A. thanked B. rewarded C. cared D. accepted 答案: A 指导:此处整句都是作者的反问.言外之义:你在纠正别人的时候.别人并没有“感激 你.而是怨恨你.对你敬而远之.rewarded"报答 .cared"在乎 .accepted"接受 .意义上似乎都沾点边.但都脱离了上下文的逻辑和提示. 查看更多



I have always wanted to share this story because it is one of the things that I will remember for my entire life. And I’m sure 21 person feels the same.

We had a new teacher in my high school World History class. She was very nice and excited to see us. She told a story about her 22 fighting in a war and brought a picture of him. After about fifteen 23 of her talking, the class started talking softly to each other 24 they were getting bored. Looking 25 , she asked “So, you guys don’t really want to hear any more?” No one dared to actually say “no” to her out loud 26 one kid. He said, “No, not really!” in a disrespectful way. Some kids were a little 27 and thought that it was rather rude.

I felt extremely bad for this teacher. No one deserves to be 28 in such a disrespectful manner. 29 , a little before class let out, I went up to her and 30 for the guy’s rude behavior. I told her I had been 31 , and even though I may not entirely like 32 , I did appreciate her sharing her story. I asked her 33 about her father and asked to see the picture of him. We had a very nice, genuine conversation about her father.

The teacher was 34 . She really appreciated me coming up and actually treating her with the  35 that she deserved. I felt at full peace with myself knowing that I did the right thing and I was super happy that I actually 36 . Even though I didn’t really care for history, I 37 listened, and I hope that others in different situations will do the same. Listening means a lot to the people sharing; it really 38 . If I had just left the class without saying a word, I would have felt extremely 39 and would have a constant reminder, probably to this day, that 40 was not served and I had left a person in their time of need.

21. A. neither        B. no          C. a certain        D. the other

22. A. father            B. nephew       C. uncle           D. brother

23. A. hours        B. minutes      C. seconds         D. days

24. A. even if        B. as if         C. because          D. so

25. A. hurt         B. funny       C. proud           D. amused

26. A. besides        B. except       C. as well as         D. along with

27. A. interested      B. excited       C. disappointed      D. shocked

28. A. treated        B. considered    C. scolded        D. taught

29. A. Therefore     B. However     C. Personally        D. Naturally

30. A. thanked       B. prepared      C. apologized        D. argued

31. A. talking        B. listening       C. laughing          D. wondering

32. A. geography      B. literature     C. architecture       D. history

33. A. nothing        B. little     C. less             D. more

34. A. amazed        B. touched       C. embarrassed       D. bored

35. A. gift           B. reward       C. respect              D. praise

36. A. made her day    B. made my day   C. made her way      D. made my way

37. A. ever         B. even        C. still             D. seldom

38. A. means         B. makes       C. is               D. does

39. A. happy         B. guilty        C. lucky               D. empty

40. A. justice      B. right         C. purpose           D. interest



The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She 1_ the driver and, using her hands to feel the 2 of the seats, walked down and found the 3 which the driver had told her was empty. Then she settled in.

It had been a year since Susan, 34, 4 a medical misdiagnosis (误诊), was suddenly throw into a world of 5 . Mark, her husband, was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. He 6 her how to rely on her other 7 , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and 8 to adapt herself to the new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could 9 for her, and save her a seat.

10 , Susan decided that she was ready to try the 11 on her own. Monday morning, she said goodbye and for the first time, they went their 12 ways.

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was 13 the bus, the driver said “Boy, I 14 envy you .” Susan had no 15 what the driver was talking about, and asked “What do you 16

The driver answered, "You know, every morning for the 17 week, a fine-looking gentleman 18 a military uniform has been standing across the corner 19 you as you get off the bus. He 20 you cross the street safely and he watches, until you enter your office building. You are one lucky lady.”

Tears of gratitude poured down Susan’s cheeks.

1. A. thanked   B. asked      C. discovered  D. paid

2. A. location   B. shape      C. size    D. cost

3. A. ticket  B. bus      C. seat      D. bag

4. A. according to B. instead of  C. thanks to    D. due to

5. A. anger    B. darkness    C. happiness D. light

6. A. asked  B. encouraged   C. taught     D. praised

7. A. feelings B. sights     C. senses     D. abilities

8. A. how   B. when   C. where   D. who

9. A. make out   B. watch out    C. find out    D. work out

10. A. Finally  B. Luckily     C. However  D. Besides

11. A. visit     B. trip      C. bus       D. work

12. A. opposite B. separate    C. difficult     D. usual

13. A. getting on B. getting in    C. getting off D. getting up

14. A. must   B. may    C. will      D. do

15. A. idea   B. opinion     C. way     D. thought

16. A. want  B. mean      C. say       D. suggest

17. A. next   B. old    C. past       D. following

18. A. by     B. on     C. with      D. in

19. A. searching B. watching    C. calling     D. noticing

20. A. looks out  B. takes up  C. believes in    D. makes sure



My friend Jason is fourteen now. He has two brothers and three sisters. His father works in a    1    factory and his mother is a nurse. They work hard but are paid    2    and they're often worried about the    3    and clothes.

    Jason always wears old clothes and    4    a broken bag. He has to help his mother to do some washing and cleaning and has no    5    to do his lessons at home. So he usually    6    the teachers carefully in class and asks them some questions. It's    7    for him to finish his homework at school and he tries to do more    8    after school. But it doesn't interfere with his studies and he's always the top of our    9   .

    Barry, whose father is a dentist, always wears expensive and    10    clothes. He likes to show off his riches to us though he often    11    in the examinations. He is jealous of Jason's    12    and tries his best to make fun of him. My friend knows him well and doesn't    13    it. Winter has come and we all wear new and    14    coat. But Jason's coat is old and his shoes are    15   . “How miserly (吝啬) your father is!” Barry    16    Jason in the classroom one day.  “He's a shoemaker    17    you wear such shoes!”

    “But I think your father is    18    miserly.” said Jason. “He's a rich dentist but your eight-month-old brother has only a few    19   !”

    Having heard this, Barry's face turned red and    20   .


A. paper              B. shoe

C. lock               D. TV


A. much             B. more

C. few                D. little


A. food               B. drinks

C. salt               D. fruit


A. lends              B. buys

C. uses               D. sells


A. energy              B. money

C. interest             D. time


A. listens to           B. hears

C. looks at            D. sees


A. impossible           B. hard

C. necessary           D. difficult


A. games              B. housework

C. exercises            D. experiments


A. world             B. family

C. grade              D. country


A. bad                B. old

C. simple              D. modern


A. fails                B. passes

C. appears             D. does well


A. spelling             B. success

C. luck               D. pronunciation


A. mind              B. punish

C. hate                D. discover


A. thin                B. thick

C. strange             D. cheap


A. small              B. strong

C. nice                D. worn out


A. thanked            B. helped

C. laughed at           D. looked after


A. and                B. but

C. or                D. then


A. more              B. the most

C. much             D. little


A. noses             B. ears

C. mouths             D. teeth


A. stood up           B. got up

C. hurried off          D. smiled



My friend Jason is fourteen now. He has two brothers and three sisters. His father works in a    1    factory and his mother is a nurse. They work hard but are paid    2    and they're often worried about the    3    and clothes.

    Jason always wears old clothes and    4    a broken bag. He has to help his mother to do some washing and cleaning and has no    5    to do his lessons at home. So he usually    6    the teachers carefully in class and asks them some questions. It's    7    for him to finish his homework at school and he tries to do more    8    after school. But it doesn't interfere with his studies and he's always the top of our    9   .

    Barry, whose father is a dentist, always wears expensive and    10    clothes. He likes to show off his riches to us though he often    11    in the examinations. He is jealous of Jason's    12    and tries his best to make fun of him. My friend knows him well and doesn't    13    it. Winter has come and we all wear new and    14    coat. But Jason's coat is old and his shoes are    15   . “How miserly (吝啬) your father is!” Barry    16    Jason in the classroom one day.  “He's a shoemaker    17    you wear such shoes!”

    “But I think your father is    18    miserly.” said Jason. “He's a rich dentist but your eight-month-old brother has only a few    19   !”

    Having heard this, Barry's face turned red and    20   .


A. paper              B. shoe

C. lock               D. TV


A. much             B. more

C. few                D. little


A. food               B. drinks

C. salt               D. fruit


A. lends              B. buys

C. uses               D. sells


A. energy              B. money

C. interest             D. time


A. listens to           B. hears

C. looks at            D. sees


A. impossible           B. hard

C. necessary           D. difficult


A. games              B. housework

C. exercises            D. experiments


A. world             B. family

C. grade              D. country


A. bad                B. old

C. simple              D. modern


A. fails                B. passes

C. appears             D. does well


A. spelling             B. success

C. luck               D. pronunciation


A. mind              B. punish

C. hate                D. discover


A. thin                B. thick

C. strange             D. cheap


A. small              B. strong

C. nice                D. worn out


A. thanked            B. helped

C. laughed at           D. looked after


A. and                B. but

C. or                D. then


A. more              B. the most

C. much             D. little


A. noses             B. ears

C. mouths             D. teeth


A. stood up           B. got up

C. hurried off          D. smiled









Dear Mr. Manager,

I’m writing to express my thank to you and your employee    


Miss Li Hong who helped me found my handbag while I        


was shopping in your shop in March 24.                        


That day I was greatly interesting and lost myself in enjoying     


a beautiful product. After I paid a pair of silk socks, I       


left my handbag on the counter. I have already walked out of       6. ________

the shop then Miss Li came up with my handbag. I thanked               7.________

her and offered her a reward of 20 dollars and she refused to    


take even a cent. I deeply moved by her spirit. Miss Li’s       


good qualities are something I’ll always keep on in mind.         10.________



