A. appreciate B. like C. consider D. mind 查看更多




Everyone knows you must exercise regularly to keep good health. Indeed, staying physically fit is a big part of our culture. we consider(or rightly so)that healthy people are attractive people. Since most of us want to be attractive, there is no shortage of exercise clubs, training videos, magazines and books offering to help us stay physically fit.

    Unfortunately, however, our culture doesn’t place the same emphasis on mental fitness. Although we tend to like men and women with strong, healthy-looking bodies, we don’t have the same degree of respect or attraction for smart, educated, mentally healthy people. This is a pity, because there are great rewards for people who have developed the ability to think well.

    If your mind is well trained and flexible, you will be able to understand a great deal of what happens around you. And if you are also well educated --- that is, if you understand basic science, mathematics, music, art, literature, history and so on --- you will find it much easier to make good decisions throughout your life. Over the long run, this leads to a sense of control over your destiny and a much better life than otherwise.

    People who are poorly educated or who don’t think well --- that is, people who are not mentally fit --- see things differently. Their world is controlled by mysterious, often malevolent(恶意的)forces. Such people live within a system they will never master, forced to follow rules they will never understand. Although it may not be obvious, most spend their lives being manipulated(控制)by others. They are told what to do, what to think, how to spend their money, and what they should and should not aspire(渴望)to in life.

    In my opinion, if you want to live well, you must be able to use your mind well. For this reason, I want you to be able to concentrate, to solve problems, to understand complex ideas, and to think clearly and quickly. Such skills will make it easier for you to make informed decisions, understand current events, choose good friends, manage your money well, make wise lone-term decisions and appreciate music, art and literature.

    The key to developing such skills is to enjoy learning, and to have the ability and motivation to teach yourself.

63. The writer of the passage feel disappointed that ____.

  A. too little has been done to help people to keep physically fit

  B. too much has been done to help people to keep physically fit

  C. mentally healthy people are not as popular as physically healthy people

  D. physically healthy people are not as popular as mentally healthy people

64. The underlined word “this” in the 3rd paragraph means ____.

  A. the understanding of a great deal of what goes on around you

  B. the understanding of basic science and mathematics

  C. good training in body and mind

  D. being able to make good decisions in life

65. The writer of this passage thinks those who are not mentally fit ____.

  A. live a poor and mysterious life    B. can’t control over their life

  C. often do what others do          D. enjoy being fooled and ruled

66. The best title of the passage will most probably be ____.

  A. Train Your Body                    B. Train Your Mind  

  C. Make Informed Decisions        D. Think Hard and Work Hard


Starry Night
Have you ever seen a real night sky that looks like Van Gogh’s Starry Night? I hope not! So, why would an artist paint the sky this way? Perhaps I can answer that with another question. When you’re happy, why do you sing instead of speaking? Or when you’re in love, why do you speak of roses and honey? When we do these things, we, too are artists. We’re using something that goes beyond a mere scientific description in order to communicate our feelings more powerfully than straightforward words can. So consider for a moment that Van Gogh might not have been hallucinating (产生幻觉的) on the night he painted this. Maybe he felt something so powerful that he had to go beyond the familiar to express it.
I hope I’m reminding you of something you already know as I describe the experience of being outside at night under a crystal clear sky that makes everything seem clean and refreshing. So you look up. And suddenly you see the sky that you’ve seldom seen before. It’s not just the same old dark night sky tonight. Instead, the blackness is a deep, rich blue that is more bottomless than any ocean. The stars are not spots of light but brilliant, magical diamonds that dance like tiny angels. In just this special moment, the sky is somehow alive, and it seems to speak to you silently about the meaning of infinity (无限).
Now look at the painting again. Can you see something of what makes this such a famous and well-loved image? But there’s more here than that. Van Gogh painted this while he was quite struck down by a mental disease. It is natural to imagine that he frequently battled the fear that he would never escape his prison to true freedom. It is natural for us to imagine this because each of us has faced our own personal prison, whether it be disease, the loss of a loved one, serious financial problems … In such moments it is tempting to give up to despair (绝望) and collapse in hopelessness.
Looking at this painting, I imagine Van Gogh in just such a moment of despair, when he is struck by the memory of one of those amazing night skies. He recalls the sense that he is not alone, that there is a living, infinite world with rich colorful creatures and scenes all around.
And so the sky flows across the canvas (画布) full of vitality (活力) and power. The stars don’t just sparkle; they explode. Looking closer, we notice that the earth itself seems to respond to the movement in the sky, forming its own living waves in the mountain and rolling trees. In the sleepy village, the windows of the houses glow (发光) with the same light that brightens the universe. The giant trees at the left seem to capture the joy by stretching upwards toward the sky.
What a tremendous message of hope there is in this masterpiece! Even if our troubles persist, the world around us assures us that life is worth living. That’s what the angels sing about. Doesn’t it make you want to sing, too?
【小题1】Looking at the painting Starry Night, we can see all the following except________.

A.The singing angelsB.the giant trees
C.the sleepy villageD.the sparkling stars
【小题2】Van Gogh does NOT describe a feeling of ______ through the Starry Night.
【小题3】The underlined word “prison” in the 3rd paragraph probably means ______.
A.trouble in one’s lifeB.mental illness
C.control from the authorityD.a place where criminals are kept
【小题4】What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To explain how Van Gogh painted the Starry Night.
B.To tell us how to appreciate the Starry Night.
C.To prove Van Gogh was in a hallucinating state of mind while painting the picture.
D.To show us the beauty of the sky on a starry night.


Starry Night

Have you ever seen a real night sky that looks like Van Gogh’s Starry Night? I hope not! So, why would an artist paint the sky this way? Perhaps I can answer that with another question. When you’re happy, why do you sing instead of speaking? Or when you’re in love, why do you speak of roses and honey? When we do these things, we, too are artists. We’re using something that goes beyond a mere scientific description in order to communicate our feelings more powerfully than straightforward words can. So consider for a moment that Van Gogh might not have been hallucinating (产生幻觉的) on the night he painted this. Maybe he felt something so powerful that he had to go beyond the familiar to express it.

I hope I’m reminding you of something you already know as I describe the experience of being outside at night under a crystal clear sky that makes everything seem clean and refreshing. So you look up. And suddenly you see the sky that you’ve seldom seen before. It’s not just the same old dark night sky tonight. Instead, the blackness is a deep, rich blue that is more bottomless than any ocean. The stars are not spots of light but brilliant, magical diamonds that dance like tiny angels. In just this special moment, the sky is somehow alive, and it seems to speak to you silently about the meaning of infinity (无限).

Now look at the painting again. Can you see something of what makes this such a famous and well-loved image? But there’s more here than that. Van Gogh painted this while he was quite struck down by a mental disease. It is natural to imagine that he frequently battled the fear that he would never escape his prison to true freedom. It is natural for us to imagine this because each of us has faced our own personal prison, whether it be disease, the loss of a loved one, serious financial problems … In such moments it is tempting to give up to despair (绝望) and collapse in hopelessness.

Looking at this painting, I imagine Van Gogh in just such a moment of despair, when he is struck by the memory of one of those amazing night skies. He recalls the sense that he is not alone, that there is a living, infinite world with rich colorful creatures and scenes all around.

And so the sky flows across the canvas (画布) full of vitality (活力) and power. The stars don’t just sparkle; they explode. Looking closer, we notice that the earth itself seems to respond to the movement in the sky, forming its own living waves in the mountain and rolling trees. In the sleepy village, the windows of the houses glow (发光) with the same light that brightens the universe. The giant trees at the left seem to capture the joy by stretching upwards toward the sky.

What a tremendous message of hope there is in this masterpiece! Even if our troubles persist, the world around us assures us that life is worth living. That’s what the angels sing about. Doesn’t it make you want to sing, too?

72. Looking at the painting Starry Night, we can see all the following except________.

A. the sparkling stars                  B. the giant trees

C. the sleepy village               D. The singing angels

73. Van Gogh does NOT describe a feeling of _______ through the Starry Night.

  A. happiness      B. vitality    C. power        D. despair

74. The underlined word “prison” in the 3rd paragraph probably means _______.

  A. mental illness                B. trouble in one’s life 

  C. control from the authority         D. a place where criminals are kept

75. What is the main purpose of this passage?

  A. To tell us how to appreciate the Starry Night.

  B. To explain how Van Gogh painted the Starry Night.

  C. To prove Van Gogh was in a hallucinating state of mind while painting the picture.

  D. To show us the beauty of the sky on a starry night.



    Bruce Alberts, the former President of the National Academies( USA), has now taken over as Editor-in Chief of Science. Judging by his editorial in this week’s issue Considering Science Education there could be some interesting times ahead in Science offices.

    Here’s part of what Bruce has to say about science education…

    I consider science education to be critically important to both science and the world, and I shall frequently deal with this topic on this page. Let’s start with a big-picture view. Science has greatly advanced our understanding of the natural world and has enabled the creation of countless medicines and useful devices. It has also led to behaviors that have improved lives. The public appreciates these practical benefits of science, and science and scientists are generally respected, even by those who are not familiar with how science works or what exactly it has discovered.

    But society may less appreciate the advantage of having everyone acquire the ways of thinking and behaving that are central to practice of successful science: scientific habits of mind. These habits include a critical attitude toward established claims and a strong desire for logic and evidence. As famous astronomer Carl Sagan put it, science is our best detector(检测器). Individuals and societies clearly need a means to logically test the constant clever attempts to operate our purchasing and political decisions. They also need to challenge what is unreasonable, including the intolerance that led to so many regional and global conflicts.

    So how does this relate of science education? Might it be possible to encourage, across the world, scientific habits of mind, so as to create more rational(理性的) societies everywhere? In principle, a strong expansion of science education could provide the world with such an opportunity, but only if scientists, educators, and policy-makers redefine the goals of science education, beginning with college-level teaching. Rather than only conveying what science has discovered about the natural world, as is done now in most countries, we should provide first all students with the knowledge and practice of how to think like a scientist.

71. Which of the following is NOT included in the “scientific habits of mind”?

   A. A critical attitude toward established claims      B. A strong desire for logic.

   C. A strong desire for evidence.                  D.A clever and active mind.

72. What does the underlined phrase “such an opportunity” refer to in the last paragraph?

   A. To create more rational societies everywhere.

   B. To relate decision-making to science education.

   C. To encourage science education around the world.

   D. To set right goals of science education.

73. In Bruce Alberts’ opinion, which is the most important in science education?

A. Offering all students enough practice to drill their mind.

B. Equipping all students with a thinking model of a scientist.

C. Telling students what science has discovered about the natural world.

D. Advising all students to challenge all established scientific achievements.

74. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

   A. Bruce Alberts, a great science educator   

B. Science education and world peace

   C. The government and science education   

D. Bruce Alberts’ opinion on science education

75. The benefits of science include the following EXCEPT____.

   A. allowing people to understand the world better  

B. developing new treatment for diseases

   C. inventing useful machines and tools      

D. making great progress in people’s behaviors


Everyone knows you must exercise regularly to keep good health. Indeed, staying physically fit is a big part of our culture. we consider(or rightly so)that healthy people are attractive people. Since most of us want to be attractive, there is no shortage of exercise clubs, training videos, magazines and books offering to help us stay physically fit.
Unfortunately, however, our culture doesn’t place the same emphasis(强调) on mental fitness. Although we tend to like men and women with strong, healthy-looking bodies, we don’t have the same degree of respect or attraction for smart, educated, mentally healthy people. This is a pity, because there are great rewards for people who have developed the ability to think well.
If your mind is well trained and flexible(灵活的), you will be able to understand a great deal of what happens around you. And if you are also well educated — that is, if you understand basic science, mathematics, music, art, literature, history and so on — you will find it much easier to make good decisions throughout your life. Over the long run(时期), this leads to a sense of control over your destiny (命运)and a much better life than otherwise(in another way).
People who are poorly educated or who don’t think well — that is, people who are not mentally fit — see things differently. Their world is controlled by mysterious, often malevolent(恶意的)forces. Such people live within a system they will never master, forced to follow rules they will never understand. Although it may not be obvious, most spend their lives being manipulated(控制)by others. They are told what to do, what to think, how to spend their money, and what they should and should not aspire(渴望)to in life.
In my opinion, if you want to live well, you must be able to use your mind well. For this reason, I want you to be able to concentrate, to solve problems, to understand complex (复杂的)ideas, and to think clearly and quickly. Such skills will make it easier for you to make informed decisions, understand current events, choose good friends, manage your money well, make wise lone-term decisions and appreciate music, art and literature.
The key to developing such skills is to enjoy learning, and to have the ability and motivation to teach yourself.
1. The writer of the passage feel disappointed that ____.
A. too little has been done to help people to keep physically fit
B. too much has been done to help people to keep physically fit
C. mentally healthy people are not as popular as physically healthy people
D. physically healthy people are not as popular as mentally healthy people
2. The underlined word “this” in the 3rd paragraph means ____.
A. the understanding of a great deal of what goes on around you
B. the understanding of basic science and mathematics
C. good training in body and mind
D. being able to make good decisions in life
3. The writer of this passage thinks those who are not mentally fit ____.
A. live a poor and mysterious life             
B. can’t control over their life
C. often do what others do                     
D. enjoy being fooled and ruled
4. The best title of the passage will most probably be ____.
A. Train Your Body                               B. Train Your Mind  
C. Make Informed Decisions                   D. Think Hard and Work Hard

