A.took B. brought C. carried D. turned 查看更多



   Linda was more of a best friend than a cousin.We  1  nearly everything—except that she was on collecting porcelain(瓷)dolls.I never understand her hobby,she displayed them so beautifully and   3   them all so clean.Still,I was surprised how much those dolls  4  to me after Linda  5  her battle with cancer.Her mother donated(捐赠)the doll s,as had been   6  ,to the local historical society.I agreed it was   7  that Linda's collection stayed together but it really   8  me to see the dolls go.In fact,I wished I could have kept just one to remember her by.

    Losing Linda was still fresh in my mind   9  one day my mother asked me to drive her to the country fair.On the way home my mother was a bit hungry,so I   10  the highway and we went into a fast—food restaurant.Next door was a   11  shop.I only had twenty dollars in my pocket,but I figured I would look   12  while I waited.Inside were cards,snow globes…and one whole wall full of shelves and shelves of porcelain dolls,just like Linda's.For some reason,I felt   13  to one doll in the middle of the second shelf——with deep brown eyes.wearing a shiny pink and white dress.“Isn’t that the   14  doll you ever saw?”I said to my mother.“I want it.”

       15  ,I thought.These dolls cost more than a hundred,l bet.Then I   16  at the doll’s price tag(标签):$14.99 !

    A  sale man   17  that the price wasn't a mistake.What a luck! I took the doll off the shelf and    18  it to the cashier.Then, casually, I   19  the doll's price tag over.There,printed on the Other side,was the doll’s   20 :Linda.

1.A.enjoyed                 B.attained                C.shared                   D.held

2.A.keen                      B.interested             C.eager                     D.fancy

3.A.made                     B.polished               C.helped                    D.kept

4.A.cost                      B.meant                  C.recalled                  D.cared

5.A.lost                       B.won                    C.fought                   D.stopped

6.A.deserved                B.maintained    C.sold                       D.intended

7.A.best                      B.worst                         C.precious                 D.wrong

8.A.seized                    B.surprised              C.upset                     D.declined

9.A.until                      B.before                  C.once                      D.when

10.A.stopped on           B.pulled off             C.got onto                 D.went along

11.A.book                    B.fruit                     C.gift                        D.dolls

12.A.around                 B.inside            C.outside                   D.down

13.A.fastened               B.approached          C.touched                 D.drawn

14.A.cheapest              B.prettiest               C.biggest                D.funniest

15.A.Clever                 B.Sure                    C.Fantastic              D.Silly

16.A.doubted               B.wondered             C.glanced                  D.checked

17.A.confirmed            B.talked                  C.advocated              D.proposed

18.A.brought               B.gave                    C.paid                     D.carried

19.A.1ooked                B.turned                  C.pushed                   D.knocked

20.A.collector              B.price                    C.owner                    D.name


Many years ago there lived a young couple in a small town. The husband was out of job for a long time and the wife   36 make a living by sewing for others. They were so poor that there was almost nothing in the house but a jar under a  37 table, in  38 was a little rice  39 from their neighbor for the coming New Year. 40 New Year’s Eve, the wife had already fallen asleep, but the husband was  41  in bed, worrying about the life. Suddenly he heard something. In the darkness he saw a man breaking into the room.

“It  42   be a thief.” He thought, “but it  43   matter, there is nothing that can be 44 .” So he  45  to be asleep and kept watching over the thief.

The thief began to 46 the room. At last he found the rice in the jar.

“But  47 can I take it away?” the thief thought hard. Then he had an idea. He 48 his coat and spread it on the ground between the bed and the table. After that he turned round to take the jar.

Now the husband realized what the thief 49 . He picked up the coat quickly and 50 himself with it while the thief was turning around.

The thief 51 the jar, poured the rice out on the place where he had just spread his coat and squatted (蹲) down to feel it. But to his surprise, his coat had  52  .

“Hey”, he couldn’t help 53  out. The   54  woke up the wife. She asked her husband, “Did you hear any sound? Maybe there is a thief in the room.”

“ Nonsense(胡说)!” replied her husband. “Go back to sleep. There is no thief in the room.”

“No, that’s   55  ,” the thief shouted loudly. “If there isn’t a thief, then, where’s my coat?”

1.                A.was able to      B.wanted to       C.had to    D.would


2.                A.good           B.old            C.nice D.broken


3.                A.it              B.which          C.where    D.that


4.                A.borrowed       B.asked          C.lent  D.taken


5.                A.During         B.At             C.In   D.On


6.                A.working        B.sewing         C.lying D.thinking


7.                A.will            B.must           C.can  D.may


8.                A.isn’t          B.wasn’t        C.doesn’t D.didn’t


9.                A.lost            B.carried         C.destroyed D.stolen


10.               A.pretended      B.tried           C.decided   D.started


11.               A.look into        B.search         C.discover   D.examine


12.               A.what           B.when          C.why  D.how


13.               A.used           B.took off        C.put on D.brought


14.               A.had done       B.did            C.would do  D.could do


15.               A.hung          B.covered        C.studied    D.dressed


16.               A.shook          B.laid            C.lifted D.touched


17.               A.lost            B.missed         C.left   D.disappeared


18.               A.to cry          B.crying          C.to jump   D.jumping


19.               A.sound          B.voice          C.noise D.saying


20.               A.right           B.all right         C.nothing   D.impossible




On my first day of school,I didn’t speak a word of English.I felt lost and  1  in the classroom.I came home and told my mother I’d learned my first English word:  2  .It was the nickname a boy had given me.

    Luckily for me,my teacher that year Was Dorothy Collins.She was young and African American.  3  I think she understood how I  4  as the only non—white kid.And she never 5    that I could catch up.

Still,the teasing(嗤笑).The boy who called me stupid wouldn’t stop  7  my accent.He was a good student and the proud holder of our class’s reading award(奖).It was a(n)given to a student whose schoolwork,participation and homework were  9  .I wanted that award.

As Mrs. Collins  10  me on,I gained confidence and language skills.By midyear,I was well on my  11  to speaking English fluently and was quite good at reading.  12   the award ceremony coming up,I worked as hard as I could.The day  13   came,and I was so nervous.When Mrs. Collins announced me as the 14  ,it was my proudest moment.I got a fancy certificate and a blue ribbon(丝带)that Mrs. Collins pinned to my dress.I took the reading  15   right out of that boy’s hot little hands,and I felt happy for myself.

    From then on,I worked  16  harder in school.Mrs. Collins helped me understand that I had a  17  for language,so in high school I studied French and minored(辅修)in it in college.As I began enjoying Success as a singer,I  18  Mrs. Collins in interviews when I was asked about people who had inspired(激励)me.

I feel  19  that the God brought Mrs. Collins and me together all those years ago.My first-grade teacher didn’t just teach me the language:She helped me find my 20 

1.A.frightened    B.excited            C.satisfied                 D.tired

2.A.black              B.stupid                  C.clever                    D.dumb

3.A.but                 B.so                       C.and                        D.nevertheless

4.A.acted              B.lived                    C.felt                        D.studied

5.A.believed          B.expected              C.refused                  D.doubted

6.A.continued       B.lasted                   C.started                   D.reduced

7.A.looking into       B.1aughing at          C.referring to             D.showing off

8.A.right               B.judgment              C.honor                    D.offer

9.A.active          B.optimistic             C.aggressive              D.excellent

10.A.turned          B.cheered                C.followed              D.carried

11.A.road             B.mind                    C.way                       D.side

12.A.As                B.After                   C.With                     D.For

13.A.eventually       B.slowly                 C.quickly                   D.fortunately

14.A.partner         B.winner                 C.player                    D.loser

15.A.book            B.material                C.machine                 D.award

16.A.quite             B.more                   C.less                       D.even

17.A.gift               B.habit                    C.chance                   D.present

18.A.mentioned      B.involved               C.included                 D.reminded

19.A.funny           B.amused                C.lucky                     D.surprised

20.A.pleasure        B.experience            C.kindness              D.confidence


     "You will never walk again. You will have to use a wheelchair." I heard his   1   fall heavily on my ears, numbing my soul. If I had never felt hopeless before, I felt hopeless then.
      The car accident has left me unconscious. When _2_ , I found both legs in casts(石膏). While I had
other serious injuries, my   3   were my first concern. Working as a special needs teacher and busy and
active by nature, I couldn't imagine being _ 4   in a wheelchair.
     Lying in my bed, I wondered how I   5   give my ten-year-old son hope that mom would _6_. He'd
been cheerful on every visit, but I saw   7   in his eyes. He needed the ray of hope that I would not be in
a wheelchair forever.Just maybe, I thought, I could use this experience to teach him what to do when
misfortune _8 _.
     It didn't take me long to become   9 with my limited movements and even with the pace the doctors
were willing to go with me. I was determined to learn everything they showed me.
     Every night in my private room, as soon as I knew I wouldn't be   10  or discovered, I would move
myself from the bed to the floor,   11   on to the bed rail(床栏杆)for life, and slowly putting my weight 
  12   my feet.After several weeks of such difficult   13  , my strength and confidence continued to   14  .
     It came the time to share my accomplishments with the person most   15   to me.One night, when
I heard my son greet the nurses at the station, I   16   myself up.As he opened the door, I took a few
small steps.   17 , he could only watch as I turned and started back to bed.All of the pain, the fear, and
the struggle   18   as I heard the words I had longed to hear, "Mommy, you can walk!"
     I am now able to walk alone, sometimes using a stick.I am able to take public transportation to shop and visit friends.My life has been blessed with many   19   of which I am proud.But none has ever
brought me the satisfaction and joy   20   by those four little words of my son.
(     )1.A.words        
(     )2.A.hit          
(     )3.A.legs        
(     )4.A.placed      
(     )5.A.might        
(     )6.A.change      
(     )7.A.curiosity    
(     )8.A.strikes      
(     )9.A.familiar    
(     )10.A.punished    
(     )11.A.falling    
(     )12.A.through    
(     )13.A.efforts    
(     )14.A.appear      
(     )15.A.useful      
(     )16.A.opened      
(     )17.A.Disappointed
(     )18.A.faded      
(     )19.A.expectations
(     )20.A.proved      


I met this guy who told me an amazing story. He was  1  Scotland on a motorbike by himself. One late afternoon he was on the road between Aberdeen and Elgin. He was travelling along, miles from any village, when he saw a really  2_   girl standing by the road, hitchhiking (搭车). Anyway, he stopped and said he would give her a  3  to Elgin. She got on and he drove off. He said he  4  having her on the back, as it was nice  5  . But after a time he forgot that she was there. Suddenly he  6  but he realized that he couldn't feel her knees  7  against him! He  8  behind him but...she wasn't there.

He said he felt frightened  9  his life! He felt cold all over. He thought she must have  10  off the back. So he turned round and  11  back along the road. He didn't find her. He went to see if she had crawled (爬) into a field or something. But he didn't find her. So he began to think that she might have been  12  by someone else.

    Anyway, he drove on towards Elgin and didn't see anyone  13  he came to a pub. He decided to  14  so that he could talk to someone and he thought he ought to tell  _15 . He went into a pub and talked to the barman. He told the barman what had happened. He said the barman didn't seem to be at all  16 . He just carried on  17  the glasses.

Then the barman said, "You're not the  18  person to come in here and tell the same  19 .That girl you think you picked up  20  seven years ago... in a motorbike accident. "

1.A.touring      B.searching       C.defending            D.circling

2.A.poor       B.attractive       C.tall                  D.terrible

3.A.help        B.lift              C.service             D.trip

4.A.chose            B.came           C.meant                D.liked

5.A.business    B.event           C.company            D.action

6.A.thought      B.Considered     C.remembered          D.called

7.A.pressing   B.turning          C.going                  D.running

8.A.looked       B.took           C.fell                  D.seized

9.A.out of        B.in case of       C.in place of              D.to the best of

10.A.jumped  B.kept              C.kicked               D.fallen

11.A.raced       B.walked          C.got                        D.watched

12.A.picked up B.searched for    C.taken away           D.brought back

13.A.when       B.until     C.although                D.since

14.A.wait      B.enter            C.stop                 D.march

15.A.someone B.nobody        C.the father                   D.the police

16.A.worried    B.surprised       C.moved                D.satisfied

17.A.breaking   B.waving         C.knocking            D.drying

18.A.first      B.Last               C.Right                D.honest

19.A.story     B.message        C.lie                   D.truth

20.A.was saved  B.ran away    C.died                         D.left

