43.A.sure B.useful C.meaningful D.polite 查看更多



Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered the blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
The World Bank, the United Nations and the London School Of Hygiene and Tropica1 Medicine did a study to urge hand-washing around the world. They found that one million lives could be saved each year if people washed their hands with soap often. They said that programs to increase hand-washing with soap could be among the most effective ways to reduce infectious disease.
Doctors say, many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand-washing. These include pinworms (寄生虫), influenza (流行性感冒), the common cold, hepatitis (肝炎) A, meningitis (脑膜炎) and infectious diarrhea (腹泻).
Hand-washing destroys germs from other people, animals or objects a person has touched. When people get bacteria on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then these people can infect other people.  
The experts say the easiest way to catch a cold is to touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed. Another way to become sick is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands were not clean.
The experts say that hand-washing is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet. People should wash their hands after handling animals or animal waste, and after cleaning a baby. The experts say it is also a good idea to wash your hands after handling money and after sneezing or coughing. And it is important to wash your hands often when someone in your home is sick. The experts say the most effective way to wash your hands is to rub them together while using soap and warm water.They say you do not have to use special antibacterial soap. Be sure to rub all areas of the hands for about ten to fifteen seconds. The rubbing action helps remove germs. Then rinse (冲洗) the hands with water and dry them.
Title:   1   
I.     2   
Many diseases can be prevented by increasing hand-washing with soap.
II. When to do
·Before and after preparing food
·Before eating and after     3   
·After handling animal or animal waste
·After cleaning a baby
·After handling money and after sneezing or coughing
·When     4     in your home
III.     5   
·    6     of hands for about 10-15 seconds
·    7    to use special antibacterial soap
Rubbing hands together while using     8     water
IV.     9   
Hand-washing could be the most     10     to reduce infectious diseases


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What kind of people will probably answer this advertisement?

[  ]


College students preparing to work in some big companies.


College students preparing to study for a degree.


High school graduates preparing to have at home training.


High school graduates preparing for college entrance examinations.


Which major is NOT mentioned in the advertisement?

[  ]










People can get a specialized Associate Degree by ________.

[  ]


doing full-time learning at school


working in some big famous companies


studying in their spare time


study abroad for two years.


Harcourt training has NOT been used by ________ for its employees.

[  ]


General Motors


Harvard University


General Electric




       Could you imagine your parents choosing your husband or wife for you? And can you imagine not setting eyes on him or her until your wedding day? This situation is common in India, the Middle East and many parts of Africa.Marriage customs around the world often differ from our own.We don’t realize that people in other places often get married in very different ways and with different motives.

       In many countries, marriage is a practical matter.A marriage provides a safe and stable home for the husband and wife.It also joins two families, which benefits the couple’s parents and makes them happy.Marriage also brings children, making sure the couple will be taken care of in old age.Because a marriage is important for the whole family, some cultures don’t let young people choose whom to marry.

       Just as there are many different reasons for marriage, there are also many different wedding rituals.Every culture has its own ways of bringing good luck to the happy couple.In a typical Western wedding, the bride seeks good luck by wearing “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue”.Something old represents the past.Something new represents success in the future.Something borrowed reminds the bride she can get help from her friends and family.And something blue reminds her to be true to her husband.

       In Poland, one wedding tradition is not only lucky, but also very practical.The wedding guests pin money to the bride’s dress while she is dancing.The money is meant to bring luck and to help the young couple build their new life.In Bermuda, the young couple plants a tree in the yard of their new home.Once they move in, they take good care of the tree and make it grow.The planting of the tree is a good metaphor(比喻) for marriage.A truly good marriage is something that grows with care.

Which of the following statements does NOT support the idea that marriage is a practical matter?

       A.The couple may have a safe home through their marriage.

       B.The parents had better help their children choose whom to marry.

       C.A marriage benefits the couple’s parents and makes them happy.

       D.A marriage brings children who will take care of the couple when they are old.

The underlined word “rituals” (Para.3) means    

       A.forms    B.customs   C.traditions       D.ceremonies

Although cultures differ in different countries, one thing in common when a young couple gets married is that    

       A.people wish them to take care of each other

       B.people wish them to get practical benefits from the marriage

       C.people wish them to have good luck in their new life

       D.people wish them to make money at the wedding ceremony

Which of the following statements best summarizes(总结) the subject of this passage?

       A.People across the world get married in different ways and for different reasons.

       B.Every culture has its own ways of bringing good luck to the young couple.

       C.A truly good marriage is something that grows with care.

       D.In many countries, marriage is a practical matter.



        Getting to Now: How to Beat the Procrastination Habit

  I am a procrastinator(拖拉者). I always have been. I've tried all sorts of things to beat the habit. Here are some techniques I've been using to try to force myself to get to now:

  Set aside blocks of time to do things. When I was talking with my wellness coach earlier this year, she asked me why I didn't exercise more often. “ 1. ,” I said. “Something always comes up.” She wasn’t impressed. “J.D.,” she said, “You have to make time. Make an appointment with yourself to run or to go for a bike ride.” The same principle applies to other things you might procrastinate.

   2. . Often I’ll be sitting on the back porch reading a book, and it will occur to me that some chore needs to be done — mending the fence, for example. “ 3. ,” I tell myself. Wrong! What usually happens is that I forget to write it down, and even if I do, I just look at the list and procrastinate for weeks on end. The best move is to actually do the chore when I think of it. (Assuming, of course, that I have the time at that moment,which I usually do.)

  Use a timer to bring you back to reality. Part of the reason I procrastinate is that I'm a daydreamer.   4. . One way to keep on track is to use a timer. I use the Ultrak Jumbo Countdown Timer, but not as often as I should. I set it for 48 minutes. When it goes off,   5. : Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing?

  Do not multitask. I often start many things at once, but I never actually do any of them. In order for me to get something done, I need to focus my attention on it. Trying to do several things at once is a sure way to be sure they'll all be unfinished tomorrow.

  A. I’m always lost in thought

  B. it brings me back to reality

  C. If it comes to mind, then do it

  D. I don’t have the time

  E. it serves as an instant reality check

  F. Do it right away if you are asked to do something

  G. I need to write that down so I can remember it



---Our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. I'm sure we will win.?

   ---   !?

    A. Congratulations   B. Cheers      C. Best wishes     D. Good luck



