The image of Lei Feng will forever live in the hearts of the people. 答案:splendid 查看更多



For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

In 1867 the United States faced the task of rebuilding after the destruction of the Civil War, so it looked westward for the raw materials needed to fuel industrial growth. Geological surveys and mapping journeys were set forth to explore this        1 territory. These groups, in turn, hired mapmakers, scientists, cooks, drivers, and doctors. They also hired painters and photographers as part of the teams. Painters needed few supplies, making it relatively easy for them to travel in the wilderness, ____2____ photographers were not so lucky; they had to transport a fully stocked darkroom on the __3____.

Until the late 1870s, most photographers used the __4___ wet-collodion process. The first step was to wash a clean sheet of glass with a sticky mixture of collodion and chemicals, (collodion or "gun-cotton" was a recent medical discovery used to cover wounds because the viscous (粘性的) solution turned into a protective film when dry.) After it was washed, the plate went into another bath that the picture was __5___ getting darker; Finally, the glass negative (底片) was washed clean with fresh water. __6__ a photograph from the negative had to wait until the photographer went back to the studio. The ___7___ of the negative depended on the size of the camera. Some negatives could be as large as 20 by 24 inches.

Imagine the __8____ of taking photographs in the 1860s and 1870s in the remote western wilderness! Photographers went over Rocky Mountains and through rushing rivers. They were __9____ in the terrible desert heat, with cameras, sheets of glass, and vats of chemicals. Bad weather, equipment failures, and accidents were frequent problems. They persevered, but success in creating a negative did not ___10___ the production of a photograph; plates still had to be ___11___ transported back to the studio before the image could be printed on paper. A photographer could carry 120 pounds of many miles to         ____12____ a magnificent view only to have the easily broken plate        ___13___ in transportation.

__14___, once photographers were successful, the results were superb and much admired. Photographs were put on exhibition, and people bought albums filled with pictures by Timothy O'Sullivan, Carleton Watkins, and William Henry Jackson. Jackson's photographs of Yellowstone's

natural wonders, along with the paintings of fellow Thomas Moran, even helped ___15___ Congress to preserve thousands of acres of this land in 1872 as the nation's first national park.




The average human experiences a lot of dreams while they sleep at night. But what exactly do they mean? The following explanations deal with four most common dreams and some of the possible meanings behind them, according to experts. Please note that, while certainly interesting, dream analysis is a highly subjective(主观的) field of study.

         Dreams about being chased (追逐)

         Dreaming about being chased generally means you may be avoiding a person or something painful, annoying or fearful.

         It could be a reminder that trying to avoid the problem could lead to more such dreams. Most people dream about being chased at one point or another. It’s both common and natural.

         Dreams about death

         According to Jeffrey Sumber, a psychotherapist (精神治疗师) and author, dreams about death often indicate “the ending of something, whether that’s a job or a relationship”. He suggests a dream about death can also indicate attempts to remove anxiety or anger. These dreams don’t suggest a person will actually die, he explains.

         There are no tricks when it comes to avoiding such dreams. The only way is to do our inner work and make peace with it.

         People who have dreams about death tend to be those who are entering an uncertain period in their life. It could be a life-changing event that creates anxiety and fear of the unknown.

         Dreams about falling

         Dreaming about falling can have a physiological basis, according to Cathleen O’ Connor, Ph. D. As the body goes deep into sleep and the nervous system begins to be quiet, blood pressure and heart rate drop and this change can cause a falling dream.

         O’Connor says that dreaming about falling is the mind’s way of warning the dreamer of a situation in his or her waking life where they feel out of control.

         “If dreams of falling bring feelings of fear, you should realize that the goal is not to avoid them but rather to work with those dreams in your waking state and deal with the fear so you can regain your balance,” O’ Connor says.

         Dreams about celebrities (名人)

         “Celebrities carry some kind of message that’s associated with personal achievements or lack,” says Shelley Smith, founding director of the Yoga Health & Therapy Center. “A person dreaming about a celebrity is looking for inspiration … or some characteristic that is associated with that celebrity.

         “That’s one of the features of dream images, and they are not under our control,” Smith says. “Your experience while you’re sleeping is coming from a place that’s totally unconscious (无意识的).”

         “There is no one group that we can say has this particular dream more than another,” she says, “The image is energetic and specific to what the person’s need is. For example, accomplishment, health, and rising to the top --- whatever is associated with that celebrity.


Four common dreams and why we have them


Experts think that dreams may have possible meanings behind them, the analysis of which is1. _______ but subjective.



2._______ to deal with such dreams

About being3. _______after

Maybe you’re trying to4._______someone or something that is painful, annoying or fearful.

5.______ the problem bravely and realize that such dreams are natural and common.

About being dead

● You will6.______ what you are experiencing, such as a job or a relationship.

● Your anxiety or fear from a life-

changing event will be7._____from your life.

Do the inner work and make peace with it.

About falling

● It may result from the8.______ of the nervous system.

● You find something out of control.

Work with such dreams when you are  awake and 9._______ the fear.

About celebrities

Maybe you are looking for something you want to achieve or 10._______.

Let them alone, because they come out of unconsciousness.




The average human experiences a lot of dreams while they sleep at night. But what exactly do they mean? The following explanations deal with four most common dreams and some of the possible meanings behind them, according to experts. Please note that, while certainly interesting, dream analysis is a highly subjective(主观的) field of study.

       Dreams about being chased (追逐)

       Dreaming about being chased generally means you may be avoiding a person or something painful, annoying or fearful.

       It could be a reminder that trying to avoid the problem could lead to more such dreams. Most people dream about being chased at one point or another. It’s both common and natural.

       Dreams about death

       According to Jeffrey Sumber, a psychotherapist (精神治疗师) and author, dreams about death often indicate “the ending of something, whether that’s a job or a relationship”. He suggests a dream about death can also indicate attempts to remove anxiety or anger. These dreams don’t suggest a person will actually die, he explains.

       There are no tricks when it comes to avoiding such dreams. The only way is to do our inner work and make peace with it.

       People who have dreams about death tend to be those who are entering an uncertain period in their life. It could be a life-changing event that creates anxiety and fear of the unknown.

       Dreams about falling

       Dreaming about falling can have a physiological basis, according to Cathleen O’ Connor, Ph. D. As the body goes deep into sleep and the nervous system begins to be quiet, blood pressure and heart rate drop and this change can cause a falling dream.

       O’Connor says that dreaming about falling is the mind’s way of warning the dreamer of a situation in his or her waking life where they feel out of control.

       “If dreams of falling bring feelings of fear, you should realize that the goal is not to avoid them but rather to work with those dreams in your waking state and deal with the fear so you can regain your balance,” O’ Connor says.

       Dreams about celebrities (名人)

       “Celebrities carry some kind of message that’s associated with personal achievements or lack,” says Shelley Smith, founding director of the Yoga Health & Therapy Center. “A person dreaming about a celebrity is looking for inspiration … or some characteristic that is associated with that celebrity.

       “That’s one of the features of dream images, and they are not under our control,” Smith says. “Your experience while you’re sleeping is coming from a place that’s totally unconscious (无意识的).”

       “There is no one group that we can say has this particular dream more than another,” she says, “The image is energetic and specific to what the person’s need is. For example, accomplishment, health, and rising to the top --- whatever is associated with that celebrity.


Four common dreams and why we have them


Experts think that dreams may have possible meanings behind them, the analysis of which is (71) _______ but subjective.



(72) _______ to deal with such dreams

About being_X_K]

(73) _______after

Maybe you’re trying to (74) _______someone or something that is painful, annoying or fearful.

(75) _______ the problem bravely and realize that such dreams are natural and common.

About being dead

● You will (76) _______ what you are experiencing, such as a job or a relationship.

● Your anxiety or fear from a life-

changing event will be (77) _____from your life.

Do the inner work and make peace with it.

About falling

● It may result from the (78) ______ of the nervous system.

● You find something out of control.

Work with such dreams when you are  awake and (79) _______ the fear.

About celebrities

Maybe you are looking for something you want to achieve or (80) _______.

Let them alone, because they come out of unconsciousness. []


     A loving person lives  in a  loving world.  A hostile  (敌意的)person lives in a hostile world.  
Everyone you meet is your mirror.
     Mirrors have a very particular __1__. They reflect the image in front of them.  Just as a __2__
mirror works as the vehicle to reflection,   __3__ do all of the people in our lives.
     When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden,   that garden __4__ a reflection.  
When we love someone,   it's a(n)__5__of loving ourselves.  We have often heard things like "I
love how I am when I'm with that person".  That simply__6__ into "I' m able to love me when I
love that other person". __7__,   when we meet someone new,   we feel as though we "click".  
Sometimes it's as if we've __8__ each other for a long time. That feeling can come from __9__
     Just as the "mirror"  or other people can be a positive reflection,   it is more likely that we'll 
  10   it when it has a negative connotation (内涵).  11  ,   it's easy to remember the times when
we have met someone we' re not particularly   12   about.  We may have some criticism (批评) 
 in our mind about the  15  . This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we
would rather spend __24__ time.
     Often,   when we  15  qualities in other people,   ironically (讽刺地),   it's usually the mirror
that's   16   to us.
     At times we meet someone   17   and feel distant disconnected,   or disgusted.   18  we don't
want t  o believe it,   and it's not easy or   19   to look further,   it can be a great learning lesson to 
  20   what part of the person is being reflected in you. It's simply just another way to create more
(     )1. A. target      
(     )2. A. medical    
(     )3. A. so          
(     )4. A. focuses on  
(     )5. A. record      
(     )6. A. grows      
(     )7. A. Obviously  
(     )8. A. known      
(     )9. A. creating    
(     )10. A. ignore    
(     )11. A. In brief  
(     )12. A. crazy      
(     )13. A. time      
(     )14. A. less      
(     )15. A. appreciate
(     )16. A. shouting  
(     )17. A. new        
(     )18. A. If        
(     )19. A. terrible  
(     )20. A. figure out
B. style        
B. physical      
B. then          
B. applies to    
B. evaluation    
B. translates    
B. Strangely    
B. supported    
B. lacking      
B. keep          
B. In addition  
B. anxious      
B. mirror        
B. amazing      
B. dislike      
B. shining      
B. nervous      
B. Although      
B. noble        
B. take out      
C. function    
C. chemical    
C. nor        
C. works with  
C. reflection  
C. enters      
C. Fortunately
C. observed    
C. sharing    
C. take        
C. For example
C. upset      
C. garden      
C. more        
C. descr be    
C. speaking    
C. familiar    
C. Since      
C. reliable    
C. put out    
D. color        
D. mental      
D. neither      
D. serves as    
D. example      
D. falls        
D. Frequently  
D. recognized  
D. comparing    
D. notice      
D. As usual    
D. concerned    
D. person      
D. valuable    
D. discover    
D. pointing    
D. friendly    
D. Once        
D. desirable    
D. give out    


第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


    After 10 seasons wearing the No.8 on his back,Kobe Bryant will become No.24 next season.The reason for the surprising decision by the Los Angeles Lakers super guard last week has become a hot topic for debate.

    Bryant wore No.24 when he was in early high school,but he changed to No.33 in his senior year.He switched to No.8 when he was selected by the Lakers in 1996,and has not been changed since.

    Bryant has refused to explain the decision until the end of the play-offs.So guessing Bryant’s motive has become a popular game among NBA fans and newspaper columnists.

    There are all kinds of speculations(猜测).Many say that Bryant wants to leave the past behind and have a fresh start.He has often been criticized for phying to benefit himself and not the team as a whole.Others say that he may be trying to compare himself to Michael Jordan.Jordan was famous for his No.23 jersey(运动衫).Some,such as NBC Sport columnist Michael Ventre,argue that it is“all about money”.Bryant will make more money by selling new jerseys to his fans.

    Some speculations are more about fun.For example,there is an opinion that Kobe is actually just a diehard fan of the popular TV drama“24”.

    All this talk has turned the number change into a major issue.It seems that there is a lot of fuss over something that should be pretty simple.

    Jersey numhers have their own special significance in American sports,especially basketball.

Players choose their number when they join a team and they usually stick with that number for the rest of their career.When a great player retires,his team will honor him by retiring his number.

    To some extent,the jersey is the player,and the player is the jersey.Thus,when you see the famous No.23 for the Chicago Bulls,you immediately think about Michael Jordan.A No.32 Miami Heats jersey recalls the image of Shaquille O’Neal,and the Houston Rockets’No.11 belongs only to Yao Ming.

56.Which team has Bryant played for?

    A.The Los Angeles Lakers.          B.The Houston Rockets.

    C.The Chicago Bulls.               D.The Miami Heats.

57.Bryant has worn No 8________?

    A.for two years and a half             B.for ten years

    C.since he entered high school         D.since he left high school

58.Which of the following is NOT a speculation about Bryant’s motive to change his number?

    A.He wants to leave his past behind and have a fresh start.

    B.He wants to compare himself to Jordan.

    C.He wants to earn more money.

    D.He wants to show that he is a man of great importance.

59.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

    A.When a great player retires,his team will reward him with much money.

    B.A lucky number will be passed on to a new player.

    C.An outstanding player’s jersey number won’t be used after his retirement.

    D.A great player often changes his jersey number in the same team

