A. taking B. making C. having D. moving 查看更多



     Working as a manager in the head office of a bank, as I do, clothes can be a nightmare. In
New York, where I worked for a time last summer, you have to brave the burning heat every
time you dare to go outside, yet freeze once you arrive in a meeting with the air-conditioner
turned up. I struggled to know what to wear. The problem was worsened by the office dress
code for the months of July and August, which was "dress-down".
     The dress-down phenomenon seems to have begun in places where staff work through the
terrible heat of summer while their families take shelter at the coast or in the hills. Dress-down,
limited to Friday, allows staff to head straight for their out-of-town places on Friday evenings
without going home to change. But in New York it has now become a week-round state of
affairs. This move may have been born out of consideration; to allow people on Wall Street to
travel to work in the heat in something more comfortable than a suit, but the effect is less kind.
     For me, dress-down is bad for two reasons. The first is that it actually requires a whole new
wardrobe. For my male colleagues in the US, it seemed to mean a switch from one uniform to
another. I basically only own two types of clothes; suits for working in and truly casual clothes
for relaxing weekends in the countryside.
     Returning to London, I was therefore rather embarrassed to discover that my employers had
started summer dress-down. Here too, though its relevance to the climate is far from immediately
apparent. At first, I tried to sidestep it by simply turning up in my suit as usual, but my staff
complained that they then felt pressured into doing the same. So, I found myself having to buy "
smart casual" clothes specifically to wear to work; a ridiculous expense.
      Even more annoying is the fact that I'm still required to have a suit hanging up in my office in
case I'm suddenly called to a meeting on our conference floor, where dress-down is banned for
fear that a client should witness it. One of my colleagues started to accumulate more and more
very smart suits in her office, explaining that she was having her flat renovated and that in-office
wardrobe was a necessity as she was staying at a different friend's place each night. We weren't
     For the other great inconvenience of dress-down for the staff is that it makes it easier than
ever to spot when colleagues are going to job interviews. For the rest of the year, it is easy enough
to arrange these during the working week, but in the summer when dress-down rules, it's a dead
giveaway to arrive in overly smart clothes and then go out for a "dental appointment". I would
normally applaud this state of affairs, as an important part of my time is spent trying to prevent
valued employees from moving elsewhere, and any clues about their intentions are helpful and
allow me to nip things in the bud(消灭于萌芽中).
      However, the clothes hanging in my office are now finding a second use. I have suddenly
become the target for several "headhunters", people employed by other companies to try and
attract employees away with offers of better pay and conditions. The only problem with this is
that I have just the one suit at the office. As a series of interviews with one future employer
progresses, I'm having to bring in additional clothes. I can hardly present myself as a highly-paid
investment banker, requiring a vast salary, if they only ever see me in one suit. At this rate, I shall
have to tell my staff that I, too, have decided to have my flat done up.
1. According to the writer, "dress-down" in New York began as a way of ______.
A. making life easier for staff in the summer months
B. discouraging staff from taking summer holidays
C. showing concern for staff who lived out of town
D. rewarding those employees willing to work in the heat
2. What was the writer's first reaction to the idea of " dress-down" in her London office?
A. She argued against it.              
B. She attempted to ignore it.
C. She recognized the need for it.        
D. She persuaded her staff to adopt it.
3. Why does " dress-down" annoy the writer?
A. Not everyone obeys the rule.            
B. Her clients find it embarrassing.
C. It does not apply on all occasions.        
D. The clothes themselves do not suit her.
4. In which aspect of her work does the writer find "dress-down" an advantage?
A. Training new members of staff.            
B. Providing her staff with some information.
C. Making sure that her staff remain faithful.    
D. Making her staff feel more comfortable at work.
5. The underlined word "giveaway" in the sixth paragraph means_________.
A. something that is given away free.          
B. willingness to stop doing something.
C. willingness to give away to the other's wishes.
D. something that makes it easy for you to guess something.
6. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. The writer wants to have her flat redecorated.
B. The writer is concerned about her dressing in the interviews.
C. The headhunters discovered the writer by her suit.
D. The writer feels it wrong to meet with the headhunters.



  While in Banff, make time for a walk around town.A special treat is to go up the mountainside on the Banff Gondola for a surprising view of the valley below.Here is The pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar, and reindeer with surprising sauces.

  Best time to visit is during the off-season, from early May to mid-June, or in October.This way you can avoid sharing the high way with mobile homes which can be pulled by cars.But whatever the season, take some lunch with you from Banff, because there are only a few food stops on the road.

  Forty minutes north of Banff, side by side with the Banff National Park, sits world-famous Lake Louise.This surprisingly small body of water is attractive with towering mountains around it.Glaciers, huge masses of ice, moving very slowly against rocks, produce what is called glacier rock flour, making its water dark to see.It is worth taking a walk around the grounds of the Chateau Lake Louise, another beauty, proud of its early 20th century history.

  Back on the road, and it's time to continue north past the astonishing Columbia Icefield, then turn off the highway and take the short road to the base of the Athabaska Glacier.You can rent ice cleats(夹板)and do some climbing or do a more pleasant snowmobile tour.Either way, you can enjoy endless beautiful sights.

  Finally you'll reach Jasper, the usual turning around the place for the Banff-Jasper loop(回路).It's worth riding the Jasper Skytram, and be sure to visit the wonderful Jasper Park Lodge, also dating back to the 1920s.If you can have lunch there, do it.The restaurant has an adventurous menu and their wine list would put a smile on any visitor's face.


According to the passage, The Pines is a ________.

[  ]


place in which you can see many mobile homes


mountain where you can get a good view of the valley


town which happens to be near the Banff National park


restaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food


What will probably happen when visitors come at the end of June?

[  ]


They may have trouble finding a restaurant.


They may come across traffic jams.


They may travel more easily with cars.


They may do much more sightseeing.


Similar to the Chateau Lake Louise, ________.

[  ]


the Banff National Park is to the west of Banff


the Columbia Icefield lies between Lake Louise and the Banff National Park


the Jasper Skytram has a history of more than 80 years


the Jasper Park Lodge was built in the 1920s


Besides the beautiful sights in Jasper Park Lodge, visitors to Jasper can enjoy themselves by ________.

[  ]


taking the Jasper Skytram and eating in the restaurant


taking the Banff-Jasper loop and Jasper Skytram


having a lot of food to order in the restaurant


taking the Jasper Skytram back to Banff


It was Saturday when the entire summer world was bright and fresh. Tom looked at the fence, which was long and high, feeling all enthusiasm leaving him. He dipped his brush into the whitewash before moving it along the top board of the fence. He knew other boys would arrive soon with all minds of interesting plans for this day. As walking past him, they would tease him for having to work on a beautiful Saturday—which burnt him like fire.
He, putting his hands into his pockets and taking out all he owned with the expectation of letting someone paint, found nothing that could buy half an hour of freedom. At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea occurred to him, pouring a great bright light into his mind. He took up his brush and continued to work pleasantly with calm and quietness.
Presently, Ben Rogers came in sight—munching an apple and making joyful noises like the sound of a riverboat as he walked along. Tom went on whitewashing, paying no attention to the steamboat. 
“Hello!” Ben said, “I’m going swimming, but you can’t go, can you?”
No answer. Tom moved his brush gently along the fence and surveyed the result. Ben came nearer. Tom’s mouth watered for Ben’s apple while he kept painting the fence.
Ben said, “That’s a lot of work, isn’t it?”
Tom turned suddenly saying “Here you are! Ben! I didn’t notice you.”
“I’m going swimming,” Ben said. “Don’t you wish you could go? Or would you rather work?”
Tom said, “Work? What do you mean ‘work’?”
“Isn’t that work?”
Tom continued painting and answered carelessly, “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. All I know is it suits Tom Sawyer.”
“Do you mean that you enjoy it?”
“I don’t see why I oughtn’t to enjoy it.”
“Does a boy have a chance to paint a fence frequently” said Tom.
Ben stopped munching his apple.
Tom moved his brush back and forth—stepped back to note the effect—added a little paint here and there. Ben watched every move, getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed1. After a short time, he said, “Tom, let me whitewash a little.”
Tom seemed to be thinking for a moment before he said, “No, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. If it was the back fence, maybe you could do it. But this fence beside the street is where everybody can see it. It has to be done right.”
“Oh, come on, let me try. I’ll be careful. Listen, Tom. I’ll give you part of my apple if you let me paint.”
“No, Ben, I’m afraid—”
“I’ll give you all the apple!”
Tom handed the brush to Ben with unwillingness on his face but alacrity in his heart. While the riverboat worked and sweated in the hot sun, Tom, an artist sat in the shade close by, munching his apple, and planning how he could trick more of the boys.
Before long there were enough boys each of whom came along the street; stopped to laugh but soon begged to be allowed to paint. By the middle of the afternoon, Tom had got many treasures while the fence had had three layers of whitewash on it. If he hadn’t run out of whitewash, he would have owned everything belonging to the boys in the village.
Tom said to himself that the world was not so depressing after all. He had discovered a great law of human action: in order to make a man cover a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.

  1. 1.

    By using “Tom continued painting and answered carelessly”, the author shows Tom ______ when he was talking to Ben.

    1. A.
      made mistakes
    2. B.
      damaged things
    3. C.
      was natural
    4. D.
      wasn’t concentrating
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “alacrity” in the last but two paragraph most probable means “______”.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ________

    1. A.
      Tom did not want to go swimming at all
    2. B.
      Tom was asked to help Aunt Polly paint the fence
    3. C.
      Tom did not get along well with his friends
    4. D.
      Tom was very busy that Saturday afternoon.
  4. 4.

    We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that _______.

    1. A.
      forbidden fruit is sweet.
    2. B.
      a friend in need is a friend indeed.
    3. C.
      all good things must come to an end.
    4. D.
      a bad excuse is better than none.


It was Saturday when the entire summer world was bright and fresh. Tom looked at the fence, which was long and high, feeling all enthusiasm leaving him. He dipped his brush into the whitewash before moving it along the top board of the fence. He knew other boys would arrive soon with all minds of interesting plans for this day. As walking past him, they would tease him for having to work on a beautiful Saturday—which burnt him like fire.
He, putting his hands into his pockets and taking out all he owned with the expectation of letting someone paint, found nothing that could buy half an hour of freedom. At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea occurred to him, pouring a great bright light into his mind. He took up his brush and continued to work pleasantly with calm and quietness.
Presently, Ben Rogers came in sight—munching an apple and making joyful noises like the sound of a riverboat as he walked along. Tom went on whitewashing, paying no attention to the steamboat. 
“Hello!” Ben said, “I’m going swimming, but you can’t go, can you?”
No answer. Tom moved his brush gently along the fence and surveyed the result. Ben came nearer. Tom’s mouth watered for Ben’s apple while he kept painting the fence.
Ben said, “That’s a lot of work, isn’t it?”
Tom turned suddenly saying “Here you are! Ben! I didn’t notice you.”
“I’m going swimming,” Ben said. “Don’t you wish you could go? Or would you rather work?”
Tom said, “Work? What do you mean ‘work’?”
“Isn’t that work?”
Tom continued painting and answered carelessly, “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. All I know is it suits Tom Sawyer.”
“Do you mean that you enjoy it?”
“I don’t see why I oughtn’t to enjoy it.”
“Does a boy have a chance to paint a fence frequently” said Tom.
Ben stopped munching his apple.
Tom moved his brush back and forth—stepped back to note the effect—added a little paint here and there. Ben watched every move, getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed1. After a short time, he said, “Tom, let me whitewash a little.”
Tom seemed to be thinking for a moment before he said, “No, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. If it was the back fence, maybe you could do it. But this fence beside the street is where everybody can see it. It has to be done right.”
“Oh, come on, let me try. I’ll be careful. Listen, Tom. I’ll give you part of my apple if you let me paint.”
“No, Ben, I’m afraid—”
“I’ll give you all the apple!”
Tom handed the brush to Ben with unwillingness on his face but alacrity in his heart. While the riverboat worked and sweated in the hot sun, Tom, an artist sat in the shade close by, munching his apple, and planning how he could trick more of the boys.
Before long there were enough boys each of whom came along the street; stopped to laugh but soon begged to be allowed to paint. By the middle of the afternoon, Tom had got many treasures while the fence had had three layers of whitewash on it. If he hadn’t run out of whitewash, he would have owned everything belonging to the boys in the village.
Tom said to himself that the world was not so depressing after all. He had discovered a great law of human action: in order to make a man cover a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.
【小题1】By using “Tom continued painting and answered carelessly”, the author shows Tom ______ when he was talking to Ben.

A.made mistakesB.damaged thingsC.was naturalD.wasn’t concentrating
【小题2】The underlined word “alacrity” in the last but two paragraph most probable means “______”.
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ________
A.Tom did not want to go swimming at all
B.Tom was asked to help Aunt Polly paint the fence
C.Tom did not get along well with his friends
D.Tom was very busy that Saturday afternoon.
【小题4】We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that _______.
A.forbidden fruit is sweet.B.a friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.all good things must come to an end.D.a bad excuse is better than none.


It was Saturday when the entire summer world was bright and fresh. Tom looked at the fence, which was long and high, feeling all enthusiasm leaving him. He dipped his brush into the whitewash before moving it along the top board of the fence. He knew other boys would arrive soon with all minds of interesting plans for this day. As walking past him, they would tease him for having to work on a beautiful Saturday—which burnt him like fire.

He, putting his hands into his pockets and taking out all he owned with the expectation of letting someone paint, found nothing that could buy half an hour of freedom. At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea occurred to him, pouring a great bright light into his mind. He took up his brush and continued to work pleasantly with calm and quietness.

Presently, Ben Rogers came in sight—munching an apple and making joyful noises like the sound of a riverboat as he walked along. Tom went on whitewashing, paying no attention to the steamboat. 

“Hello!” Ben said, “I’m going swimming, but you can’t go, can you?”

No answer. Tom moved his brush gently along the fence and surveyed the result. Ben came nearer. Tom’s mouth watered for Ben’s apple while he kept painting the fence.

Ben said, “That’s a lot of work, isn’t it?”

Tom turned suddenly saying “Here you are! Ben! I didn’t notice you.”

“I’m going swimming,” Ben said. “Don’t you wish you could go? Or would you rather work?”

Tom said, “Work? What do you mean ‘work’?”

“Isn’t that work?”

Tom continued painting and answered carelessly, “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. All I know is it suits Tom Sawyer.”

“Do you mean that you enjoy it?”

“I don’t see why I oughtn’t to enjoy it.”

“Does a boy have a chance to paint a fence frequently” said Tom.

Ben stopped munching his apple.

Tom moved his brush back and forth—stepped back to note the effect—added a little paint here and there. Ben watched every move, getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed1. After a short time, he said, “Tom, let me whitewash a little.”

Tom seemed to be thinking for a moment before he said, “No, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. If it was the back fence, maybe you could do it. But this fence beside the street is where everybody can see it. It has to be done right.”

“Oh, come on, let me try. I’ll be careful. Listen, Tom. I’ll give you part of my apple if you let me paint.”

“No, Ben, I’m afraid—”

“I’ll give you all the apple!”

Tom handed the brush to Ben with unwillingness on his face but alacrity in his heart. While the riverboat worked and sweated in the hot sun, Tom, an artist sat in the shade close by, munching his apple, and planning how he could trick more of the boys.

Before long there were enough boys each of whom came along the street; stopped to laugh but soon begged to be allowed to paint. By the middle of the afternoon, Tom had got many treasures while the fence had had three layers of whitewash on it. If he hadn’t run out of whitewash, he would have owned everything belonging to the boys in the village.

Tom said to himself that the world was not so depressing after all. He had discovered a great law of human action: in order to make a man cover a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.

1.By using “Tom continued painting and answered carelessly”, the author shows Tom ______ when he was talking to Ben.

A.made mistakes

B.damaged things

C.was natural

D.wasn’t concentrating

2.The underlined word “alacrity” in the last but two paragraph most probable means “______”.





3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ________

A.Tom did not want to go swimming at all

B.Tom was asked to help Aunt Polly paint the fence

C.Tom did not get along well with his friends

D.Tom was very busy that Saturday afternoon.

4.We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that _______.

A.forbidden fruit is sweet.

B.a friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.all good things must come to an end.

D.a bad excuse is better than none.


