Our chemistry teacher the experiment while we sat in front of her. 查看更多



Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

  Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  What is a correct way to take medicine? Reading the question you might think it ridiculous.Actually, how to take medicine means a lot.Knowing it will not only help you preserve the full benefit of your valuable medicine, but also save yourself from potential side effects.For many reasons, no prescription or over-the-counter(非处方的)drug is 100 percent effective in all people or situations.To preserve the full benefit of your medicine, experts say to follow these key steps:

  Ask doctors for help.Discuss drug effectiveness with a doctor before getting a prescription.The doctor can help you explain effectiveness data in product instructions.You can also consult a chemist when buying over-the-counter medications.

  Store drugs properly.For instance, never store aspirin in the bathroom or the refrigerator.That^s because aspirin, like other drugs, can lose effectiveness in damp conditions.Most prescription drugs today come with special storage instructions.Also, some drugs, such as the antibiotic tetracycline, become ineffective when they are exposed to sunlight.

  Do you know how long you should use a certain medicine? Our human body is very smart.It doesn't like any foreign chemical.That's why the body builds up tolerance to many drugs, such as some sleeping pills, and pain medications.If a drug that once was effective no longer seems to help you, consult a doctor before you want to increase the amount of it.

  Cutting a sustained-release(药效持久的)pill can make a drug ineffective or even dangerous.That's because too large a dose of a medicine will be distributed quickly.Also avoid emptying capsules into drinks, say coca cola, milk, juice or food like porridge and soup.So take the pill in a correct way.

  Do you know when to use medicine? You are advised to use medicine at the right time of the day.The instruction of the medicine Renova recommends applying the product at night.The active drug can be destroyed by sunlight.Also, applying two medicines to your skin at the same time might make them both ineffective.Taking drugs at recommended times, such as before meals, can increase absorption.

  Some people may store medicine they bought years ago.In actual fact, over time, many drugs experience chemical changes.So pay attention to expiration(截止)dates listed on labels or ask your chemist a drug ^ s shelf life.Don ^ t hesitate to throw old pills if possible.

  As you can see, taking medicine correctly is very important for many reasons, so make sure you follow these tips.

Title:  1  

Ⅰ.Purposes :

·To preserve the full benefit of medicine.

·  2  .potential side effects.

Ⅱ.  3   .:

·Ask doctors for help.

★Understanding   4  .from doctors and chemists.

·Store drugs properly.

★Some drugs can be   5  .in wet conditions.

★Others can lose effectiveness when   6  

·  7   the amount unless consulting a doctor.

·Never empty capsules into   8  

·Take drugs   9  

·Throw old pills.

Ⅲ.  10  .Taking medicine correctly is very important.


Marie Curie was a Polish physicist and chemist who lived between 1867-1934. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered two new elements (radium and polonium, two radioactive elements that they extracted chemically from pitchblende ore) and studied the x-rays they emitted. She found that the harmful properties of x-rays were able to kill tumors. By the end of World War I, Marie Curie was probably the most famous woman in the world. She had made a conscious decision, however, not to patent methods of processing radium or its medical applications.

Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867 in Poland and died on July 4, 1934. Her co-discovery with her husband Pierre Curie of the radioactive elements radium and polonium represents one of the best known stories in modern science for which they were recognized in 1901 with the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1911, Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel prize, this time in chemistry, to honor her for successfully isolating pure radium and determining radium's atomic weight.

As a child, Marie Curie amazed people with her great memory. She learned to read when she was only four years old. Her father was a professor of science and the instruments that he kept in a glass case fascinated Marie. She dreamed of becoming a scientist, but that would not be easy. Her family became very poor, and at the age of 18, Marie became a governess. She helped pay for her sister to study in Paris. Later, her sister helped Marie with her education. In 1891, Marie attended the Sorbonne University in Paris where she met and married Pierre Curie, a well-known physicist.

 Marie Curie contributed greatly to our understanding of radioactivity and the effects of x-rays. She received two Nobel prizes for her brilliant work, but died of leukemia, caused by her repeated exposure to radioactive material.

What is the main idea of the passage?

To give us a general introduction to Madame Curie.

To show us how Madame Curie discovered radium.

To tell us how Madame Curie developed as a scientist.

To tell us how Madame Curie received two Nobel Prizes.

Madame Curie was given the Nobel Prize in chemistry because_________.

she discovered radium

she separated pure radium and calculated its atomic weight

she discovered polonium

she didn’t patent methods of processing radium

Which of the following statements about Madame Curie is Not True?

Madame Curie made great contributions to medical science.

Madame Curie was very smart and ambitious when she was a child.

Madame Curie received two Nobel Prizes in physics.

Madame Curie’s husband helped her a lot in her research.

4. We can infer from the third paragraph that_________.

①Madame Curie got married when she was at college.

②Madam Curie had a great ambition when she was young.

③Madame Curie loved teaching more than anything else.

④Madam Curie must have met a lot of difficulties to get high education.

⑤Her father had a great influence on Madam Curie’s future career.

⑥Madam Curie was very smart when she was a child

A. ①②④⑤⑥     B.②④⑤⑥    C. ②③④⑤⑥    D. ①②③④⑤

5. Which is the right order about Madam Curie according to the passage?

a. married Pierre       b. attended University       c. discovered radium  

d. determined radium’s atomic weight               e. won the Nobel Prize in physics

A. b, c, a, d, e      B. b, a, c, d, e     C. b, a, c, e, d     D. b, c, a, e, d


Dr. Marie Curie is known to the world as the scientist who discovered radioactive metals i.e. Radium and Polonium.
Marie Curie was a Polish physicist and chemist. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered two new elements and studied the x-rays they emitted. She found that the harmful properties of x-rays were able to kill tumors. By the end of World War I, Marie Curie was probably the most famous woman in the world. She had made a conscious decision, however, not to patent methods of processing radium or its medical applications.
Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867 in Poland and died on July 4, 1934. Her co-discovery with her husband Pierre Curie of the radioactive elements radium and polonium represents one of the best known stories in modern science for which they were recognized in 1901 with the Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1911, Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel prize, this time for chemistry, to honor her for successfully isolating pure radium and determining radium's atomic weight.
As a child, Marie Curie amazed people with her great memory. She learned to read when she was only four years old. Her father was a professor of science and the instruments that he kept in a glass case fascinated Marie. She dreamed of becoming a scientist, but that would not be easy. Her family became very poor, and at the age of 18, Marie became a governess. She helped pay for her sister to study in Paris. Later, her sister helped Marie with her education. In 1891, Marie attended the Sorbonne University in Paris where she met and married Pierre Curie, a well-known physicist.
Marie Curie contributed greatly to our understanding of radioactivity and the effects of x-rays. She received two Nobel prizes for her brilliant work, but died of leukemia, caused by her repeated exposure to radioactive material.
【小题1】The underlined word “emitted” in the 2nd paragraph means_______.

A.gave offB.gave awayC.set outD.set off
【小题2】According to the passage, which order of the following is right?
① Marie Curie worked as a governess. ② Marie Curie met and marry Pierre Curie.
③ Marie Curie learned to read. ④ Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel Prize.
⑤ Marie Curie discovered radium.
【小题3】 When did Marie Curie win a Nobel Prize for a chemistry?
A.In her twentiesB.In her thirtiesC.In her fortiesD.In her fifties
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talked about?
A.Marie Curie discovered radiumB.Marie Curie, a famous chemist
C.Marie Curie won two Noble PrizesD.The brief biography of Marie Curie


Here’s an idyllic(田园风光的) scene: a small village where the sun always shines, crops always grow and your friends drop by to sweep your yard to the sound of guitar music. Animals do what they are told, there is no disease, and lending folks a helping hand makes you richer and wiser. Welcome to FarmVille — current population 69m and rising fast.

“It reminds me of my childhood,” says one player, Lia Curran, 37, a chemist from London. “Right now I’m growing wheat and poinsettia, I’ve got a small orchard, and I’m keeping some chickens and some cows. I like having the animals. It’s comfortable.”

Curran’s young animals, however, are nothing more than a collection of computer-controlled cartoons. FarmVille is an online computer game built into the social networking site Facebook and is described by its players as “addictive”. Launched last June by Zynga Game Network, FarmVille now has more players than Twiter’s entire user base — or more than the population of the UK. The players are largely women over the age of 35.

Jenny Glyn, 33, a London housewife, started playing in September. “I had a look at a friend’s farm and was hooked,” she says. “My first motivation was to overtake her, but I did that pretty quickly. Now there’s something satisfying about growing crops.”

FarmVille intellectually unites the worlds of social networking and gaming. Players are given a patch of ground with six fields, “cash”, a few seeds and a plough and have to build up wealth, skills and neighbors to create bigger, better, richer farms.

Inviting your online friends to play means you earn more and get free gifts; you rise rapidly through the first levels but, once hooked, have to work harder and harder with no final level or goal in sight.

“It’s very moreish,” says Curran. She hasn’t yet paid real-world money to advance in the game, but her friends do. One buys extra virtual currency at the exchange rate of $240 (??145) in FarmVille for $40 (??24) in the real world.

“I’d expanded on FarmVille as much as I could, but I just wanted a pond and some bushes and trees around it,” says the woman, who is too embarrassed to be named. “I didn’t tell my husband I’d paid real money because he’d think I’m mad. But then he did keep me waiting in the car outside our house while he harvested his raspberries.”

Brian Dudley, chief executive at Broadway Lodge, an addiction treatment centre, warns that this sort of obsessive(令人着魔的) play can lead to an addiction as severe as gambling.

59. What does Curran do in the passage?

   A. She is a player.                                                      B. She is a farmer who grows wheat and poinsettia.

   C. She is a chemist.                                                  D. She is a housewife who raises chickens and cows.

60. By FarmVille, the writer means ______.

   A. an addictive farm on which live 69 million farmers

   B. a London housewife’s farm

   C. an online computer game built into the social networking site

   D. a farm on which people grow real crops and play as well

61. In the last but one paragraph, the husband kept the woman waiting outside ______.

   A. because he was angry at his wife’s being mad about the farm

   B. because he himself was busy with his farm

   C. in order to punish his wife for her having paid real money

   D. so that his wife would wake up from her addiction to the farm

62. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The population of the UK is less than 69 million.

   B. This sort of obsessive play can cause very severe addiction.

   C. Once hooked, one has to make greater efforts to reach a higher level.

   D. Up till now, nobody has yet paid real-world money to advance in the play.


Dr. Marie Curie is known to the world as the scientist who discovered radioactive metals i.e. Radium and Polonium.

Marie Curie was a Polish physicist and chemist. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered two new elements and studied the x-rays they emitted. She found that the harmful properties of x-rays were able to kill tumors. By the end of World War I, Marie Curie was probably the most famous woman in the world. She had made a conscious decision, however, not to patent methods of processing radium or its medical applications.

Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867 in Poland and died on July 4, 1934. Her co-discovery with her husband Pierre Curie of the radioactive elements radium and polonium represents one of the best known stories in modern science for which they were recognized in 1901 with the Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1911, Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel prize, this time for chemistry, to honor her for successfully isolating pure radium and determining radium's atomic weight.

As a child, Marie Curie amazed people with her great memory. She learned to read when she was only four years old. Her father was a professor of science and the instruments that he kept in a glass case fascinated Marie. She dreamed of becoming a scientist, but that would not be easy. Her family became very poor, and at the age of 18, Marie became a governess. She helped pay for her sister to study in Paris. Later, her sister helped Marie with her education. In 1891, Marie attended the Sorbonne University in Paris where she met and married Pierre Curie, a well-known physicist.

Marie Curie contributed greatly to our understanding of radioactivity and the effects of x-rays. She received two Nobel prizes for her brilliant work, but died of leukemia, caused by her repeated exposure to radioactive material.

The underlined word “emitted” in the 2nd paragraph means_______.

A. gave off     B. gave away  C. set out           D. set off

According to the passage, which order of the following is right?

① Marie Curie worked as a governess.  ② Marie Curie met and marry Pierre Curie.

③ Marie Curie learned to read.  ④ Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel Prize.

⑤ Marie Curie discovered radium.

A. ①②③④⑤          B. ③①②⑤④          C. ①②③⑤④          D. ③①②④⑤

When did Marie Curie win a Nobel Prize for a chemistry?

A. In her twenties     B. In her thirties    C. In her forties         D. In her fifties

What does the passage mainly talked about?

A. Marie Curie discovered radium         B. Marie Curie, a famous chemist

C. Marie Curie won two Noble Prizes     D. The brief biography of Marie Curie

