36.A.governments B.machines C.branches D.buildings 查看更多



Maggiano is an award-winning teacher in the Social Studies Department at West Springfield High School in Virginia. He has taught in public and private schools for 25 years .In a piece on his blog called “The Classroom Post,” he calls for more males to enter the profession(职业).

Men Teach, a non-profit organization that encourages men to enter teaching, reports that in 2008, 18.8% of all elementary and middle school teachers were men. At the high school level during the same year, men comprised(构成) 44% of the work force.

Why are there so few men in teaching? Men Teach says low pay and lack of prestige(声望), as well as a perception in our culture that teaching is for women. As a result, there is no organized effort across the country to attract men into the teaching profession.

A study in 2008 by the National Education Association showed that the number of male teachers hit a record 40-year low. Males comprised 24.5 percent of public schoolteachers. States with high percentages: Kansas (33.6 percent), Oregon (31.6 percent), Alaska (30.9 percent) and Indiana (30.5percent).States with the lowest percentage : Arkansas (16.2 percent), Virginia (17.4 percent), Mississippi (17.5 percent), Louisiana (18 percent), South Carolina (18.5 percent) and Georgia (19.7 percent).

     There is no definitive(确定) research that male students--or female students, for that matter-- learn better from a particular sex.

But as Maggiano put it, “Kids today, both boys and girls, must have the same opportunity to learn from outstanding, devoted men that I did. However, I have heard little discussion about this problem coming from our national leaders.

What worries Maggiano is that_______.         

A. nobody will take his place when he retires

B. male teachers are not so excellent

C. men are not interested in teaching

D. there is not enough teachers in the schools

According to the text , we can infer that______.      

A. the number of male teachers hit a record 40-year low in 2008

B. it is not sure students will learn better from male teachers

C. male teachers get a higher pay

D. organized efforts have been made to call on men into the teaching profession

In which state are male teachers most badly needed?

A. Alaska   B. Virginia    C. Georgia   D. Arkansas

What does the last paragraph suggest?

A. The government doesn’t pay much attention to the shortage.

of male teachers in the school.

B. Students find it easy to learn from male teachers.

C. I’m glad to hear the discussion about the shortage of male teachers in the school.

D. The shortage of male teachers in the school has no effect on students.


A man heard that a certain government wanted a clerk, so wrote and asked for the position. But while he was waiting for an answer, a friend of his introduced him to the head of the department, who gave him the job. Several months later, while the man was working in the department, he got a letter that had been sent to him from the place he used to live in. This letter said,

“Dear sir,

We are sorry to have to tell you that we cannot offer work in this department because we do not think that you would be able to do the work successfully.

Your faithfully.”

The man laughed, but when he looked at the letter more carefully, he saw that he had signed it himself.

1.At the beginning of the story the man wanted ____.

A.to be a clerk in a certain government

B.his friend to introduce him job

C.to visit the head of the department

D.to get an answer from the department

2. The first paragraph mainly tells us ____.

A.how the man knew the news that a clerk was needed

B.how the man got a job with the help of his friend

C.how the man wrote to the department to get the job

D.how he was waiting for the answer from the department

3.He got a letter that had been sent to him, which means ____.

A.he himself received the letter

B.someone else got it and then didn’t bring it to him

C.someone else got it and then brought it to him

D.the government sent it to him

4.What do you think of the man?

A.He was too careless.

B.He was very honest.

C.He was very clever.

D.He was rather stupid.

5.Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.

a. He got a letter one day   b. He got a job in the department.

c. The letter told him he was unfit for the job.

d. His friend introduced him to the head.

e. He found he signed the letter himself.

f. He wanted to get a job in the government department.







When people talk of a virus these days, chances are that they are talking about computer virus that have the power wipe out all the valuable work people may have stored in their computers. Imagine, the virus has the power to make military systems, giant banks, airports, hospitals and traffic system come to stop!
What does a computer virus do? It targets electronic objects that are programmed. The virus spreads through connections between these electronic objects. For virus spreading experts, e-mail is a favorite method of sending their destructive (破坏性的) weapon.
But scientists warn that this is not the worst that can happen. There is more. People are also connected through phones. The next virus may actually target mobile phones, especially those that are programmed to do many tasks apart from just communicating. It would then be easy for a virus to infect those programs and create major disorder.
For example, these virus may have the power to record your phone conversations and make others hear them. They create problems with your electronic money accounts, or they could create a mountain of telephone bills for calls you never made. And that would be a disaster. A report on this was published in the New Scientist recently. 
One way out would be to have simpler phones with not so many different functions. This would mean there would mean there would be fewer programs for the virus to attack. But mobile phone producers are in a fix. People on longer want an electronic item to perform just one task. They want more and more functions added. That would mean more software programs to make the mobile phone perform all those functions. And that means the possibility of more viruses.
【小题1】It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.computer viruses are not so as destructive as mobile phone viruses
B.people should be careful when receiving e-mails
C.people find it difficult to use electronic equipment correctly
D.having electronic money accounts brings people a lot of convenience
【小题2】Which of the following shows that your mobile phone is infected with a virus?
A.You can’t hear the person who answers the phone clearly
B.You can’t send e-mails with your mobile phone
C.your phone bill increases for unknown reasons
D.You can hear other people’s phone conversations
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.Mobile phone producers have made no progress.
B.Mobile phone producers are proud of their products.
C.Mobile phone producers are faced with a difficult situation.
D.Mobile phone producers refused to fight against virus.
【小题4】For whom is the passage written?
A.Government officialsB.Virus spreading experts
C.Electronic scientistsD.Mobile phone users


Self-employed private physicians who charge a fee for each patient visit are the foundation of medical practice in the United States. Most physicians have a contract relationship with one or more hospitals in the community. They send their patients to this hospital, which usually charges patients according to the number of days they stay and the facilities(operating room, tests, medicines that they use). Some hospitals belong to a city, a state or, in the case of veteran's hospitals, a federal government agency. Others are operated by religious orders(教会) or other non-profit groups.
Some medical doctors are on salary. Salaried physicians may work as hospital staff members, or residents, who are often still in training. They may teach in medical schools, be hired by corporations to care for their workers or work for the federal government's Public Health Service.
Physicians are among the best paid professionals in the United States. In the 1980s, it was not uncommon for medical doctors to earn incomes of more than $ 100 000 a year. Specialists, particularly surgeons, might earn several times that amount. Physicians list many reasons why they deserve to be so well rewarded for their work. One reason is the long and expensive preparation required to become a physician in the United States. Most would-be physicians first attend college for four years, which can cost nearly $ 20 000 a year at one of the best private institutions. Prospective physicians then attend medical school for four years. Tuition alone can exceed $ 10 000 a year. By the time they have obtained their medical degrees, many young physicians are deeply in debt. They still face three to five years of residency(实习阶段) in a hospital, the first year as an apprentice physician. The hours are long and the pay is relatively low.
Setting up a medical practice is expensive, too. Sometimes several physicians will decide to establish a group practice, so they can share the expense of maintaining an office and buying equipment. These physicians also take care of each other's patients in emergencies.
Physicians work long hours and must accept a great deal of responsibility. Many medical procedures, even quite routine ones, involve risk. It is understandable that physicians want to be well rewarded for making decisions which can mean the difference between life and death.
【小题1】 According to the passage, it is very unlikely that an American hospital is owned by ______.

A.a churchB.a corporationC.a cityD.a state
【小题2】The expenses for becoming a doctor are spent on _______.
A.schooling and retrainingB.practice in a hospital
C.facilities he or she usesD.education he or she receives
【小题3】According to the passage, how long does it take for a would-be physician to become an independent physician in the USA?
A.About seven years.B.Eight years.C.Ten years.D.About twelve years.
【小题4】Sometimes several physicians set up a group medical practice mainly because _______.
A.there are so many patients that it is difficult for one physician to take care all of them
B.they can take turns to work long hours
C.facilities may be too much of a burden for one physician to shoulder
D.no one wants to assume too much responsibility
【小题5】 Which of the following statements could fully express the author's view towards physicians’ payment in the USA?
A.For their expensive education and their responsibility, they deserve a handsome pay.
B.It is reasonable for physicians to have a large income because their work is very dangerous.
C.Physicians should be better paid because they work long hours under bad conditions.
D.Physicians have great responsibility, so it is understandable that they should be well rewarded.


Pingyao, in the center of Shanxi Province, is a famous historic cultural city of China and a world cultural heritage (遗产) site. It’s 90 kilometers south of Taiyuan on the Fen River.

People lived in Pingyao during the New Stone Age. Its long period as a county government seat has left Pingyao with lots of historic buildings and sites, with a 2,700-year history. Ninety-nine of them are under government protection, including Zhengguo Temple, Shuanglin Temple and Pingyao Ancient City.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, businessmen organized commercial (商业的) groups that did business nationwide. Shanxi Province had some of the most important ones and Pingyao was their center. In 1823, a store, known as Rishengchang (Sunrise Prosperity), traded in bank checks rather than in silver or gold coins. It was the beginning of modern Chinese banking. Branch (分支) banks were soon set up in major cities in China and other parts of Asia, leading to great development in Pingyao. Its lacquer ware (漆器) became well known.

In Pingyao Ancient City are many traditional houses and commercial buildings, 3,797 of which are protected and more than 400 of which are in good condition. Not only do the houses in Pingyao show Shanxi’s history and culture, but this large number is valuable for studying its history, customs, ancient buildings and art. Most of these houses are still used as homes and shops of local people.

In 1997, Ancient Pingyao City was listed in World Heritage List as “World Culture Heritage Site”.

1.What does the underlined word “them” (in Paragraph 2) refer to?

A.Historic buildings and sites.

B.The three temples.

C.The county government seats.

D.The 2,700-year history.

2.Which of the following about Pingyao is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Its location.                            B.Its tourism.

C.Its business.                            D.Its history.

3.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Pingyao was a leading center in _____.

A.agriculture                            B.raising cattle

C.commercial trade                       D.making gold coins

4.If you want to know about the history of banking in China, which of the following places should you visit?

A.Sunrise Prosperity.                      B.Zhengguo Temple.

C.A lacquer ware store.                    D.A commercial house.


