A. engineers B. astronauts C. parachutes D. instruments 查看更多



I have been applying, interviewing, etc since July with no prospects(前景). I have been told mostly that I am overqualified, or they need fulltime etc. I had been getting pretty down and discouraged. I was actually asking myself why can’t someone be kind enough to take me on as an ?? .

This past Tuesday evening it was ?? outside and going to be 9 pm as I was waiting at a bus stop. Just as the bus ?? a young woman approached me. She had a T-shirt, Capri pants, and slippers on. She also was wearing several hospital bracelets.

I ?? my purse and took out $5.00 so she could get something to eat. I then took off my jacket and? ?? and gave them to her. I said, “These are a little big but they should keep ?? ? warm.” She looked at me and said “Aren’t you going to be cold?” I told her my being cold for 15 minutes? ?? I got to my place was worth it if I knew she would be a little warmer. She sobbed and thanked me with a hug. I just told her to ?? .

Then after I got on the bus that’s ?? ? the miracle of spreading ?? ? happened. I stepped up to pay the? ?? and the bus driver said, “Mam, I saw what you just did and your fare is ?? me, even though technically we aren’t supposed to let you get on the bus without shoes.” he said with a wink.

A lady who was dressed in a very? ?? ? business suit called me over to her seat. She said, “I want to know the ?? ? of the person who just did the most ?? ? thing I have ever seen.” I told her my name and she said , “What can I do for you to ?? what I just witnessed?” I ?? ? said a paying job would be nice.

The next day she called me and said that she had a ?? ? administrative assistant position ?? ? in her company and wanted me to meet with the manager. It ?? ? that the lady was the head Human Resources person.

I start Monday morning at 9am! Thank you all for inspiring me to keep passing the kindness on! I never expected to get so much back in return!

1.A. engineer????????????? B. entertainer????????????? C. employee????????????? D. employer

2.A. burning hot????????????? B. pouring????????????? C. snowing????????????? D. freezing cold

3.A. pulled up????????????? B. picked up????????????? C. broke down????????????? D. dropped off

4.A. brought out ????????????? B. cut in????????????? C. dug in????????????? D. reached

5.A. gloves ????????????? B. sweater????????????? C. blouse????????????? D. tennis shoes

6.A. her ????????????? B. him????????????? C. you????????????? D. me

7.A. until????????????? B. before????????????? C. after????????????? D. since

8.A. pass it on????????????? B. go ahead????????????? C. cheer up????????????? D. come on

9.A. where????????????? B. why????????????? C. when????????????? D. how

10.A. luck????????????? B. kindness????????????? C. generosity????????????? D. mercy

11.A. ticket????????????? B. fare????????????? C. money????????????? D. check

12.A. to????????????? B. for????????????? C. on????????????? D. with

13.A. informal????????????? B. casual????????????? C. professional????????????? D. practical

14.A. job ????????????? B. address????????????? C. religion????????????? D. name

15.A. inspiring????????????? B. courageous????????????? C. amazing????????????? D. grateful

16.A. praise????????????? B. repay????????????? C. appreciate????????????? D. admire

17.A. seriously????????????? B. eagerly????????????? C. hopefully????????????? D. jokingly

18.A. part-time????????????? B. tough ????????????? C. simple????????????? D. novel

19.A. empty????????????? B. open????????????? C. offer????????????? D. opportunity

20.A. came about????????????? B. occurred to me????????????? C. turned out????????????? D. worked out




1.grade     A. classmate              B. manage                   C. necklace          D. courage

2.depend A. envelop                           B. elect                        C. recent    D. develop

3.courage A. cough                      B. count             C. youth      D. cousin

4. basin              A. position                            B. opposite                 C. persuade  D. husband

5. finger    A. engineer                          B. hungry           C. singer     D. length




 a. It is so hot today, but the __fan isn’t working.

 b. A lot of ___equipment is needed for large theatres

 c. The ________was cut off for several days.   

 d. His father is a _______engineer.

 e. There is no _________station in this area.    

 f. The dictionary is available in ____________form.

  A. electric    B. electrical     C. electronic     D. electron

 g. 发电机    h. 电流   i. 电源插头   j. 电烙铁    k. 电力工程  l. 电子计算器   m. 电子字典


Motorists who used to listening to the radio or their favourite tunes on CDs may have a new way to entertain themselves, engineers in Japan developed a musical road surface.

A team from the Hokkaido Industrial Research Institute has built a number of "melody roads", which use cars as tuning forks to play music as they travel. The concept works by using grooves, which are cut at very specific intervals in the road surface. Just as travelling over small speed bumps or road markings can emit a rumbling tone throughout a vehicle, the melody road uses the spaces between to create different notes. Depending on how far apart the grooves are, a car moving over them will produce a series of high or low notes, enabling cunning designers to create a distinct tune.

According to reports, the system was the brainchild of Shizuo Shinoda, who accidentally scraped some markings into a road with a bulldozer before driving over them and realising that they helped to produce a variety of tones. The designs were refined by engineers at the institute in Sapporo. The team has previously worked on new technologies including the use of infra-red light to detect dangerous road surfaces.

However , the engineer still have a long way to go perfect the musical road. Motorists expecting to create their own hard rock soundtrack(MUSIC) could find themselves struggling to live the dream. In addition, they have to obey some rules to enjoy the music. They have to drive at 45 kilometers per hour with the car windows closed to hear well. Driving too fast will sound like playing fast forward, while driving around 20mph has a slow backward effect, and can almost make you car sick."

49. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Musical roads in Japan              

B. Hokkaido Industrial Research Institute in Japan

C. How to build the musical roads in Japan

D. How to Produce Notes on Musical Roads

50. How do motorists enjoy music on musical road?

A. By using bulldozers over the bumps.

B. By using cars over the marking roads

C. By controlling car speed

D. By producing car rumblings.

51. It can be inferred from the text that Shizuo Shinoda probably was a(n)        

A. engineer        B. musician      C. worker        D. researcher.

52. What prevent drivers expecting their own music form realizing their dreams?

A. Lacking musical gift               B. Lacking musical roads

C. Imperfect technology and rules limit.  D. Driving speed limit and distance limit


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1 ̄20各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个   最佳答案。


    The soldiers had just moved to the desert, and as they had never   been in such a 1 before, they had a lot to 2.


    As there were 3 trees or buildings in the desert, it was, of   course, very 4 to hide their trucks from enemy 5. The soldiers were 6   given training in camouflage, which means 7 of covering something 8   the enemy cannot see where it is. They were shown how to paint their   trucks in irregular patterns (图案) with pale green, 9, and brown   paints.


    The driver who had the 10 truck went to a lot of trouble to   camouflage it. He spent several 11 painting it. When it was finished,   he looked 12 at his work and then went off to have his 13.


    But when he came back to the truck 14 he had had his meal, he was   surprised and 15 to see that his camouflage work was completely spoilt   (毁坏) by the truck's shadow (影子), which was growing longer and   longer as the afternoon advanced.


    Soon an officer arrived, and he too saw the shadow, of course.     "Well," he shouted to the 16 driver, "What are you going to do   about it? If an enemy plane comes over, the 17 will at once 18 that   there is a truck there."


    "I know, 19," answered the soldier.


    "Well, don't just 20 there doing nothing!" said the officer.     "What shall I do?" asked the driver.


    "Get your spade (铲子) and throw some sand over the shadow, of   course!" answered the officer.  


 (1) A. country    B. town    C. day    D. place

[    ]

 (2) A. study    B. learn    C. discover    D. talk about

[    ]

 (3) A. some    B. no    C. more    D. many

[    ]

 (4) A. hard    B. easy    C. dangerous    D. valuable

[    ]

 (5) A. soldiers    B. spaceships    C. planes    D. trucks

[    ]

 (6) A. otherwise    B. therefore    C. after all    D. at last

[    ]

 (7) A. knowledge    B. experiments    C. experience    D. ways

[    ]

 (8) A. so that    B. as if    C. so far    D. because

[    ]

 (9) A. white    B. red    C. yellow    D. blue

[    ]

(10) A. biggest    B. smallest    C. best    D. worst

[    ]

(11) A. minutes    B. hours    C. days    D. weeks

[    ]

(12) A. carefully     B. attentively  

      C. disappointedly    D. proudly

[    ]

(13) A. breakfast    B. lunch    C. supper    D. lessons


(14) A. after    B. before    C. as soon as    D. in order that   

[    ]

(15) A. happily    B. worried    C. excited    D. terrified

[    ]

(16) A. clever    B. brave    C. poor    D. rich

[    ]

(17) A. engineer    B. driver    C. captain    D. pilot

[    ]

(18) A. know    B. hear    C. remember    D. cry out

[    ]

(19) A. man    B. gentleman    C. sir    D. my boy

[    ]

(20) A. stand    B. sit    C. talk about    D. lie

[    ]

