39.A.children B.memories C. encouragement D. experience 查看更多



Professor Martin's report says that children who attend a number of different schools, because their parents have to move around the country, probably make slow progress in their studies. There are also signs, says Professor Martin, that an unusually large number of such children are mentally affected.

  The professor says, "It's true, my personal feeling is that children should stay in one school. However, our findings are based on research and not on any personal feelings that I or my assistants may have on the subject."

  Captain Thomas James, an Army lecturer for the past 20 years and him self a father of two, said," I've never heard such rubbish. Taking me for ex ample, no harm is done to the education of my children who change schools regularly-if they keep to the same system, as in our army schools. In my experience, I've known quite a few of them-Army children are as well-adjusted(调整)as any others, if not more so. What the professor doesn't appear to appreciate is the fact that in such situations children will adapt(适应)much better than grown-ups."

  When this was put to Professor Martin, he said that at no time had his team suggested that all such children were backward or mentally affected in some way, but simply that in their experience there was a clear tendency(倾向).

  "Our findings show that while the very bright child can deal with regular changes without harming his or her general progress in studies, the majority of children suffer from constantly having to enter a new learning situation."

  1.According to this passage, Professor Martin's personal feeling_______.

    A. is the opposite of what his report has shown

    B. is in a way supported by his research

    C. has played a big part in his research

    D. is based on his own experience as a child


  2.From the passage, we can conclude that Captain James's children_________.

    A. have been affected by changing schools

    B. go to ordinary State schools

    C. can get used to the Army school education

    D. discuss their education regularly with their father


  3.About children and grown-ups, Captain James says that children______.

    A. are generally well-adjusted

    B. are usually less experienced

    C. can adapt much more easily

    D. can deal with changes quickly


  4.According to Professor Martin, _________ suffer from changing schools regularly.

    A. Army children

    B. quite a few children

    C. bright children

    D. few children



When Teresa,a widow with four young children,saw a notice from her church for all members to gather to deliver presents and food to a 36 family,she took $10 out of her savings jar and bought some ingredients to make three dozen 37 .She got to the church parking lot just in time to join the convoy(护送队)going to the home that was to 38 the people’s help.

The route was 39 ,and she was astonished when the cars pulled up in front of her house.When the pastor saw her,he said,“ We 40 expected you to join us , Teresa.We know it’s been a great 41 since your husband died,and we all wanted to 42  you.”

Although she was  43 being the object of charity,Teresa didn’t want to 44 anyone so she 45 said,“ Well,at least I can share these cookies with our   46 .”

This parable teaches us that no one is too 47  to help others and that true charity is rooted in love and compassion. 48  of spirit is worse than economic distress.Teresa’s story 49 us that very few of us give as much as we could and should.

My friend Larry Rosen,president of the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles 50 me to the concept of “ sacrificial giving”— 51  in a large quantity up to a

point where one must 52 something that is desired.

You can start out easy.Take whatever 53 you are thinking of giving to charity,then  54 it.If that’s too much, increase it by 50 percent instead.The 55 is to stretch yourself.It will mean a lot to those you help,but it will mean as much to your heart.

36.A.wealthy       B.big          C.needy         D.noble

37.A.cookies       B.cakes         C .buns         D.rolls

38.A.offer         B.receive        C.expect        D.refuse

39.A.pleasant      B.lengthy         C.rough         D.familiar

40.A.just          B.never         C.even          D.seldom

41.A.failure        B.comfort        C.struggle        D.success

42.A.satisfy        B.invite          C.support       D.remember

43.A.unnatural       B.uncomfortable  C.unhappy       D.unfortunate

44.A.trouble            B.embarrass     C.bother             D.annoy

45.A.humbly        B.openly        C.cheerfully      D.clearly

46.A.children       B.friends         C.relatives       D.neighbors

47.A.weak        B.generous         C.poor           D.patient

48.A.Power         B.Poverty        C.Importance     D.Source

49.A.ensures       B.informs        C.reminds      D.proves

50.A.introduced      B.presented      C.led          D.directed

51.A.taking        B.giving         C.going       D.asking

52.A.reject        B.win          C.obtain       D.quit

53.A.weight        B.size         C.load         D.amount

54.A.calculate      B.double        C.record       D.analyze

55.A.idea         B.way         C.advice       D.guidance


There was a little boy  1 his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with,out in the woods.He  2 in the woods,but he could never hit the target.Getting a little 3 ,he headed back to dinner.Then,he saw Grandma’s pet duck,so he let fly,hit the duck square in the head,and  4 it.He was shocked and upset.In  5 ,he hid the dead duck in the woodpile, 6 to see his sister watching.Sally had seen it all, 7 she said nothing.

8 lunch that day grandma said,“Sally,let’s wash the dishes.”

But Sally said,“Grandma,Johnny told me he wanted to  9 in the kitchen today,didn’t you Johnny?”And then she  10 to him,“Remember,the duck?”So Johnny did the dishes.

Later Grandpa asked if  11 wanted to go fishing,and Grandma said,“I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.”

But Sally  12 and said,“Well,that’s  13 because Johnny told me he wanted to help.” 14 the duck,Johnny had to stay and Sally went fishing.

After several days of Johnny doing both his  15 and Sally’s,he finally couldn’t  16

it any longer.He came to Grandma and told her that he killed the duck.She  17 down,gave him a hug(拥抱),and said,“Sweetheart,I know.You see,I was standing at the window and I  18 the whole thing.But because I love you,I  19 you.But I was just  20 how long would you let Sally make a slave of you.”

1.A.helping     B.visiting      C.tending       D.seeking

2.A.practised    B.played       C.worked       D.hunted

3.A.anxious     B.tired       C.pleased       D.discouraged

4.A.caught    B.injured      C.killed       D.seized

5.A.surprise     B.disappointment   C.anger        D.horror

6.A.only       B.so as       C.in order    D.expecting

7.A.so      B.and       C.instead      D.but

8.A.At      B.After       C.Before       D.Cooking

9.A.work       B.stay      C.help      D.get

10.A.called     B.whispered     C.nodded       D.signed

11.A.the children  B.Sally       C.Johnny       D.Grandma

12.A.sighed     B.agreed       C.objected    D.smiled

13.A.easy      B.all right     C.fine      D.impossible

14.A.Searching    B.Hiding       C.Remembering   D.Regretting

15.A.homework  B.housework     C.farm work      D.cooking

16.A.stand    B.change       C.like      D.cover

17.A.sat       B.went      C.lay       D.knelt

18.A.know    B.heard       C.saw       D.understand

19.A.missed     B.forgave      C.congratulated    D.punished

20.A.wondering    B. saying      C. imaging    D. considering





  A very important world problem----in fact, I think it may be the   1  important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time is the  2  increasing pressure of population on the land.

  The important thing is not  3  much the actual population of the world at   4  , but its rate of increaseIt works out to be about 16 per cent per annual(每年)net increaseIn numbers it means something   5  forty-five to fifty million additional(增加的)people every yearCanada has a population of 24  6  about six months'  7  in world populationTake Australia for another exampleThere are 15 million people in AustraliaSo it   81  the world less than three months to add to itself a population which makes that very large and wide  9 

  Speaking of birth rate, look at the   10  hand of your watchEvery second, three   11  are born somewhere in the world.You cannot speak quickly enough to keep up   12  the birth rate

  This great increase of population will create immense(极大的)problemsBY AD 2,000   13  something terrible happens, there will be as many as 7 billion people on the   14  of the earth! So this is a problem which you are going to  15  in your lifetime


[  ]

Avery   B.more   C.most   D.much


[  ]

Arapidly   B.great   C.quick   D.fast


[  ]

Aa lot   B.as   C.so   D.greatly


[  ]

Anow   B.today   C.nowadays   D.present


[  ]

Alike   B.as   C.about   D.of


[  ]

Ahundred   B.thousand   C.million   D.billion


[  ]

Aincrease        B.addition

C.reduction(减缩)   D.production


[  ]

Amakes   B.takes   C.has   D.spends


[  ]

Anation   B.state   C.power   D.country


[  ]

Ashort   B.long   C.second   D.third


[  ]

Achildren   B.childs   C.bodies   D.babies


[  ]

Awith   B.to   C.from   D.about


[  ]

Aif   B.before   C.unless   D.until


[  ]

Asurface   B.outside   C.cover   D.face


[  ]

Aknow   B.see   C.make   D.search


One day.Miss Ellis gave her pupils a new kind of homework:homework on happiness. Her pupils would be“happiness 36 ”,and were to see what would happen when they tried to bring happiness to 37 around them.As part of their homework,all the students did really delightful things,   38  what Carla Chalmers did left everyone surprised.Several days after the homework had been handed out,Carla turned up carrying a big  39 

  40  in this bag I have all the happiness I've collected so far,”she said  41 .On seeing this,everyone was filled with  42  ,but Carla didn’t want to show anyone what was in the bag.  43  ,she pulled out a small box and gave it to her teacher.When Miss Ellis had taken the box,Carla took an instant  44  out of her own pocket and stood with it at the ready.

“Open it,Miss Ellis.”

The teacher slowly opened the box and looked inside.A big  45  .shone on her face,and at that moment Carla took a photo,which came out of the camera  46  ,and she gave it to Miss Ellis along with a sheet of paper.The teacher read the paper  47  ,and when she had finished,she  48  at the bag.

“Oh,so it's…”

“Yes!”  49  .Carla,opening the bag.“It's a great big pile of smiles!”

She opened the bag and  50  of different smiles fell out.

The rest of the class tried to  51  how Carla had managed to create such a great chain of happiness.All there in the  52  Was a photo of a big smile.But everyone who had seen it felt happiness being transmitted(传送)to them,and  53  ,without hesitation every person  54  with a smile of their own.

She managed to spread understanding of the 55  about smile:every time you smile you are sending a sift to the world.

36.A.explorers       B.instructors         C.players       D.collectors

37.A.children        B.relatives        C.people       D.teachers

38.A.for           B.but           C.since        D.as

39.A.bag           B.box           C.photo        D.toy

40.A.Where         B.Here          C.While        D.Why

41.A.disappointedly  B.sadly          C.anxiously     D.smilingly

42.A.astonishment    B.kindness       C.expectation    D.pride

43.A.Instead        B.However       C.Again        D.Quickly

44.A.calculator       B.mobile phone     C.camera      D.pen

45.A.wonder        B.smile          C.surprise      D.look

46.A.carefully       B.immediately     C.awkwardly    D.casually

47.A.in time         B.in tears         C.in vain       D.in silence

48.A.gestured       B.shouted        C.1aughed      D.arrived

49.A.added         B.questioned      C.interrupted    D.thought

50.A.drawings       B.photos         C.ideas        D.millions

51.A.set out         B.watch out      C.hand out     D.figure out

52.A.bag           B.way           C.box         D.room

53.A.in return       B.at last         C.above all     D.by the way

54.A.returned        B.responded      C.recovered     D.remained

55.A.feeling         B.expression      C.form        D.truth

