She is only an unknown actress, while he is one of the famous . 查看更多




1. --My daughter has passed the exam.

-- C_________________! She is really intelligent.

2. In order to improve his oral English he spent most of his time practicing p________ the words.

3. When he s_______ his head, I knew he didn’t agree with me.

4. With the help from all over the world, everything in Wenchuan has more or less returned to n__________.

5. Don’t be too p_________ about food and clothing.

6. China _________ (成功)feeds 22%of the world’s population with only 7% of the world’s land.

7. She is only an unknown actress, while he is one of the famous __________(导演).

8. Jane and Betty are going on ________(各自的) holidays in a few days’ time.

9. She_______(划;点燃) a match and lit the candles on the birthday cake.

10. She found she had left her wallet at home immediately she _______(登;上) the plane.

