A. probably B. exactly C. rarely D. eagerly 答案 36- 40: BCDBC; 41- 45: ADADB; 46- 50: CACDC; 51- 55: BBDAA; Passage 84 (江苏省盐城市2010届高三第二次学情测评) My great Grandma was beautiful both in appearance and in mind. She lived 36 two World Wars and the Great Depression. During the eleven years, I received the 37 of determination, faith and love. Grandma lost her leg at eighty-three 38 poor circulation and was told she would be in a 39 the rest of her life. The doctors were 40 when she left the hospital with a wooden walking stick. In 1982 she suffered from 41 failure. When in hospital, she wasn’t 42 to meet anyone. Grandma became very 43 and refused to eat until she saw her 44 . We all had received 45 filled with passages of jokes and stories from her as babies. When we saw Grandma, she gave us all $5. With the help of our parents we 46 new books for her to inscribe . None 47 her to be able to sign them all before she died. 48 , we didn’t realize that we all underestimatedher courage and strength 49 she gave them to us filled with 50 poems. Many years before Grandma’s death she said she would die on a 51 so she could meet her Lord when he wasn’t so 52 . She had a severe heart attack on Thursday but endured eight heart attacks between Friday and Sunday morning when she finally went to meet her Lord 53 . I believe the few short years I spent with her helped me to be strong during the 54 times. The constant love, laughter and 55 from Grandma are what I remember most from a woman facing difficulties with smiles on her face and her head held high. 36. A. at B. on C. through D. for 37. A. promises B. gifts C. plans D. invitations 38. A. apart from B. but for C. except for D. due to 39. A. wheelchair B. house C. hospital D. bed 40. A. embarrassed B. bored C. astonished D. scared 41. A. arm B. heart C. knee D. face 42. A. warned B. advised C. encouraged D. allowed 43. A. upset B. gentle C. mad D. polite 44. A. daughters B. sons C. grandchildren D. friends 45. A. books B. films C. reports D. tickets 46. A. carried B. stored C. borrowed D. bought 47. A. expected B. persuaded C. promised D. ordered 48. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Besides D. However 49. A. when B. until C. before D. after 50. A. spoken B. written C. typed D. posted 51. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Friday 52. A. lazy B. sleepy C. free D. busy 53. A. unfortunately B. curiously C. happily D. sadly 54. A. difficult B. unique C. wonderful D. common 55. A. survival B. courage C. luck D. fear 答案 36~40 CBDAC 41~45 BDACA 46~50 DADBB 51~55 CDCAB Passage 85 (陕西省镇安中学2010届高三上学期第三次月考) It was pouring outside.We all stood there 21 .some patiently.others annoyed 22 nature messed up their hurried day.I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens 23 away the dirt and dust of the world. “Mom.let’s run through the rain. a girl’s voice 24 me. “No.honey.We’ll wait until it 25 down a bit. Mom replied. The young girl waited about another minute and 26 .“Mom.let’s run through the rain. “We’ll get wet if we do. Mom said.“No.we won’t.Mom.That’s not what you said this morning. the young girl said as she 27 her Mom’s arm. “What? 28 did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet? “Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer.you said.`If God can get us through this.he can get us through 29 ’. The entire crowd turned 30 .Mom paused and thought for a moment about 31 she would say.Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being 32 .But then we heard.“Honey.you are 33 .Let’s run through the rain.If we get wet.maybe we just need washing. Mom said.Then 34 they ran. We all stood 35 .smiling and laughing as they ran past the cars.Yes.they got wet.But they were 36 by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the 37 to their cars.Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions.and they can even take away your 38 .But no one can ever take away your precious 39 .So.don’t forget to make time and take the 40 to make memories every day! I hope you still take the time to run through the rain. 查看更多



Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with word or phrases that best fits the context. ( 12%)
The purpose of a letter of application (求职信) is to help you to “sell” yourself. It should state clearly the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have done. It should be   46  , human, personal and brief without  47  out any necessary facts.
In writing a letter of application, keep in   48   that things a possible employer is most   49  to want to know about are your qualification, your achievements and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. If the first few sentences   50  to win the reader's attention, the rest of the letter may not be   51   at all. Try to key your  52  remarks to the needs or interests of the employer, not to your own needs or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “ I saw your advertisement (广告) in today's newspaper”. You might say “ I have made a careful   53  of your advertising during the past six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives   54  your product and why they like it”.
Try to be clear about the kind of job   55   you are now applying for. College graduates looking for their first positions often ask “What can I provide in a letter?” Employers want experience---which, naturally, no beginners has. The answer is that everything you have ever done is experience .
It is important to write a good strong closing remark for your letter.   56   a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent   57  is to enclose (内附) a stamped, self-addressed envelope (信封) with your letter. That makes it easier for a possible employer to get in touch with you.
46. A. rough                            B. simple                  C. complex                D. numerous
46. A. sending                         B. taking                   C. leaving                 D. picking
48. A. mind                             B. sight                     C. contact                 D. touch 
49. A. probably                       B. possibly                 C. likely                   D. surely
50. A. need                             B. fail                        C. wish                    D. used
51. A. kept                               B. continued               C. written                 D. read
52. A. opening                           B. closing                 C. puzzling               D. surprising
53. A. decision                               B. interview              C. study                    D. discussion
54. A. change                          B. make                    C. sell                       D. use
55. A. what                             B. which                            C. that                        D. when
56. A .Make                            B. Ask                      C. State                    D. Get
57. A. result                            B. decision                C. promise                D. Idea


Yesterday I had a walk with a friend in the street.When we were passing by a house,I__1__a BlackBerry cellphone.I picked it up and it still__2__!I started checking the contact list and calling numbers.I wanted to see__3__I could get some information about the owner of the phone.__4__,only one person answered and she didn’t recognize the__5__that I was calling from.In the end,she said,“It is just so nice that you are trying to__6__whose phone it is.”

Since that lady didn’t know whose phone it was,my friend__7__me to go back to the street.I__8__.We went back to the street and to the house__9__which we had found the BlackBerry cellphone.I__10__the door.Two college students__11__and said they hadn’t lost their phones.But when I told them the story and__12__some names on the contact list,one of them said that he__13__had those names so it must be the phone of one of his__14__.

They said it was__15__that I took the time to find the__16__.I really didn’t have anything to say because in my mind I was just doing the__17__thing.I never considered__18__the phone—it wasn’t mine.I immediately tried to find the owner because that is exactly what I would want__19__to do if any of my family members__20__their phones.

[语篇解读] 作者捡到一部手机,她想尽办法找到机主,归还手机

1.A.bought                                                 B.dropped

C.repaired                                                  D.found

2.A.rang                                                    B.sang

C.worked                                                   D.shook

3.A.that                                                     B.if

C.what                                                      D.how

4.A.Probably                                              B.Interestingly

C.Finally                                                    D.Unluckily

5.A.number                                                B.street

C.man                                                       D.name

6.A.talk about                                             B.think of

C.find out                                                  D.care about

7.A.advised                                                B.pushed

C.helped                                                    D.showed

8.A.laughed                                                B.understood

C.argued                                                    D.agreed

9.A.at the back of                                       B.in front of

C.on the top of                                           D.far away from

10.A.turned to                                            B.looked for

C.knocked on                                             D.broke into

11.A.answered                                            B.shouted

C.ran                                                         D.passed

12.A.spelled                                               B.wrote

C.mentioned                                               D.remembered

13.A.sometimes                                          B.also

C.hardly                                                     D.always

14.A.kids                                                   B.parents

C.students                                                  D.friends

15.A.exciting                                              B.necessary

C.wonderful                                               D.impossible

16.A.phone                                                B.information

C.buyer                                                     D.owner

17.A.important                                           B.right

C.strange                                                   D.brave

18.A.giving                                                B.borrowing

C.mending                                                 D.keeping

19.A.them                                                  B.him

C.someone                                                 D.myself

20.A.lost                                                    B.described

C.needed                                                    D.lent



 It is _________ that a war will break out in the country.

    A. probably     B. possibly   C. likely     D. quickly



 Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ______, our minds are developed by learning.

A. Probably                    B. Similarly                      C. Likely                   D. Generally



Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ________, our minds are developed by learning.

A. Probably    B. Likely          C. Similarly     D. Generally


