What is the function of the story told at the beginning of the passage? A. To introduce the terrible pets when a mother gets a baby home. B. To illustrate the possible situation when pet meets the new baby. C. To explain the pets reaction towards the new- born baby. D. To prove how friendly a pet is when it meets the new- born baby. 查看更多



When your pet meets your infant, it might not be love at first sniff.

Baby's Best Friend

When Jennifer Merritt brought her baby, Arielle, home from the hospital, her cherished dogs had very different reactions. Her boxer, Sonya, was immediately gentle and protective. But Tiger, the Pomeranian, was less welcoming: "If any diapers(尿布) or toys were on the floor, he peed on them!”says the Greenbrier, Arkansas, mom. Tiger isn't the first dog to feel jealous of a baby. In the eyes of a pet’s, there's a new star in town who's stealing his spotlight. Even the most gentle animal will probably act up if he doesn't get his usual attention. These simple steps will help your pet adjust -- and keep your baby safe.

u       Introduce Them with Care

Your newborn and pet's first encounter can set the tone for their relationship. To make it as smooth as possible, try this trick from Caryn Ruiz, of Raleigh, North Carolina: "Before we left the hospital, my husband took blankets home to our dog, Daisy, so she'd know our newborn Devon's smell." When you get home, have your husband carry the baby so you can greet your pet without worrying about her jumping on you. A cat will likely walk away at first, while a dog will probably want to investigate right away.

To introduce your baby, get down on your pet's level and let her have a hello sniff. Don't panic and pull your newborn away unless your pet is barking or hissing, because it'll send the message that the baby is a threat.

u       Learn the Safety Basics

No matter how smoothly the introduction goes, there are certain safety rules you should follow, says Bonnie Beaver, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Number one: Never leave your baby alone with the pet. Even the gentlest animal can react unpredictably. Your baby's crying could frighten your cat, or your dog could suddenly become territorial. Consider setting up baby gates to limit your pet's access. To keep your cat from jumping into the bassinet(有蓬的摇篮), try putting mosquito netting over the top. Cats hate sticky paws, so keep the crib(有栏杆的摇篮) and changing table off-limits by lining the edges with sticky strips made for furniture (available in most pet stores). You can also train your dog to sleep in a crate.


77. What is the function of the story told at the beginning of the passage?

A. To introduce the terrible pets when a mother gets a baby home.

B. To illustrate the possible situation when pet meets the new baby.

C. To explain the pets reaction towards the new- born baby.

D. To prove how friendly a pet is when it meets the new- born baby.

78. Who is Sonya that is mentioned in the 1st paragraph?

A.                A boxer of Jennifer Merritt.                    B. Jennifer’s baby.

C. A dog in Jennifer’s home.                           D. An expert on pet.

79. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Cats are more welcoming than dogs when then meet a baby.

B. You must show your baby to your pet dog when it is barking.

C. You should never keep a baby together with your pet.

D. The first introduction of your baby to your pet is important.

80. We can infer that the following part of the passage, Bonnie Beaver will focus on _________.

A. how dangerous those pets are.                B. other safety basics and rules

C. how to make a pet calm down                D. other similar examples about pets



When your pet meets your infant, it might not be love at first sniff.

Baby's Best Friend

When Jennifer Merritt brought her baby, Arielle, home from the hospital, her cherished dogs had very different reactions. Her boxer, Sonya, was immediately gentle and protective. But Tiger, the Pomeranian, was less welcoming: "If any diapers(尿布) or toys were on the floor, he peed on them!”says the Greenbrier, Arkansas, mom. Tiger isn't the first dog to feel jealous of a baby. In the eyes of a pet’s, there's a new star in town who's stealing his spotlight. Even the most gentle animal will probably act up if he doesn't get his usual attention. These simple steps will help your pet adjust -- and keep your baby safe.

u       Introduce Them with Care

Your newborn and pet's first encounter can set the tone for their relationship. To make it as smooth as possible, try this trick from Caryn Ruiz, of Raleigh, North Carolina: "Before we left the hospital, my husband took blankets home to our dog, Daisy, so she'd know our newborn Devon's smell." When you get home, have your husband carry the baby so you can greet your pet without worrying about her jumping on you. A cat will likely walk away at first, while a dog will probably want to investigate right away.

To introduce your baby, get down on your pet's level and let her have a hello sniff. Don't panic and pull your newborn away unless your pet is barking or hissing, because it'll send the message that the baby is a threat.

u       Learn the Safety Basics

No matter how smoothly the introduction goes, there are certain safety rules you should follow, says Bonnie Beaver, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Number one: Never leave your baby alone with the pet. Even the gentlest animal can react unpredictably. Your baby's crying could frighten your cat, or your dog could suddenly become territorial. Consider setting up baby gates to limit your pet's access. To keep your cat from jumping into the bassinet(有蓬的摇篮), try putting mosquito netting over the top. Cats hate sticky paws, so keep the crib(有栏杆的摇篮) and changing table off-limits by lining the edges with sticky strips made for furniture (available in most pet stores). You can also train your dog to sleep in a crate.

77. What is the function of the story told at the beginning of the passage?

A. To introduce the terrible pets when a mother gets a baby home.

B. To illustrate the possible situation when pet meets the new baby.

C. To explain the pets reaction towards the new- born baby.

D. To prove how friendly a pet is when it meets the new- born baby.

78. Who is Sonya that is mentioned in the 1st paragraph?

A.  A boxer of Jennifer Merritt.                        B. Jennifer’s baby.

C. A dog in Jennifer’s home.                           D. An expert on pet.

79. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Cats are more welcoming than dogs when then meet a baby.

B. You must show your baby to your pet dog when it is barking.

C. You should never keep a baby together with your pet.

D. The first introduction of your baby to your pet is important.

80. We can infer that the following part of the passage, Bonnie Beaver will focus on _________.

A.  how dangerous those pets are.                    B. other safety basics and rules

C. how to make a pet calm down                    D. other similar examples about pets

