A. boring B. exciting C. useful D. meaningful 答案:B 指导:此处表示大猩猩与博士之间的交谈非常“令人振奋 .从下文看.博士跟大猩猩的交流确实不同一般.“枯燥的 不合下文的逻辑,“有用的 .“有意义的 用在此处都有点太轻描淡写的味道.都不足以表达博士工作的非同一般. 查看更多



Dear Zhang Dongming,

I am back at school now. How I want express my                     1________

thanks to you for the vacation I spend with                           2________

you and your family! At the vacation you taught                        3________

me how to swim, boat and fish. I was really appreciated                  4________

your taking time off work to take me around and show me               5________

so many places. Your mother is such good cook!                       6________

I think I must have gained 10 pound in just the week                    7________

I stayed with you. Surely I have had a boring vacation,                  8________

that will be remembered for tong.                                 9________

I hope you to be able to visit me sometime.                           10________

Thank you again. Let’s keep in touch.



Dear Zhang Dongming,

I am back at school now. How I want express my                     1________

thanks to you for the vacation I spend with                           2________

you and your family! At the vacation you taught                        3________

me how to swim, boat and fish. I was really appreciated                  4________

your taking time off work to take me around and show me               5________

so many places. Your mother is such good cook!                       6________

I think I must have gained 10 pound in just the week                    7________

I stayed with you. Surely I have had a boring vacation,                  8________

that will be remembered for tong.                                 9________

I hope you to be able to visit me sometime.                           10________

Thank you again. Let’s keep in touch.



-We had better hurry; we’ll be late.

-________ Do you really want to listen to such a boring lecture?

[  ]

That’s all right.


Take it easy.


What’s on?


So what?



  There is a measurable relation between how much a person learns and that individual’s attitude toward the subject to be learned.When faced with a difficult learning assignment, one path toward success is to seek out and concentrate on the positive aspects of the subject matter.If a student has boring and ineffective teacher in a required course, one solution is to look for the positive aspects of completing the course, regardless of how boring the instructor happens to be.To accomplish this might require a private tutor or some independent reading, but with the right attitude, success is possible.

  Over-achievers-those students who do better than their test scores indicate-usually have a positive interest toward learning.They may learn some things more slowly, and it may take more effort, but, to compensate, they are often better at applying what they have learned.As long as they do not stress themselves into emotional problems, they are successful.

  Under-achievers-those who function below their ability indicated by test scores-often tend to permit a few negative factors to sidetrack them.Because of their negative attitudes, they sometimes become unfairly critical of teachers.They allow themselves to get bored when it is not necessary.In short, their attitudes often cause them to learn less than over-achievers.

  If you learn to replace a negative mind-set toward learning with something more positive, you are on the road to achieving virtually any goal you desire.For example, if you realize a personal computer with a word processor would improve your performance, but have an attitude that keeps telling you that you cannot learn to operate a computer you tend to make all kinds of excuses.In short, you resist making full use of a terrific tool, simply because your negative attitude prevents you from learning.


The writer thinks that over-achievers and under-achievers mainly differ in ________.

[  ]


their test scores


their judgment of the teachers


their attitudes toward learning


their skills in using computers


What does the author suggest if a student has a boring teacher?

[  ]


To be critical of the teacher.


To read more on one’s own.


To have a right attitude toward the teacher.


To complete the course without the teacher.


The phrase function below their ability indicated by test scores(in Para.3)means the under-achievers ________.

[  ]


often get low scores in tests


do worse in actual learning than in the tests.


usually do better in tests than the over-achievers


are always slow in learning and have to make more efforts


The example of the personal computer shows that ________.

[  ]


to react negatively can be harmful


hard-working is the key to success


finding excuses doesn’t help in learning


making use of the terrific tool is important in learning


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Attitudes play very important roles in learning.


Teachers are not so important in the learning process.


Students should learn how to use personal computers.


There are many differenced between over-and under-achievers


  As a third-year high school student, I feel that students today study English merely for the purpose of getting high scores in all sorts of so-called English exams. This phenomenon misleads students like my classmates into making a great effort to deal with English exams, not the rich language itself. Needless to say, it is unfortunate.

  I started the voyage in the ocean of the English language at an early age. Being fed up with reciting each word taught in every class, I soon gained the idea that English was a bore! Luckily for me, under the vivid pen of Charlotte Bronte, the life of Jane Eyre touched me so much that I spent several sleepless nights to read the whole book. This marked the change of my attitude to-wards English from hating to loving. I began to be inspired by the wisdom of European and American literature written in English and was amazed by the beauty and richness of the language. As time went by, the more I read, the more I found English lovely. I could still remember one winter vacation when I raced into one school library to borrow my longed-for English novels. At night, when soft light spread on the pages, my expecting heart beat with the author's. I was so eager to get on with my reading that I could hardly sleep. My world had come alive! I was 16 at the time.

  Now, I am often asked why I read so many“useless”things in English and how to study English well. My response would be,“Learn English as a language, not as an exam subject.”Then, I caught sight of disappointing eyes and doubts. Indeed, that's what I concluded from my study of the English language. Honestly, to me, English is truly a magic box that can grab my soul and absorb my entire mind. It's filled with wisdom and adventures which are hard to explain and share. I believe many people would agree with me and be sorry for the present situation of high school English teaching. So I'd like to call Upon English learners and friends to save our beloved English from being misconducted.

(1) What makes the author feel unsatisfied in studying English?

[  ]

A.The writer's starting learning English too early.

B.The incorrect aim of studying English.

C.The boring English.

D.The“useless”things on English.

(2) What brought the writer interest in English again?

[  ]

A.New English words.
B.American literature.
C.English novels.
D.English exams.

(3) When do you think the writer read the English literature?

[  ]

A.At night.
B.In school.
C.In one of the school libraries.
D.In English classes.

(4) Who does the writer think are to blame for the unfortunate English study?

[  ]

A.The writer's friends.
D.English teachers.

