55.A.never B.almost C.also D.always 答案 36-55 BBBBD BBCCB DDACA ABADC [2010年1月更新] Passage 73 (安徽省利辛二中2010届高三上学期第四次月考) It was past 10:00 p. m. I was busy with my schoolwork though I was 36 . Just then, my little brother Michael ran out of his room, 37 a pen in his right hand and a piece of paper in the other. “Betty, can you help me with my 38 for school? It’s about the seven 39 of the world. he said. My eyes were so 40 on the computer screen that my brother had to pull my blouse just to get my 41 . “Look, not right now! I’m very busy. I said.“You are always busy! You are always like that! he replied. I felt a bit guilty 42 I thought about his words, but my work seemed more 43 to me than my brother’s .I sighed a few times and 44 with my own studies. The next day, I arrived home late. Michael came into my room. “I know you are 45 but there’s something I want to show you , he began. Without saying a word, I 46 the paper from him .I really didn’t 47 what he was saying .All I wanted was to 48 him and finally get some rest. Suddenly, my eyes widened in 49 . There, he wrote: The Seven Wonders of the World 查看更多



As an engineering student, I had a degree and three good job offers. I couldn’t help trembling when I heard about studies which showed that women are at a (n)  1 when it comes to math. However, I discovered: just because a subject is  2 to learn, it does not show you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work harder to get good at it.  3 you do, there’s a (an)  4 chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.

In eighth grade I took algebra (代数). On one test I got only 1 percent of the  5 answers. I failed the next one, too. I started to  6 maybe I’m just not good at this. I was lucky enough to have a teacher who didn’t take my bad grades as a judgment of my  7 , but  8 as an indication that I should study more. He  9 me aside and told me he knew I could do better. Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. I  10 the following tests, and pulled my grade up to an A.

I studied a lot in college, too. I had moments of fear while sitting below the fluorescent lights in the  11 library on Saturday afternoons, when I  12 that the estrogen (雌性激素) in my body was  13 me from understanding thermodynamics (热动力学). But the  14 in my class had to work just as hard, and I knew that I couldn’t  15 to lose confidence in myself. I didn’t want to choose between my femininity (女人气) and a good career. 16 I reminded myself that those  17 , the ones that say math comes more naturally to men, are faulty.

Here’s a secret: math and science don’t go  18 to most people. No one was  19 born knowing calculus (微积分). But as a famous saying goes: Y nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. A woman can learn anything a man can, but first she needs to know that she can do it, and then takes a leap of  20 .

1.A.advantage  B.disadvantage   C.trouble   D.discomfort

2.A.enjoyable  B.humorous C.simple   D.difficult

3.A.Once  B.Where   C.Although  D.Until

4.A.strong B.poor C.impossible D.few

5.A.wrong B.complete  C.correct   D.missing

6.A.think  B.astonish  C.know    D.decide

7.A.marks B.standards C.characteristics D.abilities

8.A.extremely  B.simply   C.slightly   D.especially

9.A.pulled B.led   C.put  D.pushed

10.A.designed  B.attended  C.got  D.took

11.A.chemistry B.engineering    C.biology   D.geography

12.A.worried  B.agreed   C.knew D.realized

13.A.protecting B.awaking  C.preventing D.attempting

14.A.girls B.boys C.students  D.classmates

15.A.afford    B.try   C.help  D.manage

16.A.Also B.But  C.Though  D.So

17.A.studies   B.grades   C.students  D.experiments

18.A.actively   B.easily C.difficultly D.gradually

19.A.never B.ever  C.even D.often

20.A.honesty  B.knowledge    C.reality    D.faith


As an engineering student, I had a degree and three good job offers. I couldn’t help trembling when I heard about studies which showed that women are at a (n)  1 when it comes to math. However, I discovered: just because a subject is  2 to learn, it does not show you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work harder to get good at it.  3 you do, there’s a (an)  4 chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.

In eighth grade I took algebra (代数). On one test I got only 1 percent of the  5 answers. I failed the next one, too. I started to  6 maybe I’m just not good at this. I was lucky enough to have a teacher who didn’t take my bad grades as a judgment of my  7 , but  8 as an indication that I should study more. He  9 me aside and told me he knew I could do better. Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. I  10 the following tests, and pulled my grade up to an A.

I studied a lot in college, too. I had moments of fear while sitting below the fluorescent lights in the  11 library on Saturday afternoons, when I  12 that the estrogen (雌性激素) in my body was  13 me from understanding thermodynamics (热动力学). But the  14 in my class had to work just as hard, and I knew that I couldn’t  15 to lose confidence in myself. I didn’t want to choose between my femininity (女人气) and a good career. 16 I reminded myself that those  17 , the ones that say math comes more naturally to men, are faulty.

Here’s a secret: math and science don’t go  18 to most people. No one was  19 born knowing calculus (微积分). But as a famous saying goes: Y nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. A woman can learn anything a man can, but first she needs to know that she can do it, and then takes a leap of  20 .

1.A.advantage  B.disadvantage   C.trouble   D.discomfort

2.A.enjoyable  B.humorous C.simple   D.difficult

3.A.Once  B.Where   C.Although  D.Until

4.A.strong B.poor C.impossible D.few

5.A.wrong B.complete  C.correct   D.missing

6.A.think  B.astonish  C.know    D.decide

7.A.marks B.standards C.characteristics D.abilities

8.A.extremely  B.simply   C.slightly   D.especially

9.A.pulled B.led   C.put  D.pushed

10.A.designed  B.attended  C.got  D.took

11.A.chemistry B.engineering    C.biology   D.geography

12.A.worried  B.agreed   C.knew D.realized

13.A.protecting B.awaking  C.preventing D.attempting

14.A.girls B.boys C.students  D.classmates

15.A.afford    B.try   C.help  D.manage

16.A.Also B.But  C.Though  D.So

17.A.studies   B.grades   C.students  D.experiments

18.A.actively   B.easily C.difficultly D.gradually

19.A.never B.ever  C.even D.often

20.A.honesty  B.knowledge    C.reality    D.faith


As an engineering student, I had a degree and three good job offers. I couldn’t help trembling when I heard about studies which showed that women are at a (n)  1 when it comes to math. However, I discovered: just because a subject is  2 to learn, it does not show you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work harder to get good at it.  3 you do, there’s a (an)  4 chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.

In eighth grade I took algebra (代数). On one test I got only 1 percent of the  5 answers. I failed the next one, too. I started to  6 maybe I’m just not good at this. I was lucky enough to have a teacher who didn’t take my bad grades as a judgment of my  7 , but  8 as an indication that I should study more. He  9 me aside and told me he knew I could do better. Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. I  10 the following tests, and pulled my grade up to an A.

I studied a lot in college, too. I had moments of fear while sitting below the fluorescent lights in the  11 library on Saturday afternoons, when I  12 that the estrogen (雌性激素) in my body was  13 me from understanding thermodynamics (热动力学). But the  14 in my class had to work just as hard, and I knew that I couldn’t  15 to lose confidence in myself. I didn’t want to choose between my femininity (女人气) and a good career. 16 I reminded myself that those  17 , the ones that say math comes more naturally to men, are faulty.

Here’s a secret: math and science don’t go  18 to most people. No one was  19 born knowing calculus (微积分). But as a famous saying goes: Y nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. A woman can learn anything a man can, but first she needs to know that she can do it, and then takes a leap of  20 .

1.A.advantage  B.disadvantage   C.trouble   D.discomfort

2.A.enjoyable  B.humorous C.simple   D.difficult

3.A.Once  B.Where   C.Although  D.Until

4.A.strong B.poor C.impossible D.few

5.A.wrong B.complete  C.correct   D.missing

6.A.think  B.astonish  C.know    D.decide

7.A.marks B.standards C.characteristics D.abilities

8.A.extremely  B.simply   C.slightly   D.especially

9.A.pulled B.led   C.put  D.pushed

10.A.designed  B.attended  C.got  D.took

11.A.chemistry B.engineering    C.biology   D.geography

12.A.worried  B.agreed   C.knew D.realized

13.A.protecting B.awaking  C.preventing D.attempting

14.A.girls B.boys C.students  D.classmates

15.A.afford    B.try   C.help  D.manage

16.A.Also B.But  C.Though  D.So

17.A.studies   B.grades   C.students  D.experiments

18.A.actively   B.easily C.difficultly D.gradually

19.A.never B.ever  C.even D.often

20.A.honesty  B.knowledge    C.reality    D.faith


阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

       How much rain has fallen on the earth in the past? Man has not always kept weather records. Because scientists need a way to learn about past rainfall, they study tree rings.

       A tree's trunk grows bigger each year. Beneath its bark (树皮), a tree adds a layer of new wood each year it lives. If you look at a tree stump (桩), you can see the layers. They are called annual rings (年轮).

       On some trees all of the rings are the same width. But the ponderosa pines that grow in the American southwest have rings of different width. The soil in the southwest is dry. The pines depend on rainfall for water. In a year of good rainfall, they form wide rings. In a dry year, they form narrow ones.

       Scientists do not have to cut down a pine to know its rings. With a special tool, they can remove a narrow piece of wood from the trunk without harming the tree. Then they look at the width of each ring to see how much rain fell in the year it formed.

       Some pines are hundreds of years old and have hundreds of rings. These rings form an annual record of past rainfall in the southwest.   

1. The passage mainly tells us about ___________.

[  ]

A. why tree trunks grow bigger   

B. how trees grow    

C. why and how scientists study tree rings   

D. how tree rings are formed  

2. From the passage we can see that ___________.

[  ]

A. a tree grows faster when it has a lot of water   

B. scientists cut down trees to study tree rings   

C. pine trees form wide rings every year   

D. the ponderosa pine only grows in the American southwest

3. A new layer of wood grows in a tree ____________.

[  ]

A. each week  

B. whenever it rains    

C. every year  

D. every season  

4. Why does a ponderosa pine in the American southwest have rings

   of different width? ____________

[  ]

A. Because rainfall differs from year to year.

B. The bigger a pine grows, the wider rings it forms.

C. Scientists control its growth.

D. It grows in the dry soil.  

5. Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A. The trunk of a tree never changes in size.   

B. Young trees have fewer annual rings.   

C. The soil in the southwest is fit for the growth of trees.   

D. It is with a special tool that scientists cut down a tree &


As we all know, great culture differences lie between China and the west. As a result, they have their own different diet habits.

The way of paying the bill is different

Chinese like to invite people to dinner and the inviters pay the bill. In England and America, if classmates or friends have a meal together, they usually share the cost. If a man has a meal with a woman, he usually pays the bill. When people hold a birthday dinner party for their friend ,they usually share the cost.

The diet behaviour is different

If Chinese get together to have a meal, they always talk and laugh freely. In England and America, if people have a meal together, they try not to make any noise, but it is also impolite to say nothing. They always try to find a topic to talk about.

The background of sending gifts is different

Chinese seldom send the host gifts, but if the host has a certain kind of great event such as a marriage or a funeral, the guests should give the host some dear gifts. In England and America, when people are invited to have a meal by a newly-made friend, they usually give the host some flowers or a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates.

●The way of saying goodbye is different

If a Chinese leaves the host after a meal, they usually thank the host for his/her kindness. In America and England, the guests always thank the host by saying, “Thank you very much for the meal.”

1.Who will usually pay the bill if a man invites a woman in England?

A. The man.    B. The woman.    C. The share the bill.   D. Their friend.

2.What is the manner of English people at the table?

A. They never talk but eat.    B. They talk but make no noise.

C. They talk and laugh.     D. They never talk but laugh

3.In England, do they give flowers to the host as a gift?

A. They never give money.    B. They sometimes do.

C. They always do.       D. They never do.

4.When you leave your American host’s home, what do you say?

A. Thank you anyway.      B. Thank you all the same.

C. I like your meal.       D. Thank you for the meal.


