effectively 5. making 6. reduction 查看更多





Question: I have recently got a serious position within my company. One of my new tasks is to make monthly progress reports on my department in front of other senior officials. During my first meeting, I presented and then opened the floor to questions.   71   . My first reaction was to answer defensively. Later, I realized that I shouldn’t have felt that way. But how can I keep cool and effectively answer questions in this type of settings?

Answer: Congratulations on your new position! Presenting in front of your peers(同事)is a hard task in itself, and it    comes much more difficult when a question-and-answer per is required question-and-answer periods as a great way to clarify the message and strengthen key points,     72   


When a person is asking a question, show interest and a desire to understand the question by listening and asking for clarification.

●Buy time.

When facing a hard question, most people can’t give an answer immediately. Buy time by repeating the question in your own words.    74   . These techniques allow you to quickly organize your thoughts as well as to make sure you will be correctly answering the question.

●Suggest a private meeting.

A one-on-one meeting is a calmer setting than speaking in front of your peers.    75    

A.Show your true interest.

B.Reslate the question with respect.

C.Some ideas can be quite concrete.

D.There were many difficult questions.

E. It can also be more effective in exchanging ideas.

F. You many also ask for clarification on the question.

G. Here are some ideas that can help you prepare for your next meeting.



Whether in the workplace or on the football field, effective teamwork can produce amazing results.However, working successfully as a team is not as easy as it may seem.Effective teamwork certainly does not just happen automatically; it take s a great deal of hard work and compromise.There are a number of factors that must be in place to make a good team.

Effective leadership is one of the most important components of good teamwork.The team’s leader should possess the skills to create and preserve a positive working environment and motivate and inspire the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly committed.An effective team leader will promote a high level of spirit and make them feel supported and valued.

Communication is a vital factor of all interpersonal relationship and especially that of a team.Team member s must be able to articulate their feelings, express plans and goals, share ideas and see each other’s opinions.

Conflicts will arise no matter how well a team functions together.The best way to deal with conflicts is to have some organized methods of handling conflicts.Team members should be able to voice their concerns without fear of offending others.Instead of avoiding conflict issues, a hands-on approach that settles them quickly is much better.It is often advised that the team leader sit with the conflicting parties and help work out their differences without taking sides and trying to remain objective if possible.

The team leader must set a good example to create good teamwork.In order to keep team members positive and committed and motivated, the team leader herself / himself needs to show these qualities.The team turns to the leader for support and guidance.So any negative words or behaviors on the leader’s part can be disastrous.

Regardless of what type of work you are in, knowing how to effectively work on and with a team is going to be extremely important to your success and that of your team.

1.Effective leadership is important partly because ___________________.

A.it creates a positive working environment

B.it helps a leader to develop lots of skills

C.it makes a leader feel supported and valued

D.it depends on interpersonal relationship of a team

2.The underlined word “articulate” probably means _________________.

A.hide             B.feel              C.plan              D.express

3.When conflicts arise among team members, the team leader should ___________________.

A.worry about the team members

B.ignore the team members’ voices

C.work out their differences

D.try to avoid conflict issues

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Football And Teamwork                   B.Communication And Teamwork

C.What Makes Effective Teamwork            D.How to Handle Conflicts in a Team




第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Harry, Tony, Collins, Jesse和Jack 几位同学欲提高学习成绩,故针对自己的情况上网找寻适合自己学习方法与资料。



A. Study Skills Self-help Information - Virginia Tech - Articles and self-assessment tests covering scheduling and time management, memory techniques, note-taking, reading, and setting up a good studying environment.


B. Academic Tips - Helping students manage time, take better notes, study more effectively, improve memory, take tests and handle the stresses of senior life.

C. Neuromod - Online Memory Improvement Course - It is possible to improve one's memory performance in specific areas by applying memory techniques. This site explain a number of systems ranging from simple to sophisticated. The training steps are clearly laid out and in most cases online training software is provided.

D. Studying Revising Exams - One-page summary of studying, examination, and writing techniques. A collection of articles about good study habits with how-to suggestions.

E. Learning Skills - University of Victoria - Copyrighted e-books with tips on organizing notes, reading, time and study management, exam preparation and writing, writing assignments, and study strategies.

F. Study Guides  - Collection of academic study guides. Topics include classroom and study preparations; studying, writing and reading skills; math and science skills; evaluating and using web content; and preparing for tests. Authored, maintained, and revised by Joe Landsberger.


56. Tony wants to better himself by means of taking notes, time management and so on.  He also  feels like solving the problem of heavy pressure in study.

57. Harry wants to improve himself through the ways of time management, memory skills etc., especially he can check himself in time and can find himself better learning surroundings..

58. Jesse will find some suggestions on how to make notes and how to do his writing homework.

59. Collins focuses on his future exams, so he would like to get some instructions for his science study and use some materials on the Net.

60. Jack hopes to train himself systematically to keep what he learns in mind a longer time.





A. Read on    

B. Read loudly   

C. Select a proper material

D. Think while you are reading

E. Use a dictionary at a right time

F. Five suggestions for achieving better results.

Effective reading should adopt a correct way, and then you can get more by paying less. Here are some suggestions for reading effectively.


Don’t choose a rather difficult book or a too easy one for yourself to read. A book full of new words will make you discouraged quickly. To understand these new words, you have to turn to the dictionary quite often. It seems that you are not reading the book but the dictionary. It has no fun at all! On the contrary, a too easy one will only waste your time and cannot do any help. The two extremes may at last make you give up reading. So it’s better for you to find a proper book with no more than five new words on each page.


If you come across a new word, do not look it up in a dictionary as quickly as possible. Leave it alone and guess the meaning of it based on the content of the text. This ability is quite necessary in reading. If you know your guess is right later, you will be highly excited at your “success”, and your interest in reading is well stimulated. If a word really hinders you from understanding the whole passage, turn to the dictionary by then. I am sure you can remember this word very well, as it has left you such a deep impression for “its troublesome image”.


To comprehend what you are reading, you should think while you are reading, then form your own ideas on some special issues. Try to scribble (乱写;潦草地书写)some lines — a very short journal, to express your ideas. Your writing does not need to be quite formal but expressive. This practice can make you communicate with the original English authors. Day by day, your way of thinking in English will turn into a native way, which is quite important for English writing.


Language has its own beauty, no matter Chinese or English. Don’t merely take English as a “test”. Take it as an “entertainment” instead and you will enjoy it through learning. Maybe you should find some beautiful literary works such as a prose or a poem to read, if you like. Try to read them as loudly and passionately as you can. During this process, not only can you enjoy yourself by the great emotions of the writers, but also your pronunciation and your manner of speaking English will be improved.


The last but not the least, keep on reading. If you cannot keep it as a habit, you will suffer from paying without gaining.



“Just take a deep breath.” “Don’t think about it.” “You’re more likely to die in a car wreck on the way to the airport than you are in a plane crash.” These are just some words given to people with a fear of flying. But as Tom Cruise, playing Lt. Daniel Kaffee in the movie A Few Good Men, said, “I get sick when I fly because I’m afraid of crashing into a large mountain. I don’t think Daniel will help.”

But there’s a new application that just may. Today, the VALK Foundation, a Dutch group that’s a partnership between KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and the University of Leiden, launches the app in the US. The VALK Foundation was one of the first centers for research and fear-of-flying treatment in the world and is the organizer of three world conferences on fear of flying.The foundation said the app, called Flight App VALK, is the first scientifically-developed, web-based treatment for people who suffer from mild to moderate fear of flying.

“The fear of flying application we have created aims to transfer all of the knowledge we have developed through our program into a mobile application that will help ease travelers’ fears,” said Dr. Lucas van Gerwen, director of the VALK Foundation. Dr. van Gerwen is also a psychologist and professional pilot with more than 30 years experience.

The foundation said up to 30% of adults are fearful fliers. The Flight App is designed to help relax passengers before and during flights by educating users about flight safety and turbulence. It explains the sounds and sensations they can expect during departure, flight and landing. And, if a passenger’s flight stress reaches a panic level, they press a special panic button which provides audio and written information to help decrease stress levels. Most importantly, the Flight App can be used during the flight in the airplane mode. Once downloaded, the program does not require Internet connection in the air.

1.By saying the words at the beginning of the passage, people are expected to ______.

A.decrease their fear of flying

B.get rid of their doubt about plane

C.have a good time on their flight journey

D.use some medicine to cure their fear of flying

2.Flight App VALK is aimed to ______.

A.help passengers experience the fear of flying

B.help relax passengers before and during flights

C.treat people who suffer from mild fear of flying

D.teach people the basic knowledge of taking flight

3.According to the passage, the VALK Foundation ______.

A.is a group focusing on psychology on the flight

B.was the first center to do research into fear of flying

C.organize the world conferences on fear of flying annually

D.focuses on researching and offering treatment on fear of flying

4.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

A.Many adults are suffering from fear of flying

B.It’s convenient for people to use the Flight App

C.Many planes will be installed with the Flight App.

D.The Flight App can decrease stress levels effectively

5.In which column of a newspaper can we read this passage?

A.Culture           B.Entertainment      C.Technology        D.Education


