37.A.no arm and no leg B.two arms and one leg C.only one arm and one leg D.one arm and two legs 查看更多



An absolutely amazing performance!

Candy,Please read the story first and chick on the link at the bottom and enjoy!

The lady in her 30s was a dancer and was trained since she was a little girl. Later she got into some kind of audient and lost her entire left arm. She was depressed for a few years.Then someone asked her to coach a children’s dancing group. From that point on, she realized she could not forget dancing.

She still loved to dance.She wanted to dance again.So she started to do some of her old routines. But by her losing an arm,She also lost her balance.

It took a while before she could even make simple turns without falling.

Eventually she got it.

Then she heard some guy in his 20s had lost a 1eg in an accident.This guy also fell into depression and anger. She looked him up and persuaded him to dance with her. He had never danced! “And to dance with one leg ? Are you joking with me?

"No way," he replied.

But she didn’t give up. He reluctantly agreed, “I have nothing else to do anyway.”She started to teach him dancing.The two fell down a few times because the guy had no concept of using muscle, controlling his body,and a few other basic things about dancing.When she became frustrated and lost patience with him,he would walk out.

Later they got back together again and started training. They hired a choreographer to design routines for them.She would fly high,held by him with both arms, flying in the air. He could bend,supported by one leg and she was leaning on him,etc.They danced beautifully and they beat other students in the competition.

I would like to share with you the most magnificent an touching performance I have ever seen! It is a living proof that strong spirit can conquer physical limitations!

57.Which of the following is right?

A.The 1ady lost some of her left arm because of an accident

B.The guy used to coach a dancing school before accident.

C. The lady accepted the suggestion to become a dancing coach for children.   .

D.She spent some time keeping her balance in making simple turns without fallings.

58.The underlined word “choreographer” might refer to ___.

A.An assistant who helps them with their daily life

B.a teacher who will teach them how to dance

C.a person whose job is to design movements for dancers on the stage

D.a mental doctor who might help them out of their depression and anger

59.What is the attitude of the writer toward the two dancers?

A.Admirable.     B.Curious.        C.Critical.         D.Indifferent

60.Where do you think this passage may come from?

A.An advertisement                                     B.A personal email

C.A  TV program                                        D.The radio


Unconditional Love

       A story is told about a soldier who finally came home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from   1    “Mom and Dad, I   2   home, but I’ve a favor to ask .I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.” “  3   ,” they replied, “We’d love to meet him.” “There’s something you should know,” the son continued, “he was  4   in the fighting. He  5  on a land bomb and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to   6  us.” “I’m sorry to hear that ,son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.” “No, Mom and Dad ,I want him to live with us.” “Son,” said the father, “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such    7   would be   8  on us. We have our own lives to live ,and we can’t let something like this    9   with our lives. I think you should just come home and    10   about this guy . He’ll find a way to live    11   his own.

       At that point, the son   12    the phone. The parents heard  13   more from him. A few days later,   14  ,they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building .The police believed it was a   15  .They grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco to   16  the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn’t know, their son had   17  .

       The parents in this story are like many of us .We find it  18   to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don’t like people who are   19  to us or make us feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, there’s someone who loves us with an   20   love that welcomes us into the forever family.

1.A.Chicago                B.Boston                C.San Francisco      D.London

2.A.am coming            B.am leaving           C.was coming         D.was leaving


3.A.Sorry                    B.Sure                    C.No way               D.possible

4.A.very healthy          B.very well             C.hurt badly            D.fairly good

5.A.stepped                 B.sat                      C.lay                      D.slept

6.A.play with               B.work with           C.live with              D.keep with

7.A.disadvantages        B.advantages           C.shortcomings       D.disabilities

8.A.a terrible burden     B.a happy family     C.pleasant company D.deadly disease

9.A.stop                      B.interfere              C.strengthen           D.improve

10.A.forget                 B.bring                   C.remember            D.forgive

11.A.of                       B.on                       C.at                       D.in

12.A.hold on               B.hung on               C.hung up              D.hung out

13.A.something           B.anything              C.everything           D.nothing

14.A.besides                B.however              C.and                     D.otherwise

15.A.accident              B.coincidence         C.murder                D.suicide

16.A.take                    B.bring                   C.identify               D.fetch

17.A.no arm and no leg                                                               B.two arms and one leg

       C.only one arm and one leg                      D.one arm and two legs

18.A.difficult               B.difference            C.easy                    D.simple

19.A.smart                  B.friendly               C.familiar               D.inconvenient

20.A.valuable               B.unconditional       C.precious              D.unique



Unconditional Love

       A story is told about a soldier who finally came home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from   21    “Mom and Dad, I   22   home ,but I’ve a favor to ask .I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.” “   23  ,” they replied, “We’d love to meet him.” “There’s something you should know,” the son continued , “he was  24   in the fighting. He  25  on a land bomb and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go ,and I want him to   26  us.” “I’m sorry to hear that ,son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.” “No, Mom and Dad ,I want him to live with us.” “Son,” said the father , “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such    27   would be   28  on us. We have our own lives to live ,and we can’t let something like this    29   with our lives. I think you should just come home and 30      about this guy . He’ll find a way to live    31   his own.

       At that point, the son   32    the phone. The parents heard   33  more from him. A few days later ,   34   ,they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building .The police believed it was a   35  .They grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco to   36  the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn’t know, their son had   37  .

       The parents in this story are like many of us .We find it  38   to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around ,but we don’t like people who are   39  to us or make us feel uncomfortable. Thankfully ,there’s someone who loves us with an   40   love that welcomes us into the forever family.

21.A.Chicago              B.Boston                C.San Francisco      D.London

22.A.am coming          B.am leaving           C.was coming         D.was leaving


23.A.Sorry                  B.Sure                    C.No way               D.possible

24.A.very healthy         B.very well             C.hurt badly            D.fairly good

25.A.stepped               B.sat                      C.lay                      D.slept

26.A.play with             B.work with           C.live with              D.keep with

27.A.disadvantages      B.advantages           C.shortcomings       D.disabilities

28.A.a terrible burden   B.a happy family     C.pleasant company D.deadly disease

29.A.stop                    B.interfere              C.strengthen           D.improve

30.A.forget                 B.bring                   C.remember            D.forgive

31.A.of                       B.on                       C.at                       D.in

32.A.hold on               B.hung on               C.hung up              D.hung out

33.A.something           B.anything              C.everything           D.nothing

34.A.besides                B.however              C.and                     D.otherwise

35.A.accident              B.coincidence         C.murder                D.suicide

36.A.take                    B.bring                   C.identify               D.fetch

37.A.no arm and no leg                                                               B.two arms and one leg

       C.only one arm and one leg                      D.one arm and two legs

38.A.difficult               B.difference            C.easy                    D.simple

39.A.smart                  B.friendly               C.familiar               D.inconvenient

40.A.valuable               B.unconditional       C.precious              D.unique





M:Hi.Are you here on vacation or business?

W:I’m here on vacation.I think Taiwan is beautiful.

1.What is the woman here for?

A.For an interview.

B.On business.

C.On vacation.

M:I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour.Is that all right?

W:Good.That means you will be here at 8∶30.

2.What time is it now?

A.Nine o’clock.

B.Eight o’clock.

C.Seven thirty.

W:Do you think that every language has a spoken form?

M:Certainly I do, but not every language has a written form.

3.Which form comes first, written or spoken?

A.Either the written form or the spoken one comes first.

B.The written form appears before the spoken one.

C.The spoken form comes before the written one.

M:I have seen the film Three Men and a Baby twice.I still really enjoy it.

W:That’s nothing.I’ve seen it four times.My brother has seen it five.

4.How many times has the woman seen the film Three Men and a Baby?

A.Two times.

B.Three times.

C.Four times.

M:I like these coats.How much are they?

W:40 dollars each, or two for 70 dollars.

5.How much will each one cost if you buy two coats?

A.30 dollars.

B.35 dollars.

C.40 dollars.




W:Hey, Karl! Why all this hurry?

M:Hi, Amber.How’s everything?

W:Really good.I’ve been really busy all day.How about you? I haven’t seen you for a while.

M:Yeah, today it has just been crazy for me too.I’ve been working like a mad man all day.

W:There just isn’t enough time.I haven’t even done a tenth of my paperwork.

M:It’s no joke, is it? I’ve still got a ton of paperwork to do, too.

W:I had a million things to do today, and only managed to finish a few.

6.What do both the man and the woman most probably do?

A.They are dustmen.

B.They are sportsmen.

C.They are office workers.

7.What do we know about today’s work?

A.Both of them have been busy with the work all day.

B.The man has been busier than the woman.

C.The man could spare a few minutes to relax.

8.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Both of them have finished their today’s work.

B.They have been so busy that they haven’t seen each other recently.

C.Both of them are joking.


M:What are you going to do tonight, Betty?

W:I’m going to eat at the new Chinese restaurant, just opposite your office.It’s not far from my house, about fifteen minutes’ walk.

M:Really? I was there last night, with some friends of mine.

W:Were there many people there?

M:Yes, a lot.

W:How was the food there?

M:It was great, really delicious.The vegetables were very fresh.But the service was not good enough, I’m afraid.

9.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they’re going to do.

B.What they did.

C.A restaurant.

10.What is NOT mentioned about the Chinese restaurant in the talk?



C.Where it is.


M:Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

W:Arm exercises? Is that because arms are too fat or soft?

M:Actually that’s not the main reason.They say that arm exercises can make you physically healthy.

W:But I was told that arm exercises could raise your blood pressure.

M:Yes, but the article I read suggests some ways to make up for that.

W:Really? How?

M:By adding leg exercises, so that the arms don’t do all the work.

W:And in return I’m sure that there’s a good chance of losing weight.

M:Sounds right to me.

W:So what exercises do the experts suggest?

M:They mentioned quite a few exercises, but one of the most popular ones is riding a bike.

W:Good.I will try that.

11.Why are some doctors strongly encouraging arm exercises now?

A.Because our arms are often too fat.

B.Because our arms are often too soft.

C.Because arm exercises can build our health.

12.How will your blood pressure act when you have arm exercises?

A.Slow down.


C.Keep normal.

13.What should arms exercises be done with?

A.Head exercises.

B.Neck exercises.

C.Leg exercises.


M:Miss Helen, can you tell me a little bit about where you have worked before?

W:Well, my last job was with Enron.

M:And when did you start with them?

W:Two years ago.

M:I see.So why did you decide to leave?

W:Well, perhaps you have heard that the company closed down earlier this year.

M:Yes, we’ve heard about it.And where did you work before Enron?

W:The ABC Motor Company.

M:How long did you work for them?

W:For five years, as a secretary.

M:And why did you leave that job as a secretary?

W:Well, I felt I needed a change.I think I learnt all I could do there.

M:OK, that’s enough on your working experience.Thank you.

14.What is the man asking about?

A.The woman’s last job.

B.The ABC Motor Company.

C.The woman’s working experience.

15.How many companies has the woman worked for?




16.Why did the woman leave Enron?

A.She needed a change.

B.She had a quarrel with her boss.

C.The company closed down.

17.How many years did the woman work for the ABC Motor Company?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Seven years.


The 28th Olympic Games were held in its birthplace Athens this year again.But so you know how we got from the Ancient Olympics to the Modern Games? Now let me tell you something.?

Although the ancient Games were held in Olympia, Greece, through 776 BC to 393 AD, it took 1503 years for the Olympics to return.The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.The man responsible for its rebirth was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who presented the idea in 1894.His original thought was to hold the first modern Games in 1900 in Paris, but delegates from 34 countries were so devoted to the idea of holding it in Athens that they made him give up his original thought and move the Games up to 1896 and have Athens serve as the first host.

18.When did the ancient Olympics stop?

A.776 BC.

B.393 AD.

C.After 1503.

19.Who first came up with the idea of the rebirth of the Olympics?

A.The Greeks.

B.A Frenchman.

C.The Olympic Committee.

20.Why did delegates from 34 countries insist on having Athens serve as the first host?

A.Because the Olympic Games were born in Greece.

B.Because Paris is farther to other countries than Athens.

C.Because the Olympic Games should return to its hometown.





M:Hi.Are you here on vacation or business?

W:I’m here on vacation.I think Taiwan is beautiful.

1.What is the woman here for?

A.For an interview.

B.On business.

C.On vacation.

M:I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour.Is that all right?

W:Good.That means you will be here at 8∶30.

2.What time is it now?

A.Nine o’clock.

B.Eight o’clock.

C.Seven thirty.

W:Do you think that every language has a spoken form?

M:Certainly I do, but not every language has a written form.

3.Which form comes first, written or spoken?

A.Either the written form or the spoken one comes first.

B.The written form appears before the spoken one.

C.The spoken form comes before the written one.

M:I have seen the film Three Men and a Baby twice.I still really enjoy it.

W:That’s nothing.I’ve seen it four times.My brother has seen it five.

4.How many times has the woman seen the film Three Men and a Baby?

A.Two times.

B.Three times.

C.Four times.

M:I like these coats.How much are they?

W:40 dollars each, or two for 70 dollars.

5.How much will each one cost if you buy two coats?

A.30 dollars.

B.35 dollars.

C.40 dollars.




W:Hey, Karl!Why all this hurry?

M:Hi, Amber.How’s everything?

W:Really good.I’ve been really busy all day.How about you? I haven’t seen you for a while.

M:Yeah, today it has just been crazy for me too.I’ve been working like a mad man all day.

W:There just isn’t enough time.I haven’t even done a tenth of my paperwork.

M:It’s no joke, is it?I’ve still got a ton of paperwork to do, too.

W:I had a million things to do today, and only managed to finish a few.

6.What do both the man and the woman most probably do?

A.They are dustmen.

B.They are sportsmen.

C.They are office workers.

7.What do we know about today’s work?

A.Both of them have been busy with the work all day.

B.The man has been busier than the woman.

C.The man could spare a few minutes to relax.

8.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Both of them have finished their today’s work.

B.They have been so busy that they haven’t seen each other recently.

C.Both of them are joking.


M:What are you going to do tonight, Betty?

W:I’m going to eat at the new Chinese restaurant, just opposite your office.It’s not far from my house, about fifteen minutes’ walk.

M:Really? I was there last night, with some friends of mine.

W:Were there many people there?

M:Yes, a lot.

W:How was the food there?

M:It was great, really delicious.The vegetables were very fresh.But the service was not good enough, I’m afraid.

9.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they’re going to do.

B.What they did.

C.A restaurant.

10.What is NOT mentioned about the Chinese restaurant in the talk?



C.Where it is.


M:Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

W:Arm exercises?Is that because arms are too fat or soft?

M:Actually that’s not the main reason.They say that arm exercises can make you physically healthy.

W:But I was told that arm exercises could raise your blood pressure.

M:Yes, but the article I read suggests some ways to make up for that.


M:By adding leg exercises, so that the arms don’t do all the work.

W:And in return I’m sure that there’s a good chance of losing weight.

M:Sounds right to me.

W:So what exercises do the experts suggest?

M:They mentioned quite a few exercises, but one of the most popular ones is riding a bike.

W:Good.I will try that.

11.Why are some doctors strongly encouraging arm exercises now?

A.Because our arms are often too fat.

B.Because our arms are often too soft.

C.Because arm exercises can build our health.

12.How will your blood pressure act when you have arm exercises?

A.Slow down.


C.Keep normal.

13.What should arms exercises be done with?

A.Head exercises.

B.Neck exercises.

C.Leg exercises.


M:Miss Helen, can you tell me a little bit about where you have worked before?

W:Well, my last job was with Enron.

M:And when did you start with them?

W:Two years ago.

M:I see.So why did you decide to leave?

W:Well, perhaps you have heard that the company closed down earlier this year.

M:Yes, we’ve heard about it.And where did you work before Enron?

W:The ABC Motor Company.

M:How long did you work for them?

W:For five years, as a secretary.

M:And why did you leave that job as a secretary?

W:Well, I felt I needed a change.I think I learnt all I could do there.

M:OK, that’s enough on your working experience.Thank you.

14.What is the man asking about?

A.The woman’s last job.

B.The ABC Motor Company.

C.The woman’s working experience.

15.How many companies has the woman worked for?




16.Why did the woman leave Enron?

A.She needed a change.

B.She had a quarrel with her boss.

C.The company closed down.

17.How many years did the woman work for the ABC Motor Company?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Seven years.


  The 28th Olympic Games were held in its birthplace Athens this year again.But do you know how we got from the Ancient Olympics to the Modern Games?Now let me tell you something.

  Although the ancient Games were held in Olympia, Greece, through 776 BC to 393 AD, it took 1503 years for the Olympics to return.The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.The man responsible for its rebirth was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who presented the idea in 1894.His original thought was to hold the first modern Games in 1900 in Paris, but delegates from 34 countries were so devoted to the idea of holding it in Athens that they made him give up his original thought and move the Games up to 1896 and have Athens serve as the first host.

18.When did the ancient Olympics stop?

A.776 BC.

B.393 AD.

C.After 1503.

19.Who first came up with the idea of the rebirth of the Olympics?

A.The Greeks.

B.A Frenchman.

C.The Olympic Committee.

20.Why did delegates from 34 countries insist on having Athens serve as the first host?

A.Because the Olympic Games were born in Greece.

B.Because Paris is farther to other countries than Athens.

C.Because the Olympic Games should return to its hometown.

