[答案]A. ways.[注释]two ways of looking at every questions意指“观察每个问题的两个方面 . 查看更多



阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1~25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。  

    Bill was a very good pilot (飞行员). He 1 in the air force for several years, and had been very 2. Now he was sent to a small field in the forest, 3 airplanes were able to attack the enemy very easily, because it was 4 the front line, but 5 to find. The forest trees were very tall and very close on all 6, so planes had to dive down steeply (急剧地)and then 7 their dive very suddenly 8 they hit the ground. Only the best pilots were able to 9 safely, and even some of those lost their planes and were killed because they 10 the trees or the ground.

    After Bill had arrived, he was not 11 until he was able to fly closer to the trees than 12 pilots, and soon all the pilots who used that field were trying to 13 each other at flying 14 over the forest.Every time one of their airplanes came back 15 an attack on the enemy the other pilots 16 to run outside and watch, to see 17 near the trees its pilot took it. If he 18 in taking it very near, they laughed and shouted and bought him beer at the bar when he got 19.

    Bill soon 20 exactly how near he was able to go 21, and then one day he flew so close to the tops of the trees that some of the branches scratched the 22 of his plane. The other men in the plane seemed rather 23, but Bill only laughed and landed the plane without any trouble in the middle of the field 24 the other pilots on the ground shouted happily. "How silly I am!" he said. "I 25 that the trees have grown since yesterday!"

  1. A. was   B. had been   C. would be   D. was working [  ]   2. A. troublesome   B. successful   C. sorry   D.exact [  ]   3. A. where  B. which  C. from which  D. at which[  ]   4. A. far away from  B. beyond  C. just in   D. near [  ]   5. A. difficult  B. easy   C. important   D. necessary [  ]   6. A. ways   B. sides  C. mountains  D. places   [  ]   7. A. put  B. go on with  C. stop   D. make    [  ]   8. A. after   B. when   C. until  D. before    [  ]   9. A. do   B. come    C. take off  D. land     [  ]   10. A. hit   B. beat    C. saw     D. shot     [  ]   11. A. frightened  B. satisfied   C. safe   D. angry [  ]   12. A. all the  B. every  C. any of the other D. any   [  ]   13. A. win   B. get     C. beat   D. gain    [  ]   14. A. fast  B. deep    C. high   D. low     [  ]   15. A. from  B. to    C. with   D. through   [  ]   16. A. used  B. wanted  C. got used  D. were   [  ]   17. A. that  B. how     C. why     D. if     [  ]   18. A. decided  B. succeeded   C. was interested   D. finished                                [  ]   19. A. down  B. by     C. in    D. out     [  ]   20. A. told  B. thought  C. learnt  D. got     [  ]   21. A. quickly B. completely C. slowly  D. safely                                [  ]   22. A. body  B. glass    C. top     D. bottom  [  ]   23. A. tired   B. joyful   C. frightened D. pleased  [  ]   24. A. though  B. while  C. where   D. which   [  ]   25. A. forgot  B. remembered   C. made up my mind   D. recalled                                [  ]


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个佳答案。

    Trees are useful to 1 in three very important    2 : they   provide him with wood and other 3 ;they give him shade; they help to prevent drought and 4 . Unfortunately, in many 5 of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is 6 important.


    Two thousand years 7 a rich and powerful country cut down its trees 8 warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but, 9 its trees, its soil became hard and 10 . When the empire fell    11 , the home country found itself faced with floods and   starvation.

    Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for 12 to persuade   the villager to see this. The villager wants wood to cook his food 13 ; and he can earn money 14 making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look 15 new trees. So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can 16 the people, the forests will slowly disappear.


    This does not only    17 that the villagers' sons and grandsons have 18 trees . The results are even more 19: for where 20 are trees, their   roots break the soil up——allowing the rain to sink in——and also   bind(结合) the soil, thus preventing its 21 washed away easily, but   where there are no 22 ,the rain falls 23 hard ground and carrying    24 with it the rich top soil, in which crops 25 so well. When all the   top soil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.


(1) A. person    B. people    C. man      D. human being

[    ]

(2) A. ways    B. field   C. means    D. method

[    ]

(3) A. uses    B. products  C. production D. result

[    ]

(4) A. floods    B. soil    C. air      D. sunlight

[    ]

(5) A. corner    B. part    C. place    D. parts

[    ]

(6) A. the most  B. the more  C. most     D. much

[    ]

(7) A. before    B. ago     C. long     D. long before

[    ]

(8) A.to set   B. to build  C. to put   D. to organize

[    ]

(9) A. with    B. by      C. on     D. without

[    ]

(10) A. poor    B. fine    C. beautiful  D. pretty

[    ]

(11) A. to break  B. to unite  C. to bits    D. to pieces

[    ]

(12) A. it      B. them    C. he     D. they

[    ]

(13) A. with    B. by      C. on     D. X

[    ]

(14) A. with    B. of      C. by     D. of

[    ]

(15) A. after   B. for     C. at     D. out

[    ]

(16) A. ask     B. educate   C. want     D. remove

[    ]

(17) A. mean    B. refer   C. know     D. realize

[    ]

(18) A. a few   B. fewer   C. a little   D. little

[    ]

(19) A. serious   B. bad     C. effect   D. far

[    ]

(20) A. they    B. we      C. here     D. there

[    ]

(21) A. been    B. being   C. is     D. was

[    ]

(22) A. water   B. trees   C. soil     D. air

[    ]

(23) A. at      B. with    C. to     D. on

[    ]

(24) A. away    B.  off    C. with     D. by

[    ]

(25) A. come    B. grow    C. get      D. turn

[    ]


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一 个最佳答案。

    In the 19th century many great inventions were made. 1 them 2 the camera, the electric light and the radio. These all became a big 3 of our life today. The first part of the 20th century 4 more great inventions. Films with sound in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes (喷气式 飞机) in 1930. This was also a 5 when a new material was first made. Nylon (尼龙) came 6 in 1935. It changed the kind of 7 people 8 .  The middle part of the 20th century 9 new ways to make people 10 and let them live longer lives. By the 1960's most people could 11 to live to be at 12 60.  By this time most people had a very good life. Of course new inventions 13 to be made. But man now hoped to invent 14 . The world was known to 15 but the stars were not. Man began looking for 16 to go to space. Russia 17 the first step. Then the United States took a step. 18 then 19 countries 20 China and Japan, have made their steps into space.  In 1969 man took his 21 step away from the 22 Americans first 23 on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning, 24 . New inventions will someday 25 do things we have never yet dreamed of.

  1. A. Between  B. In    C. Within  D. Among    [    ]   2. A. had    B. were    C. including D. was    [    ]   3. A. member   B. change  C. part    D. thing    [    ]   4. A. saw    B. produced  C. made    D. found    [    ]   5. A. year     B. century   C. time    D. chance   [    ]   6. A. up     B. to    C. at    D. out    [    ]   7. A. clothes  B. dress   C. cloth   D. clothings  [    ]   8. A. are having on       B. wear      C. dress           D. in            [    ]   9. A. brought  B. got     C. appeared  D. took     [    ]    10. A. richer  B. happier   C. healthier D. better   [    ]   11. A. want    B. expect  C. like    D. demand   [    ]   12. A. most    B. first   C. last    D. least    [    ]   13. A. went on        B. left on     C. allowed        D. continued         [    ]   14. A. many    B. more    C. much    D. another  [    ]   15. A. people  B. person  C. man     D. men    [    ]   16. A. ways    B. roads   C. routes  D. paths    [    ]   17. A. made    B. walked  C. had     D. raised   [    ]   18. A. From    B. And     C. Since   D. But    [    ]   19. A. the other B. others  C. some    D. other    [    ]   20. A. between   B. including C. besides   D. expect   [    ]   21. A. biggest   B. largest   C. shortest  D. best     [    ]   22. A. sun     B. moon    C. starts  D. earth    [    ]   23. A. marched   B. walked  C. reached   D. arrived  [    ]   24. A. as though        B. yet      C. though         D. however         [    ]   25. A. permit us doing    B. make us to      C. have us to       D. allow us to       [    ]


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1 ̄25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

      Trees are useful to 1 in three very important    2 : They provide him with wood and other 3 ; they give him shade; they   help to prevent drought and 4 .   Unfortunately, in many    5 of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is    6 important.

       Two thousand years 7 a rich and powerful country cut down its   trees 8 warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained   the empire , but 9 its trees, its soil became hard and    10 . When the empire fell 11 , the home country found itself faced by floods   and starvation.


       Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful   supply of trees, it is difficult for 12 to persuade the villager   to see this. The villager wants wood to cook his food    13 ; and he can earn money 14 making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman.   He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look    15 new trees. So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can   16 the people, the forests will slowly disappear.


       This does not only 17 that the villagers' sons and grandsons   have 18 trees. The results are even more    19 : for where 20 are trees, their roots break the soil up—allowing the rain to sink in—   and also bind (结合) the soil, thus preventing its    21 washed away easily, but where there are no    22 , the rain falls 23 hard ground and carrying    24 with it the rich top soil, in which crops    25 so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless   desert.

(1)A. person    B. people   C. man    D. human being[  ] 

(2)A. ways    B. field  C. means    D. method  [  ] 

(3)A. uses    B. products C. production D. result  [  ] 

(4)A. floods    B. soil   C. air    D. sunlight   [  ] 

(5)A. corner    B. part   C. place    D. parts    [  ] 

(6)A. the most  B. the more C. most     D. much     [  ] 

(7)A. before    B. ago    C. long     D. long before[  ] 

(8)A. to set    B. to build C. to put   D. to organize[  ] 

(9)A. with    B. by     C. on     D. without   [  ] 

(10)A. poor     B. fine   C. beautiful  D. pretty  [  ] 

(11)A. to break   B. to unite C. to bits  D.to pieces  [  ] 

(12)A. it     B. them   C. he     D. they    [  ] 

(13)A. with     B. by     C. on     D. X     [  ] 

(14)A. with     B. of     C. by     D. of    [  ] 

(15)A. after    B. for    C. at     D. out    [  ] 

(16)A. ask    B. educate  C. want     D. remove   [  ] 

(17)A. mean     B. refer  C. know     D. realize   [  ] 

(18)A. a few    B. fewer  C. a little   D. little   [  ] 

(19)A. serious  B. had    C. effect   D. far    [  ] 

(20)A. they     B. we     C. here     D. there   [  ] 

(21)A. been     B. being  C. is     D. was     [  ] 

(22)A. water    B. trees  C. soil     D. air    [  ] 

(23)A. at     B. with   C. to     D. on    [  ] 

(24)A. away     B. off    C. with     D. by    [  ] 

(25)A. come     B. grow   C. get    D. turn    [  ]



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从125各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。


 Marco Polo was a boy of about seventeen. Once, his father and uncle  1 to their family in Venice (威尼斯) after a long journey. They talked about strange and beautiful lands  2 . They brought back gold and jewels.

  3 , the Polo brothers asked him to take a trip with them to the East. So it was how Marco Polo's journey began. During three years of travelling  4 China, he saw sights that were almost unbelievable to a boy from Italy. He met people who had strange  5 . Some spoke languages that he did not even understand. At last they reached the Continent of Asia. This was in the year 1275. The emperor made a great feast (盛宴)  6 the Polos and asked Marco to live in his court. Marco Polo learned to read, write and speak new languages.

 Once the emperor  7 distant western and southern part of his empire. Marco Polo was given many soldiers and servants for his journey.

 Marco saw paper  8 the Chinese. People in China  9 how to print on paper; they had many books and even used paper money! They burned little black rocks for heat—later  10 .

 After three years, he wrote a book about his travels, which most people in Europe did not believe. But many years later the world knew that this man had discovered a great eastern country.


[  ]

A. had just gone   B. had just been

C. had just came   D. had just returned


[  ]

A. in the East    B. to the East

C. on the East    D. by the East


[  ]

A. Shortly before   B. Short after

C. Shortly after   D. After shortly


[  ]

A. to be reached   B. to reach

C. being reached   D. reaching


[  ]

A. ways of living   B. ways to live

C. ways of alive   D. ways of being lived


[  ]

A. in honour for   B. in honour of

C. in honour to    D. on honour of


[  ]

A. carried him to   B. took him to

C. sent him to    D. brought him to


[  ]

A. made in      B. made from

C. made of      D. made by


[  ]

A. had also discovered  B. had also uncovered

C. had also invented   D. had also covered


[  ]

A. calling coal    B. to call coal

C. called coal     D. is called coal


 Mr. Johnson wondered why his son Dave was wandering in the street at that time of night, so he followed him,  11 to see what his son would do.

 Dave stopped at the street corner and looked around. When he saw that nobody was  12 him, he rushed into a small lane (胡同). When Mr. Johnson could see  13 direction his son was going, his son  14 completely. He was so surprised that he stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. After what seemed like ages Mr. Johnson realized that he could  15 but go back home and wait for his son. At about three o'clock in the morning. Dave  16 with a bag in his hand.  17 , he saw his father sitting on a chair. “Father, why aren't you sleeping? ” he asked.

 Mr. Johnson  18 . Instead he  19 his son up and down. Then he asked his son with a cold smile, “What's in your bag and where  20 ? ”

 Dave answered, “There is nothing but two storybooks in the bag. I have been to my friend's home and borrow these books. ”With these words, he  21 into his own room. But he didn't  22 that his father was even quicker. Mr. Johnson snatched the bag and took out something shining. He took a look and in his hand were two gold necklaces. “Are these the 'books' you have borrowed? ” he asked angrily. Dave's face turned white like paper. He said,“This morning  23 passing by the department store, I saw some gold necklaces in the shop window. I could not  24 the temptation, so I went to steal them. ” Hearing these words, Mr. Johnson beat  25 and then he forced his son to go to a police station nearby.


[  ]

A. had tried     B. trying

C. and wanting    D. was wanting


[  ]

A. finding      B. waiting

C. asking       D. following


[  ]

A. what        B. in which

C. on what      D. which


[  ]

A. would disappeared B. had been disappeared

C. had disappeared  D. had been disappearing


[  ]

A. do something    B. do nothing

C. do anything     D. do everything


[  ]

A. left       B. sent back

C. had come     D. returned


[  ]

A. To his surprise  B. To his joy

C. To his worry   D. Of course


[  ]

A. made a speech   B. made no answer

C. shout angrily   D. answered him coldly


[  ]

A. looked      B. looked at

C. looked for    D. looked through


[  ]

A. had you some   B. had you been

C. have you gone   D. have you been


[  ]

A. made a run    B. made a drive

C. was making dash  D. made a swim


[  ]

A. hope       B. expect

C. think of     D. consider


[  ]

A. until      B. since

C. when       D. whenever


[  ]

A. refuse     B. escape

C. resist     D. fall into


[  ]

A. Dave's face      B. the face of Dave

C. Dave in his face   D. Dave in the face

