48.A.countries B.cities C.states D.places 查看更多




  Chocolate soap is supposed to be good for the skin.But it's not so good for the tongue.Unfortunately for the US soldiers of World War II, the chocolate bars the army gave them tasted like they were intended for use in the bath.

  In the army's defense, it wasn't trying to win any cooking awards.In fact, it specifically ordered that its chocolate bars not be too delicious, so soldiers wouldn't eat them too quickly.These bars were created for survival, not taste.“They were awful,” John Otto, a former army captain in World War II said.“They were big, thick things, and they weren't any good.I tried 'em, but I had to be awful hungry after I tried them once.”

  As unappealing as the chocolate bars were to some, others liked them.Samuel Hinkle, the chemist who created the chocolate bars, pointed out that the number of bars made were far greater than the army needed.“It soon became obvious that the generous American soldiers were sharing their valued possessions with their foreign friends, whether soldiers of other countries or local citizens.”

  The bars turned many hungry Europeans into friends of the United States.“People wanted them,” said Otto.“You'd give them to kids.In some places they were very hungry.And they sure helped relax people about American soldiers.”

  Otto said he never saw a European turn his or her nose up at the chocolate.“It was food,” he said.“At that time, everyone was very hungry.I saw German kids standing outside the U.S.army kitchen.They weren't begging, just standing there very politely.When we were done, the kids would eat the food out of the garbage.They were that hungry.”

  Other Europeans did not see chocolate until well after the war ended.“We didn't see any Americans where I was,” said Elizabeth Radsma, who was 25 years old when the Germans occupied her country, the Netherlands.“Even after the war, we saw only English.Maybe the Americans gave out some chocolate in the big cities, but we were only in a small town.Before the British, we saw only German soldiers.But chocolate? Don't make me laugh! Maybe in my dreams!”

  A soldier in the field might have responded “Be careful what you wish for”-and then gratefully bit down on a chocolate bar, the only food available for miles.


What was the American soldiers' attitude towards the chocolate bars?

[  ]


They were delicious.


They tasted awful.


They were necessary for survival.


Too many of them were produced.


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The US soldiers used the chocolate bars as bath soap.


The US soldiers did not have enough food during World War II.


The US army produced more chocolate bars than necessary for its soldiers.


European people regretted eating chocolate bars from the US soldiers.


The underlined expression “turn his or her nose up at” probably means ________.

[  ]










Why does the author mention the German kids' story?

[  ]


To tell how friendly the American soldiers were.


To describe the hunger in post-war Germany.


To prove German kids could be very polite.


To show how much they were eager for chocolates.


Elizabeth Radsma never saw chocolate during the war because ________.

[  ]


the US soldiers handed out all of them to people in big cities


the German soldiers kept them all for themselves


the British soldiers didn't share them with the local people


the US soldiers never showed up in the small town she lived in



  Increased population increases the need for natural resources and also increases waste products.Making a new useful product out of a waste product decreases our need for natural resources.Recycling means using something over again after it has been used once.

  Have you ever seen a piece of recycled paper?About one third of all the paper products made each year are made from waste paper.For example, recycled paper is usually used to make paper sacks.Recycling paper, such as newspapers, reduces the number of trees that must be cut each year to make new paper.

Each person wastes a lot of solid waste.In the United States, the average is eight kilograms of waste each person each day.Most of the waste is garbage and rubbish.Finding places to dispose of solid wastes is a major problem.

  In many cities, solid wastes are collected and the rubbish is burned in incinerator plants.Air pollution control devices are used to prevent pollution.Heat produced in the burning may be used to generate electricity.Waste that is not burned is taken to a dump.One kind of dump for the disposal of solid wastes is a sanitary landfill.This method involves burying the wastes and bulldozing soil over them.Parks, baseball fields, airports, and other developments may be built on completely filled landfills.

  Recycling solid wastes decreases our need for methods of disposal.The metal in broken cars can be recycled and made into new steel.Worn out rubber tires can be turned into new ones and used again.Plastics and other rubber products can be recycleD.Metal cans and glass bottles can also be recycled.Increased recycling can help meet the increased demand for natual resources.

  By recycling resources, people imitate nature.Elements important to life are naturally recycleD.Nothing lasts forever.Wood decays, iron rusts, and concrete is worn away by wind and rain.All natural resources used by people eventually go back into the air, water, and earth.


What is the main cause of the increased waste according to the passage?

[  ]


Expansion of cities.


Development of the paper making industry.


Increased population.


Lack of recycling methods.


According to the passage, recycling paper is important because ________.

[  ]


better paper sacks can be made out of waste paper


the prices of new paper are very high


trees are no longer available in the developed countries


more trees on the earth can be saved


A big problem of solid waste disposal is that ________.

[  ]


solid wastes are poisonous


it is difficult to find places to dispose of solid wastes


the disposal process is too backward


we don't have enough manpower to dispose of solid wastes


Which of the following can not be called recycling?

[  ]


Making new paper from used paper.


Using worn?out rubber tires to make new ones.


Burying metal cans and glass bottles.


Producing new steel from metal in broken cars.


What is the writer's attitude towards recycling?

[  ]


The writer thinks that recycling is necessary and important.


The writer thinks it no use recycling.


The writer doubts whether recycling is useful to people.


The writer thinks that it is a waste of time and money recycling.




  They start handing out the free food at 9:00 a.m., but the queue starts forming hours earlier. By dawn, there is a line of cars stretching for about one kilometer. This is the closest thing to a traffic jam that the small city of Logan, Ohio, and many other places in the United States have a traffic jam driven by poverty (贫穷) and hunger.

  Outside, the US is regarded as the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, but back home it is being eaten away from the inside by persistent (持续的) and rising poverty.

  About 3 million Americans have lost their jobs since George W. Bush took office in January 2001 and have yet to find new work in a largely jobless economic recovery. There is not much left to keep them from falling further.

  Last year alone, another 1.7 million Americans slipped below the poverty line.

  That brought the total to 34.6 million, or one in eight of the population. More than 13 million of them are children.

  In fact, the US has the worst child poverty rate and the worst life expectancy of all the world's industrialized countries. And the conditions of its poverty are worsening.

  Two years ago, about 31 million Americans were considered“food insecure”(they did not know where their next meal was coming from). Of those, more than 9 million were said by the Agriculture Department to be experiencing real hunger.

  And that was before the recession (经济的衰退期) really began to hit.

  Partial surveys suggest the problem has got considerably worse since then. In 25 major cities, the need for emergency food rose to an average of 19 percent last year.

1.From the first paragraph we can know that _____.

[  ]

A.everyone in America need get free food

B.free food is offered to drivers everywhere in America

C.hunger is a big problem in America

D.people have to use cars even to get enough food

2.More American people are becoming poor because _____.

[  ]

A.they don't love their President

B.they don't like their jobs

C.they can't get enough jobs to do

D.they spend too much on their cars

3.The author's feeling towards the situation of poverty in the USA is _____.

[  ]

A.angry       B.puzzled

C.worried      D.nervous




  They start handing out the free food at 9:00 a.m., but the queue starts forming hours earlier. By dawn, there is a line of cars stretching for about one kilometer. This is the closest thing to a traffic jam that the small city of Logan, Ohio, and many other places in the United States have a traffic jam driven by poverty (贫穷) and hunger.

  Outside, the US is regarded as the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, but back home it is being eaten away from the inside by persistent (持续的) and rising poverty.

  About 3 million Americans have lost their jobs since George W. Bush took office in January 2001 and have yet to find new work in a largely jobless economic recovery. There is not much left to keep them from falling further.

  Last year alone, another 1.7 million Americans slipped below the poverty line.

  That brought the total to 34.6 million, or one in eight of the population. More than 13 million of them are children.

  In fact, the US has the worst child poverty rate and the worst life expectancy of all the world's industrialized countries. And the conditions of its poverty are worsening.

  Two years ago, about 31 million Americans were considered“food insecure”(they did not know where their next meal was coming from). Of those, more than 9 million were said by the Agriculture Department to be experiencing real hunger.

  And that was before the recession (经济的衰退期) really began to hit.

  Partial surveys suggest the problem has got considerably worse since then. In 25 major cities, the need for emergency food rose to an average of 19 percent last year.

1.From the first paragraph we can know that _____.

[  ]

A.everyone in America need get free food

B.free food is offered to drivers everywhere in America

C.hunger is a big problem in America

D.people have to use cars even to get enough food

2.More American people are becoming poor because _____.

[  ]

A.they don't love their President

B.they don't like their jobs

C.they can't get enough jobs to do

D.they spend too much on their cars

3.The author's feeling towards the situation of poverty in the USA is _____.

[  ]

A.angry       B.puzzled

C.worried      D.nervous



I had my first job at the age of thirteen , when a friend of my mother who owned a bookshop hired me for six hours a week to help her in the shop . I was very  36   to earn my own pocket money and my parents   37 interfered (干涉) with how I spent it , even when I was spending it  38  .They believed that by earning money ,spending it ,and learning from the  39  ,I would become more mature (成熟的)and  40  in how to handle work ,relationships with others ,and money.

Like many  41  parents ,my parents also let me and my brothers do things about which they  42  a great deal .When I was sixteen ,for example ,after I finished high school and before I entered university ,I wanted to spend the summer months traveling around  43   .My mother was against the idea of my traveling alone at such a young age, but my father felt that it would be a great  44  for me .In the end , my father won the  45  on the condition that I limited my traveling to France ,my mother’s home, where I had many uncles, aunts and cousins  46  through the country who could  47  shelter and help if I needed them .

Three years later ,my younger brother decided to  48  a year off after his first year in university and travel through the United States and the Caribbean. Again my mother was very worried and not  49  to see my brother leave school, but my father encouraged him and my brother spent a (n) 50   year working his way on trains and ships to  51  his passage to different ports and cities, and discovering many fascinating places and people.

These kinds of experiences are probably  52  for children in many countries but in the US they are fairly common. Most parents start  53  their children at a young age to do small things by themselves .By the time they have finished high school, many American kids have already had  54  jobs and traveled around the US or other countries on their own , have selected the university they plan to attend , maybe even have decided on their future  55 ,and so on .

A.anxious       B. worried        C. proud        D. nervous

A. never          B. ever          C. always           D. even

A. carefully       B. foolishly        C. seriously        D. honestly

A. work          B. mistakes       C. others       D. books

A. strict          B. reasonable       C. polite           D. responsible

A. American      B. Japanese      C. Chinese           D. British

A. helped          B. supported        C. shared           D. worried

A. Asia          B. Africa         C. Europe           D. Oceania

A. journey         B. experience       C. chance           D. possibility

A. argument      B. game           C. discussion       D. plan

A. sending out    B. giving out        C. carrying out     D. spreading out

A. promise       B. decide         C. provide          D. serve

A. leave         B. make           C. take             D. prepare

A. angry         B. eager          C. sorry            D. sad

A. unusual       B. hard           C. strange          D. busy

A. accept        B. earn           C. find          D. search

A. welcome      B. fit             C. necessary        D. rare

A. bringing        B. forcing     C. pushing          D. protecting

A. part-time      B. full-time         C. good             D. well-paid

A. life           B. career       C. hope        D. benefit

