解析:选B.under the direction of为固定搭配.意为“在某人的指导下 . 查看更多




Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat. Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources(来源), as well as one of the oldest. Evidence shows that windmills(风车)began to be used in ancient Iran back in the seventh century BC. They were first introduced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies returned from the Middle East with knowledge of using wind power.

For many centuries, people used windmills to grind(磨碎)wheat into flour or pump water from deep underground. When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radio. However, by the 1940s, when electricity was available to people in almost all areas of the United States, windmills were rarely used.

During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People also realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher costs. Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind.

60. From the text we know that windmills              .

A. were invented by European armies

B. have a history of more than 2800 years

C. used to supply power to radio in remote areas

D. have rarely been used since electricity was discovered

61. What was a new use for wind power in the late l9th century?

A. Sailing a boat. 

B. Producing electricity.

C. Grinding wheat into flour.

D. Pumping water from underground.

62. One of the reasons wind was rediscovered in the 1970s is that             .

A. wind power is cleaner

B. it is one of the oldest power sources

C. it was cheaper to create energy from wind

D. the supply of coal and gas failed to meet needs

63. What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. The advantage of wind power.

B. The design of wind power plants.

C. The worldwide movement to save energy.

D. The global trend towards producing power from wind.

【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据末段句子Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind可知,接下来作者应该谈论利用风能发电的情况,因此选择D项。


With his attention________on the shops along the roadside,he knocked an old man down while riding to school.

A  concentrating     B.concentrated     C.to concentrate      D.concentrates

答案 B

解析 考查词组,故选B项。



Like every other Olympics, the London 2012 Olympics will depend upon thousands of volunteers to help with the smooth running of the event. To show the importance of the role, London 2012 volunteers are to be called ‘Game Makers’. Lord Coe has said recently: “London 2012 is relying on brilliant Game Makers to help us create a great Olympic and Paralympic Games. ”

    London 2012 Olympics volunteers will provide the face of London 2012, working behind the scenes and making sure the games are as well organized, efficient and, most importantly, as enjoyable as possible.

    Despite the hard-work and often unsociable hours required of volunteers, applications to be considered as a Game Maker were unprecedented(空前的) with all the 70, 000 available positions applied within days. But, for those still interested in helping out during 2012 and being in the middle of the action, there are still a lot of opportunities available.

    If you were one of those who missed out on the chance of becoming London 2012 volunteers, you can now apply to be one of the 8, 000 London Ambassadors(大使). This important role involves greeting fans from all over the world, welcoming them to the fantastic capital city of London and providing a friendly face as well as help, advice and a good old traditional warm British welcome. The view of London most visitors take away with them after the 2012 Olympics will mostly be down to the volunteers and ambassadors, so these roles play a very important part in the process of making the UK a great place to travel to.

    Becoming a London Ambassador is a brilliant way to be involved with the London 2012 volunteers scheme and become a part of what should be an historic summer.

1.Why are London 2012 volunteers called “Game Makers”?

A. They’ll decide whether the London 2012 Olympics are a success.

B. They play an important role in the London 2012 Olympics.

C. The London 2012 Olympics won’t be organized without them.

D. They will work hard and effectively.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined part “be down to” in Paragraph 4?

A. be the responsibility of

B. be under the control of

C. be in harmony with

D. be in charge of

3.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To appeal to more volunteers.

B. To introduce the London 2012 Olympics.

C. To show the importance of volunteers.

D. To guide how to spend the historic summer.



Few people would question the value of taking part in sports for young people . With proper training , supervision , protective equipment and techniques , and a proper emphasis on winning , sports can develop a healthy body and spirit and a life-long interest in being active and fit . Without such measures , childhood sports can lead to injuries and even paralysis or death .

Even in the best conditions , no activity can be risk-free. But most serious hazards are preventable. Cyclists and football players can reduce their risks by wearing helmets, hockey players by wearing masks;basketball and tennis players by wearing eye guards; baseball players by wearing batting helmets .

Besides, risks to individual players can often be found , and thus prevented , through a properly performed medical exam before a child plays . For accidents that cannot be preventable , having an emergency plan and first-aid equipment , and someone trained to use the equipment, can be lifesaving .

Still , each year , according to the American College of Sports Medicine , more than 775,000 children under 14 are treated in emergency rooms for sports injuries , nearly half of them preventable . An estimated 300,000 athletes experience exercise-related head illnesses each year , and almost all of them should have been avoided .

Further , from half to three-fourths of sports-related concussions(脑震荡)are never even diagnosed ; the injured are often sent back to play too soon and put a risk of another more serious brain-damaging concussion . To help reduce these risks , the National Center for Sports Safety , with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association , offers a three-hour online safety course for coaches for $28 at www.SportsSafety.org.

Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

A. All the accidents can be prevented .

B. All the accidents cannot be prevented .

C. Lives can be saved so long as there is proper equipment .

D. Lives cannot be saved even if there is proper equipment .

What does the underlined word “hazards”(in paragraph 2)mean ?

A. mistakes.        B. diseases.        C. dangers.       D. situations.

It is implied in the passage that       .

A. prevention of injuries is not paid enough attention to

B. children under 14 are more easily hurt in sports

C. most head illnesses are related with exercise

D. none of the head illnesses should have happened


People living more than three thousand meters above sea level find it difficult to raise vegetables all year long. People living in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia, for example, cannot grow vegetables outdoors during the months of May through September. It is very cold in the highlands at that time of year. If traditional farming methods are used, vegetables will not survive.

However, there is another way to grow vegetables throughout the year in cold areas. It is a method of gardening developed by a private agency called World Neighbors. The method uses “hot houses” built below ground. A hot house is a building covered with plastic or glass in which vegetables or flowers are grown. The traditional hot house is built above ground.

The air temperature is cold in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia during the winter. But, the winter sun is hot. So, World Neighbors advises farmers there to build hot houses below ground. The design is simple. The material does not cost much. Here is how World Neighbors says to build it: Dig a hole two and one-half meters wide and six meters long. Make it about two meters deep. Build wall with a door in one end of the hole. Dig steps from the ground down to the door.

Now, build a wall along the top edge of the hole. Make it about one-half meters tall. Earth bricks work fine. Build two shorter walls on the ends. These will be uneven; one side will be as high as the existing wall. The other side will be at ground level. Leave a small opening in each of these sloping walls. This prevents the hot house from becoming too hot. Now, make the roof. Build a wood frame. Cover it with clear plastic. Connect it to the brick walls.

The underground hot house we have described is large enough for two raised vegetable beds. Each is one meter wide and six meters long. Each is seeded and watered just as if it were in a garden above ground.

The dirt walls protect the growing plants from the cold. The clear plastic roof permits the sun’s heat to enter. At night, the roof should be covered with straw. This helps prevent cold air from entering. An under ground hot house this size will provide enough vegetables for one family. Groups needing more vegetables can make it bigger.

66. If you lived in Peru, you _______.

A. should raise the special kinds of vegetables that can endure cold

B. could not plant at all

C. had to work out some new unusual plans

D. would not have many vegetables to eat

67. To our surprise, the “hot houses” invented by World Neighbors are _______.

A. covered with a transparent plastic ceiling

B. built under ground

C. quite small

D. hotter than traditional ones

68. The hot house can be kept warm by using _______.

A. a big oven  B. an electricity heater

C. the heat of the earth’s interior   D. the sun shine

69. The measure to prevent the hot house from becoming too hot is to _______.

A. make the roof sloped B. dig holes on the walls

C. make the wall not vertical D. make the walls shorter than the ground level

70. According to the passage, the method suggested by World Neighbors is _______.

A. new and difficult      B. uneasy to explain

C. at trial step D. simple and practical


