55.A.make up B.figure out C.think of D.take off 答案 36-55 CBDAC DBACD BACDB CADBC Passage 44 (河北省正定中学2010届高三上学期期中考试) Live Your Dream We all have dreams. Yet so few of us realize them. Often, a dream dies as quickly as it is born 21 we lack the confidence to keep it. When I was old enough to understand the realities of life, I realized that society puts a high 22 on youth, beauty and academic achievement. This discovery gave me some idea to develop my dream although I was 23 . My dream was 24 . I just dreamed of becoming a 25 when I was in secondary school. The employment field was a highly 26 place. It gave not only fierce competition to a disabled job-seeker but also the unfriendly treatment from the 27 strong and healthy. They look on the disabled as the back row of society. 28 , I refused to sit in the back row. I decided to 29 a course in typing run by the government. When I 30 over the application form to the interviewer, she looked at me, then moved her eyes to my body. She advised me to 31 my choice from typing. But I was 32 to stay with it.“I will be a really good typist, I told her. She 33 me. On the fifth month of the six-month course, five students were 34 to do some copy typing. I was one of them. I was very efficient and finished half of the work given to us all. 35 work came to me after this test. I could see quite clearly the way to 36 my dream. I was taken on as one of the typists in one of the offices immediately after my graduation. I did not 37 starting at the bottom of the ladder. Being a typist was just the beginning of the 38 . Having achieved one dream, I set out to achieve others. I worked and studied at the same time, which was no easy task. But all my efforts 39 at last. Dreamers should keep reaching out for their dreams, whatever the 40 , until they get what they want in life and live their dreams. 查看更多



On the first day of my new high school, I almost had a nervous breakdown.Everything about the school seemed so difficult.When I got home, my parents said, "You're nervous and that's okay.

       Everyone is afraid of high school." I denied it.I wanted to be strong, so I refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends.

       On the first day I was late for every class and was constantly lost.The school seemed like a puzzle that I couldn't figure out.Was this how the whole year was going to be? I didn't think I could rise to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I could hardly lift.It was so big that I could knock someone out with it! The schoolmates seemed to regard me as a fool, and they were probably right.

       Despite my fears, after the first week I finally had my schedule figured out.With the exception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high school was turning out to be not so bad.It was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging.

       Since then, I've been elected vice president of my class, which wasn't much of a victory since only three people ran for the four positions.

       It is normal to be scared about a new school.Take a deep breath and relax.High school is something that any student can overcome.Make sure you participate in some out-of-class activities because you'll find it easier to make friends.Try to do your best, even if it isn't straight A's.

       Most important of all, be who you are, whether you're a "fool" , an athlete, or a lower grader.Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not.Now you know the true secrets of high school.

1.The main reason for the author's fear on his first day is that _____.

       A.he was unable to work out the puzzle

       B.his schoolmates were unfriendly to him

       C.he was not familiar with the new surroundings

       D.his schoolbag was too heavy for him to carry                   

2.From the author's first day experience we can infer that ______.

       A.his home was far from the school

       B.he got to school after classes began

       C.he didn't get any school schedule

       D.he didn't know the right way to class

3.After his first week at school, the author _____.

       A.was still not accustomed to the schedule

       B.gradually adjusted himself to the new school

       C.found high school not so challenging as he had imagined

       D.ran for president of his class against three other students

4.According to the passage, the secret of the author's success lies mainly in _____.

       A.making more friends 

       B.getting more A's at school

       C.being who he really is 

       D.joining in out-of-class activities



A.Make a well-balanced daily plan

B.Predict how long tasks will take

C.Keep records of where your time is going

D.Handle things in order of importance

E.Leam to reject others’ demands

F.analyze the distribution of your time

How to Manage Your Time Effectively

It has been said that “Time is Money” – but I disagree. Isn’t Time really LIFE? At the end of your  life, can you even mangine saying to yourself, “I wish I’d made more money.” It’s more likely you’d be thinking “I wish I’d had more TIME – time to enjoy my life more.” Here are my favorite strategies for managing that most precious of all resources – TIME.


You can’t find something you’ve lost when you don’t know where you might have lost it in the first place. So keep track of the exact time you begin and end an activity, and write down a few words to describe the activity. This requires you to be really honest with yourself and track your time – so if you spent 23 minutes chatting with coworkers over coffee – write it down EXACTLY!


Review your time logs(记录)and start to classify the tasks into categories(范畴). You will create these categories yourself, and you and as brief as possible. Some examples might be: Administration, Business Development, Sales & Marketing, Com[uter, etc. You will then sum up how much time you spent doing tasks or activities for each category, in the exact number of minutes. You might also do a little math, to figure the percentage of time each category takes out of each day.


If you were honest and diligent, chances are that you had suddenly awakened after you reviewed your daily time logs. You no doubt can see where the time is wasted – and now you’re ready to make a better schedule. Make the best of your time by considering when you’re at your best for certain tasks, by grouping similar tasks together for greater efficiency, and by setting aside certain time for doing uninterrupted work. Think where different tasks can best fit into your day. Then actually write this routine down and post it where you’re see it every day.


You can create your own easy tools to do this. On oen sheet of paper, create 5 sections: High Priorities(优先), Secondary Priorities, People to Contact, Telephone calls, and Schedule. You can fill this out cach day, first thing in the morning. Each day, ask yourself: “If nothing else gets done today, what are the one or two items that absolutely. MIST be done?” You should also regularly go back to the time logging exercise, so you can determine if you are slipping back into those old had habits and take immediate steps to get back on track.


More often than not, we take on more than we should because we don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings. When we burden ourselves too much, we are not only creating unnecessary stress in our lives, but we are also creating potential situations where we cannot deliever what we’ve promised. We also don’t realize that when we can’t deliever what we’re promised, we can unintentionally cause more pain than if we’d had turned that down in the first place, Remember, you’re not doing any favors for yourself or anyone else by taking on more than you can reasonably deliver.



A.Make a well-balanced daily plan

B.Predict how long tasks will take

C.Keep records of where your time is going

D.Handle things in order of importance

E.Learn to reject others’ demands

F.Analyze the distribution of your time

How to Manage Your Time Effectively

It has been said that “Time is Money” – but I disagree. Isn’t Time really LIFE? At the end of your life, can you even imagine saying to yourself, “I wish I’d made more money.” It’s more likely you’d be thinking “I wish I’d had more TIME – time to enjoy my life more.” Here are my favorite strategies for managing that most precious of all resources – TIME.


You can’t find something you’ve lost when you don’t know where you might have lost it in the first place. So keep track of the exact time you begin and end an activity, and write down a few words to describe the activity. This requires you to be really honest with yourself and track your time – so if you spent 23 minutes chatting with coworkers over coffee – write it down EXACTLY!


Review your time logs(记录)and start to classify the tasks into categories(范畴). You will create these categories yourself. Some examples might be: Administration, Business Development, Sales & Marketing, Computer, etc. You will then sum up how much time you spent doing tasks or activities for each category, in the exact number of minutes. You might also do a little math, to figure the percentage of time each category takes out of each day.


If you were honest and diligent, chances are that you had suddenly awakened after you reviewed your daily time logs. You no doubt can see where the time is wasted – and now you’re ready to make a better schedule. Make the best of your time by considering when you’re at your best for certain tasks, by grouping similar tasks together for greater efficiency, and by setting aside certain time for doing uninterrupted work. Think where different tasks can best fit into your day. Then actually write this routine down and post it where you see it every day.


You can create your own easy tools to do this. On one sheet of paper, create 5 sections: High Priorities(优先), Secondary Priorities, People to Contact, Telephone calls, and Schedule. You can fill this out each day, first thing in the morning. Each day, ask yourself: “If nothing else gets done today, what are the one or two items that absolutely. MUST be done?” You should also regularly go back to the time logging exercise, so you can determine if you are slipping back into those old had habits and take immediate steps to get back on track.


More often than not, we take on more than we should because we don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings. When we burden ourselves too much, we are not only creating unnecessary stress in our lives, but we are also creating potential situations where we cannot deliver what we’ve promised. We also don’t realize that when we can’t deliver what we’re promised, we can unintentionally cause more pain than if we’d had turned that down in the first place, remember, you’re not doing any favors for yourself or anyone else by taking on more than you can reasonably deliver.




  You know how wonderful you are, and you know that others know how wonderful you are, but what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousy(嫉妒)? For most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship.When this happens it can seem like there is nothing that you can do, but the good news is that there is.Don’t let jealousy spoil your relationships.Handle it head on and you might be back to normal much sooner than you think.

  It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem is, but if you want to save your friendship you’ll have to do just that.Don’t approach them and ask why they are jealous of you(unless of course you want to appear totally proud), just take some time alone with them and let them know that you’ve been feeling like there’s been something coming between you.If they refuse to respond, then use the opportunity to explain how you have been feeling.Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.

  When you figure out what is annoying your friend, ask him or her what(s)he thinks would make the situation better.If, for example,(s)he says that(s)he feels like(s)he doesn’t get to spend any time with you because of your being off with your new friends from the swim team, then maybe you could invite her along the next time or block off one day a week for just the two of you.Remember, though, that whatever solution you decide on should be a compromise(和解).Don’t limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy.Try instead to include him or her in your new life and see how that works out.

  Even the best of friendships can be tinged(略带着)with jealousy.This destructive emotion is rarely productive and can turn best friends into worst enemies.Before taking extreme action, chat with your jealous friend to see if the two of you can work out a compromise.If you can’t, be prepared to know exactly how far you will go to keep your friend and how far you won’t.


According to the author, the jealousy emotion is ________.

[  ]










The underlined “it” in the first paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]










What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

[  ]


There’s always a solution to solve the problem of jealousy.


Jealousy can turn best friends into worst enemies.


You may lose a friend to keep your own gifts, chances or self development.


You should go a long way with your friend to work out a solution


The purpose of the passage is ________.

[  ]


to explain what causes jealousy


to offer some advice on making friends


to introduce ways to cope with a jealous friend


to explain how destructive the jealous emotion is



  One day, a young man was cleaning out his late grandfather's belongings when he came across a bright red envelope.Written on the front were the words, "To my grandson." Recognizing his grandfather's handwriting ,the boy opened the envelope.A letter inside read:

  Dear Ronny,

  Years ago you came to me for help.You said, "Grandpa, how is it that you've accomplished so much in your life?You're still full of energy, and I'm already tired of struggling.How can I get that same enthusiasm that you've got?"

  I didn't know what to say to you then.But knowing my days are numbered.I figure that I owe you an answer.So here is what I believe.

  I think a lot of it has something to do with how a person looks at things.I call it "keeping your eyes wide open."

  First, realize that life is filled with surprises, but many are good ones.If you don't keep watching for them, you'll miss half the excitement.Expect to be thrilled once in a while ,and you will be.

  When you meet up with challenges, welcome them.They'll leave you wiser.stronger, and more capable than you were the day before.when you make a mistake ,be grateful for the things it taught you.Determine to use that lesson to help you reach your goals.

  And always follow the rules.Even the little ones.When you follow the rules, life works.If you think you ever really get by with breaking the rules, you're only fooling yourself.

  It's also important to decide exactly what you want.Then keep your mind focused on it, and be prepared to receive it.

  But be ready to end up in some new places too.As you grow with the years; you'll be given bigger shoes to fill.So be ready for endings as well as challenging beginnings.

  Sometimes we have to be brave enough to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar.Life isn't just reaching peaks, Part of it is moving from one peak to the next.If you rest too long in between, you might be tempted to quit.Leave the past in the past.Climb the next mountain and enjoy the view.

  Dump things that weigh you down emotionally and spiritually.When an old resentment, belief, or attitude becomes heavy.lighten your load.Drop those hurtful attitudes that slow you down and drain your energy.

  Remember that your choices will create your successes and your failures.So consider all the pathways ahead, and decide which ones to follow.Then believe in yourself, get up, and get going.

  And be sure to take breaks once in a while.They'll give you a renewed commitment to your dreams and a cheerful, healthy perception of the things that matter the most to you.

  Most important of all.never give up on yourself.The person that ends up a winner is the one who resolves to win.Give life everything you've got, and life will give its best back to you.

Love always,



The underlined part "But knowing my days are numbered" implies that _________.

[  ]


his grandpa could count days


his grandpa's each day was important


his grandpa knew he was dying


his grandpa was eager to tell the young man


Why did the young man's grandpa write this letter? Because _________.

[  ]


he wanted to recall his whole life


he wanted to tell his grandson how great he was


he wanted to explain how to keep energy


he wanted to show how to succeed


The young man's grandpa may agree _________.

[  ]


how a person looks at things has nothing to do with one's future


we should be thankful for what mistakes teach us


successful life is just reaching peaks


It's not so important to decide exactly what you want


According to the passage, _________.

[  ]


learning to give up is very important


we'd better stay in the familiar


obeying little rules doesn't matter


taking breaks once in a while is good to us

