body’s way of cleaning irritated (受刺激的) airways to help you breathe. But too much coughing can irritate your lungs and throat even more. It can also make it tough to get the sleep your body needs to heal. Hoping to ease the suffering of their children, parents often give them cough medicines.

But there have never been any good studies showing that they work. Cough and cold medicines may also cause serious side effects. Hundreds of kids die in the hospital each year after receiving too much cough medicine by mistake. Last October, the US Food and Drug Administration suggested that parents should not give cough medicines to children under 6.

In order to search for a different solution, Paul designed a study that involved 105 kids who were sick with coughs and other cold conditions. At bedtime, the kids took buckwheat(荞麦) honey, honey-flavored (蜜蜂味的) DM (one of the most common ingredients成分in cough medicine), or no treatment. Parents and kids in the no-treatment group knew they weren’t getting anything, but the other two groups weren’t told which treatment they were getting.

The surveys showed that kids who swallowed about 2 teaspoons of buckwheat

honey before bedtime coughed less and slept better than kids in other groups.

“When parents want something for their kids to take,” Paul says, “honey seems

 like the best option.”

But what gives honey its healing power? Substances called antioxidants(抗氧化剂) may be part of the answer. All honey contains antioxidants that protect our cells from damage. Studies show that antioxidant levels in the body rise after someone swallows honey.

Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A. Sweet solution to kids’ coughing

B. No cough medicines to children

   C. Best treatment for your cold

   D. Cough medicines don’t work

We can learn from Paragraph 2 that coughing ______.

   A. can cure lung and throat diseases

   B. is more harmful to children

C. sometimes does good to people 

   D. helps improve children’s die

During Paul’s experiment, the kids who received treatment __________.

   A. seemed much worse than before

B. had no idea what they swallowed

C. knew they weren’t getting anything

   D. coughed less and slept better

According to the passage, Paul’s experiment proved that ____.

A. honey may have real healing power

B. cough medicines may cause side effect

    C. cough medicines don’t really work

D. buckwheat honey contain more antioxidants



Wearing ties was originally the mark of Britain’s most powerful classes, which made the tie itself a symbol of power and respect. And that led it to be adopted by a much larger tribe-the business tribe.

You cannot wear a tie if you work with machinery. So wearing a tie became a sign that you were a man who used your brain to make a living, rather than your hands. It showed you were serious. It showed you were a professional. It meant that everyone who wanted a job in business had to wear one. It was just impossible to take seriously a man who didn’t wear a piece of colored silk around his neck.

This is how millions of people came to be wearing ties across the world. They are part of the uniform of business.

“Ties offer a point of indifference,” says John Milne, head of the British Guide of Tie Makers, “They give a chance to say something about their own personality.”

So if you happen to meet a man with a very brightly colored tie, there is a good chance that he is the office joker. There is also a good chance that he will be wearing brightly colored socks.

Is there a future for ties? The signs are not promising. Tie wearing seems to be rare among the new bread of entrepreneurs(创业者) in the Internet and new technology industries. Many political leaders, including former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now go without ties. This shows they are men of the people-but not the people wearing ties.

Up until around 1960, it was common for men across the western world to wear hats as part of their business uniform. That changed with the election of John F. Kennedy to the presidency of the United States. Kennedy never wore a hat-in fact his nickname was “hatless Jack”. Seeing that the most powerful man in the world did not have to wear a hat, millions of other men decided that they did not have to, either. Hats simply vanished across the Western world. Perhaps “tieless Tony” (former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair) will have the same effect as “hatless Jack”.

66.In Britain, ties were first used as a sign to show a person’s __________.

       A.personality       B.social position  C.wearing style    D.favorite hobby

67.In the business world, wearing a tie was necessary because _________.

       A.it showed you used your brain       B.it showed you got a good salary

       C.it showed you were an employer    D.it showed you were well-equipped

68.The underlined word “vanished” in this passage may mean _________.

       A.sold  B.washed     C.appeared   D.disappeared

69.The writer may hold the opinion that _____________.

       A.Blair is the best leader in the world

       B.Kennedy is the best leader in the world

       C.millions of people will go to work without a tie

       D.people will wear hats instead of ties

70.Which of the following statements is TURE according to the passage?

       A.If you are a professional, you can’t wear a tie in Britain

       B.The tie will become more fashionable and popular in the future

       C.It was the election of John F.Kennedy to the presidency of the United States that changed the fact that wearing hats as part of their business uniform

       D.Men across the western world didn’t wear hats as part of their business uniform until around 1960

