28.A.unable B.able C.eager D. ready 查看更多



Dear God,

    Now that I am no longer young,I have friends whose mothers have passed away.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never  2 1  appreciated their mothers until it was too  22  to tell them.

    I am  23  with the dear mother who is still allve.I appreciate her  24 each day.My mother does not  25  ,but I do.  26   I grow older and wiser.I realize what a(n)  27  person she is.How sad that I alil    28  to speak these words in her presence,29  they flow easily from my pen.

    How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for giving her llfe I  30’ For the love,patience and just plain hard work that go into  3 l  a child? For 32  a toddler,for understanding a moody teenager,for tolerating a college student who thinks she knows  33 ? For waiting for the day  34  a daughter realizes her mother really is?

How does a    35    wonlan thank for a mother for continuing to be a mother?For being ready with advice (when asked ) or  36   silent when it is most appreciated? For not saying:”I  37you so ,”when she could have spoked these words dozens of  38    ?For being essentially herself-loving ,thoughtful. Patient, and forgiving?

I don’t know how,dear God,except to bless her as richly as she  39  and to help me live up to the example she has set.I pray that 1 will look as good in the eyes of my  40  as my mother looks in mine.

A daughter

21.A fully              B.truly            C.painfully          D mainly

 22.A.early            B.slow             C.1ate             D.fast

 23.A.satisfied         B.prepared          C.worried           D blessed

 24.A much             B.more             C.1ess             D.fewer

 25.A.stand            B.move            C.change           D exist

 26.A.As              B.With            C.For              D.Because

 27.A.ordinary         B.usual            C.strict             D extraordinary

 28.A.unable          B.able             C.eager             D ready

 29.A.therefore        B.otherwise         C.but              D.however

 30.A herself       B.itself        C.themselves    D.oneself

 31.A.punishing    B.blaming      C.raising      D.praising

 32.A.running after   B.running across    C.running out     D.running for

 33 A.something   B.everything     C.anything      D.nothing

 34.A.that           B.when              C.in which           D.where

 35 A.grown          B.pleased             C.trained           D.well-behaved

 36 A interrupting    B.disliking        C.representing    D.remaining

 37.A.asked         B.told               C.ordered            D required

 38.A.times        B.days               C.months             D years

 39.A.gots         B.gives               C.deserves           D.delivers

 40.A.husband   B.children         C.relatives      D.neighbours



  Children are in need of adoption because some birth parents are unable or unavailable to provide adequately for the needs of their child.There are numerous reasons for making an adoption plan.Birth parents may feel they cannot take on responsibility of an unplanned child because they are too young or because they are financially or emotionally unable to provide proper care.They do not feel ready or able to be good parents.

  In other cases children are in need of adoption because courts have decided that their birth parents are unable to function adequately.Many of these children are victims of abuse or neglect.Regardless of how children come to need adoption, they are put with adoptive parents through private or public social service agencies.Other adoptions may be arranged independently, as when birth parents and adoptive parents come to know each other outside of an agency and then complete the adoption according to the laws and regulations of their states of residence.

  In the early 1970s there was a dramatic increase n the number of families seeking to adopt, a condition which persists today.For this reason, the number of those who wish to adopt regularly exceeds(超过)the number of infants available.Reasons for this dramatic increase are varied.A major factor has been the choice of many people to delay the start of a family until later in life.Many of these people, in turn, have found themselves to be less fertile at that time, and so they have decided that their desire to have children might best be fulfilled through adoption.

  In every state, however, there are children who are legally free to be adopted but are desperately waiting for parents.The children in this group are usually older and often have special needs.They may require additional care from a parent because of their physical, emotional, or mental disabilities(which may have been caused by abuse, neglect, or medical or genetic factors).Because of their special needs, these children are challenging to rear.In fact, adoption experts believe that people who adopt these children need special training and preparation in order to successfully rear the child and to integrate(使融入)the child into the family and eventually into society.

  In cases of international adoption, Americans have adopted orphaned children from places like Korea, India, and Latin America.United States immigration laws allow such children to reside in the United States through a special visa under which the children are classified as immediate relatives of the adopting family.The laws, regulations, and attitudes toward international add option vary a great deal from one country to another.Because of this, people wishing to adopt should use experienced agencies or organizations in order to adopt a child from another country successfully.


What is the most important reason for the adoption boom in the 1970s?

[  ]


Adoption came into fashion among young American couples then.


Many women shoes adoption for fear that their figure might be affected after bearing.


Many people who married late found they were less fertile.


The government carried out family planning and many people had to adopt children.


By saying“there are children who are legally free to be adopted but are desperately waiting for parents”, the author suggests that ________.

[  ]


few people would like to adopt these children for they are hard to raise


the children were eager to be loved by their birth parents


some people would like to adopt them, but these children prefer their birth parents


their birth parents abandoned them but don’t like other people to adopt them


According to the passage, international adoption ________.

[  ]


occurs more often than adoption of American infants


mostly involves European orphans


should be done through experienced agencies


should be banned right away


What is the author’s primary concern of writing this passage?

[  ]


To tell how to adopt a child.


To tell why and how Americans adopt children.


To tell the history of child adoption.


To tell the significance of adopting children.



  Children are in need of adoption because some birth parents are unable or unavailable to provide adequately for the needs of their child.There are numerous reasons for making an adoption plan.Birth parents may feel they cannot take on responsibility of an unplanned child because they are too young or because they are financially or emotionally unable to provide proper care.They do not feel ready or able to be good parents.

  In other cases children are in need of adoption because courts have decided that their birth parents are unable to function adequately.Many of these children are victims of abuse or neglect.Regardless of how children come to need adoption, they are put with adoptive parents through private or public social service agencies.Other adoptions may be arranged independently, as when birth parents and adoptive parents come to know each other outside of an agency and then complete the adoption according to the laws and regulations of their states of residence.

  In the early 1970s there was a dramatic increase n the number of families seeking to adopt, a condition which persists today.For this reason, the number of those who wish to adopt regularly exceeds(超过)the number of infants available.Reasons for this dramatic increase are varied.A major factor has been the choice of many people to delay the start of a family until later in life.Many of these people, in turn, have found themselves to be less fertile at that time, and so they have decided that their desire to have children might best be fulfilled through adoption.

  In every state, however, there are children who are legally free to be adopted but are desperately waiting for parents.The children in this group are usually older and often have special needs.They may require additional care from a parent because of their physical, emotional, or mental disabilities(which may have been caused by abuse, neglect, or medical or genetic factors).Because of their special needs, these children are challenging to rear.In fact, adoption experts believe that people who adopt these children need special training and preparation in order to successfully rear the child and to integrate(使融入)the child into the family and eventually into society.

  In cases of international adoption, Americans have adopted orphaned children from places like Korea, India, and Latin America.United States immigration laws allow such children to reside in the United States through a special visa under which the children are classified as immediate relatives of the adopting family.The laws, regulations, and attitudes toward international add option vary a great deal from one country to another.Because of this, people wishing to adopt should use experienced agencies or organizations in order to adopt a child from another country successfully.


What is the most important reason for the adoption boom in the 1970s?

[  ]


Adoption came into fashion among young American couples then.


Many women shoes adoption for fear that their figure might be affected after bearing.


Many people who married late found they were less fertile.


The government carried out family planning and many people had to adopt children.


By saying“there are children who are legally free to be adopted but are desperately waiting for parents”, the author suggests that ________.

[  ]


few people would like to adopt these children for they are hard to raise


the children were eager to be loved by their birth parents


some people would like to adopt them, but these children prefer their birth parents


their birth parents abandoned them but don’t like other people to adopt them


According to the passage, international adoption ________.

[  ]


occurs more often than adoption of American infants


mostly involves European orphans


should be done through experienced agencies


should be banned right away


What is the author’s primary concern of writing this passage?

[  ]


To tell how to adopt a child.


To tell why and how Americans adopt children.


To tell the history of child adoption.


To tell the significance of adopting children.

