8.Two students . 查看更多

















参考词汇:①attentively 专心                 ②energetic 精力旺盛

③concentrate on 集中注意力于      ④effectively有效地

Li Hua and Wand Hai are two students of Senior Three. Both them work but they have different learning methods.                                                                






Steve Jobs-A surprising success.

Nothing in the early years of Steve Job’s life suggested that he would be so successful. Born in San Francisco, the child of two students, he was adopted and grew up close to Silicon Valley. While at company-and he and his best friend Steve Wozniak got summer jobs there.

After finishing high school in 1972, Jobs studied at an expensive liberal arts college in Portland, Oregon but he dropped pout after one after one term. He grew his hair and a beard, slept on friends’ floors, and sometimes went to a Hare Krishna temple for free meals. Like many drop-outs at that Beatles-inspired time, his ambition was to visit a guru(古鲁[印度教的宗师或领袖])in India, which he eventually did with a friend. When they got there, the guru had died.

At this point, Jobs has a limited education, and no obvious talents, apart from a notorious(臭名远扬)ability to talk. However, he did have a devoted friend who was an electronics genius. They were a great team. Without Jobs’ s ambition, high design standards, the ability to make deals and  great maketing skills-Wozniak might well have spent a quiet life designing hardware at HP.

1.The article tells us that              .

    A.Steve Jobs’s parents lived in San Francisco

    B.Steve Jobs’s parents were rich

C.Steve Jobs’s parents worked at Hewlett-Packard

D.Steve Jobs didn’t know his real parents

2.STEVE Jobs went to a temple because                .

A.He was a Buddhist

B.His family were Indian

C.He had very little money

D.He was inspired by the Beatles

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

    A.Steve Jobs was uneducated.

B.Steve Jobs went to India.

C.Steve Jobs was A GREAT SALESMAN.

D.Steve Wozniak was loyal.

4.Form the article, Apple was successful because             .

    A.Steve Jobs was a computer Genius

B.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were lucky

C.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked well together

D.Steve Wozniak liked a quiet life



The teacher asked the two students to discuss the question in a low voice ________ they should bother the others.

A.so thatB.in caseC.in order thatD.now that


The Allendale Cultural Center has expanded its arts program to include classes for young adults.Director Leah Martin announced Monday that beginning in Septemberthree new classes will be offered to the Allendale community.The course titles will be Yoga(瑜伽) for TeenagersHip Hop DanceLearning the Latest Movesand Creative_Journaling_for_TeensDiscovering_the_Writer_Within.The latter course will not be held at the Allendale Cultural Center but instead will meet at the Allendale Public Library.

Staff member Tricia Cousins will teach the yoga and hip hop classes.Ms.Cousins is a skilled choreographer (舞蹈指导) as well as an experienced dance educator.She is a Master of Arts in dance education from Teachers CollegeColumbia University.The journaling class will be taught by Betsy Milford.Ms.Milford is the head librarian at the Allendale Public Library as well as a columnist(专栏作家) for the professional journal Library Focus.

The courses are part of the Allendale Cultural Center’s Project Teenwhich was organized by Leah MartinDirector of the Cultural Center.According to Martinthis project is a direct result of her efforts to make the center a more necessary part of the Allendale community.Over the last several yearsthe number of people who have visited the cultural center for classes or events has steadily declined.Project Teen is primarily funded by the McGee Arts Foundationan organization devoted to bringing arts programs to young adults.The other members of Project Teen are two students at Allendale’s Brookdale High School and three adults with backgrounds in education and the arts.

The creative journaling class will be cosponsored by Brookdale High Schooland students who complete the class will be given the opportunity to publish one of their journal works in PulseBrookdale’s student literary magazine.Students who complete the hip hop class will be qualified to participate in the Allendale Reviewan annual concert sponsored by the cultural center that features local actorsmusiciansand dancers.

All classes are scheduled to begin immediately after schooland transportation will be available from Brookdale High School to the Allendale Cultural Center and the Allendale Public Library.For more information about Project Teencontact the cultural center’s programming office at 988?0099 or drop by the office after June 1 to pick up a fall course catalog.The office is located on the third floor of the Allendale Town Hall.

1.The underlined title of the course in Paragraph 1 implies that ________.

Ateenagers do not have enough hobbies

Ball young people should write in a journal daily

Cteenagers are in need of guidance and direction

Dwriting in a journal can help teenagers become creative writers

2.What is the cause of setting up Project Teen?

AMore and more people are coming to the center.

BTricia Cousins is available to teach courses in the fall.

CCommunity organizations were ignoring local teenagers.

DLeah Martin wants to make the center more important for the community.

3.What does the text mainly tell us?

AThe needs of young adults in Allendale.

BLeah Martin’s personal ideas about Project Teen.

CThe center adds three new classes for young adults.

DThe center is granted by the McGee Arts Foundation.

4.Which of the following ways is the text organized?

AIn order of spacefrom the near to the far.

BIn order of timefrom the past to the future.

CThe most important information firstfollowed by background and details.

DThe background firstfollowed by the most important information and details.



高中阶段学习比较紧张,正确的学习方法尤为重要。下表显示了两位同学不同的学习方法,请简述并发表你的观点。 字数在100---120之间。文章开头已经给出。

Li Hua and Wang Hai are two students of Senior high school.Both of them work hard but they have different learning methods.………………………………

