27.C 提示:must + have done表示对过去情况的推测.语气较为肯定.意为“一定-- .may + have done也表示对过去情况的推测.语气不及must肯定.意为“或许-- . 查看更多






   M: I must say, I'm w___76___about this i___77__.                76      


  W: Why? You are the r___78___ person they are looking for.         78      

  M: I know, but I haven't had much e___79___.                     79      

  W: I don't think that m___80___. You are sure to get the job.          80      

  M: I r___81__ need it. And there's another thing.                    81      

I don't think I'm good at l____82___.                                82      

  W: But your German is really good. I was i___83___by the way        83      

you talked to those people we met on holiday last year.

  M: It's very nice of you to try to c___84__ me up, but I still            84      

don't think I'm going to get the job.

  W: Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, w___85___we?              85      



第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)

对话填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


   M: I must say, I'm w___76___about this i___77__.                76      


  W: Why? You are the r___78___ person they are looking for.         78      

  M: I know, but I haven't had much e___79___.                     79      

  W: I don't think that m___80___. You are sure to get the job.          80      

  M: I r___81__ need it. And there's another thing.                    81      

I don't think I'm good at l____82___.                                 82      

  W: But your German is really good. I was i___83___by the way        83      

you talked to those people we met on holiday last year.

  M: It's very nice of you to try to c___84__ me up, but I still            84      

don't think I'm going to get the job.

  W: Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, w___85___we?              85      




   M: I must say, I'm w___1.___about this i___2.__.                

  W: Why? You are the r___3.___ person they are looking for.        

  M: I know, but I haven't had much e___4.___.                    

  W: I don't think that m___5.___. You are sure to get the job.       

  M: I r___6.__ need it. And there's another thing.                   

I don't think I'm good at l____7.___.                        

  W: But your German is really good. I was i___8.___by the way       

you talked to those people we met on holiday last year.

  M: It's very nice of you to try to c___9.__ me up, but I still           

don't think I'm going to get the job.

  W: Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, w___10.___we?           



The back door of the ambulance (救护车) was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into the seat, and started the engine. Inside were the  36  parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green, the mother holding their baby daughter, Ally. The little girl had some food stuck in her  37 and could hardly  38 .?

    The driver, Mr. White,  39  his siren (警报器) and flashing light, and started speeding toward the  40  hospital, fighting against  41 . The cars ahead of him pulled out of way  42  he drove through the busy traffic. From the back of the ambulance the parents were shouting at him to  43 , since Ally almost stopped breathing. In front of him he saw some traffic  44 , with the red “stop” light shining. Mr. White knew he had no time to lose, so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking  45  his left and right as he did so.

    Coming towards him from his right was a  46 . The driver had the windows  47 , since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing his radio. He did not hear the ambulance.

    The lights were  48 , so he drove straight  49  into the path of the ambulance. Mr. White tried to stop his ambulance, but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everyone was shaken but no one was hurt. Mr. White looked back to see  50  little Ally was. He was  51  to see relief instead of fear in the face of the parents.

    “Look!” cried Mrs. Green. “She is  52  again.”?

    “It must have been the crash (撞击),” said her husband. “It  53  the food out of her throat.” The baby’s color was turning normal, and she was crying in a loud  54  healthy voice.

They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the  55 , the taxi, and the lines of cars all around them.

1.A. worried            B. excited      C. angry            D. surprised

2.A. mouth             B. nose      C. throat           D. ear

3.A. talk             B. breathe       C. cry                  D. hear

4.A. turned on         B. opened on    C. turned off       D. sped up

5.A. best              B. biggest      C. first            D. nearest

6.A. time              B. cars          C. policemen    D. speed

7.A. that              B. as            C. there        D. if

8.A. stop              B. slow down C. hurry            D. keep safe

9.A. lights            B. signs         C. policemen    D. marks

10.A. at                   B. to                C. down     D. forward

11.A. taxi             B. car           C. truck        D. train

12.A. up               B. down          C. open         D. covered

13.A. red              B. green         C. yellow       D. out

14.A. out             B. away          C. on           D. off

15.A. who              B. what          C. where        D. how

16.A. lucky           B. astonished        C. worried      D. happy

17.A. crying              B. breathing      C. smiling      D. talking

18.A. made             B. let           C. knocked      D. pulled

19.A. and              B. with          C. or              D. but

20.A. driver               B. accident      C. girl         D. reporters



 Do you know where my address book is?  — It________ be in the hall cupboard. I think I saw it this morning.






