A. insisting B. dream C. demanding D. wanting 查看更多




  Marianne was learning to play the piano. Day after day her father stood __1__ her as she practiced. How patient and kind her father was, 2 how cleverly he showed Marianne how to play some particularly difficult 3 ! She was making rapid progress. And there, almost 4 in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, her four-year-old brother, 5 never had to be told to keep __6__ when Marianne was practicing

  One day at sundown the father patted (拍) Marianne’s shoulder __7__ she had done quite well. Just then Wolfgang climbed on his father’s keen and __8__ to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now 9 . what a 10 that was! Picking up his baby son, the father 11 ,tapped (轻敲) the tiny nose and said, “Look at your small 12 . Why, you cannot cover all the notes yet. You must 13 ,little man.”

  There was no end of 14 during the tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang 15 to play one of the classics. After dinner Marianne helped 16 dishes.

  “Listen!” the father said 17 .“Listen! Marianne is playing that piece much prettier than ever,” he 18 But Marianne was washing pots in the kitchen. The father moved slowly upstairs. He pushed the door 19 and there was little Wolfgang playing in 20 “I love it so !”whispered the child.


[  ]

A. with
B. behind
C. in front of
D. without


[  ]

A. but
B. so
C. or
D. and


[  ]

A. one
B. piece
C. song
D. piano


[  ]

A. disappeared
B. hurt
C. lost
D. missed


[  ]

A. who
B. he
C. which
D. whom


[  ]

A. watch
B. calm
C. quiet
D. back


[  ]

A. said
B. to say
C. saying
D. and saying


[  ]

A. begged
B. persuaded
C. advised
D. demanded


[  ]

A. learned
B. stopped
C. mastered
D. passed


[  ]

A. joke
B. surprise
C. pleasure
D. pity


[  ]

A. smiled
B. laughed
C. shouted
D. satisfied


[  ]

A. head
B. nose
C. age
D. hands


A. learn
B. wait
C. apologize
D. try


[  ]

A. quarrel
B. fun
C. laughing
D. questioning


[  ]

A. insisting
B. dream
C. demanding
D. wanting


[  ]

A. make up

B. put up

C. clear away

D. wash away


[  ]

A. in surprise
B. in a hurry
C. in peace
D. angrily


[  ]

A. answered
B. whispered
C. asked
D. added


[  ]

A. back
B. down
C. closed
D. open


[  ]

A. the darkness

B. the light

C. the shade

D. silence



  Marianne was learning to play the piano. Day after day her father stood __1__ her as she practiced. How patient and kind her father was, 2 how cleverly he showed Marianne how to play some particularly difficult 3 ! She was making rapid progress. And there, almost 4 in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, her four-year-old brother, 5 never had to be told to keep __6__ when Marianne was practicing

  One day at sundown the father patted (拍) Marianne’s shoulder __7__ she had done quite well. Just then Wolfgang climbed on his father’s keen and __8__ to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now 9 . what a 10 that was! Picking up his baby son, the father 11 ,tapped (轻敲) the tiny nose and said, “Look at your small 12 . Why, you cannot cover all the notes yet. You must 13 ,little man.”

  There was no end of 14 during the tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang 15 to play one of the classics. After dinner Marianne helped 16 dishes.

  “Listen!” the father said 17 .“Listen! Marianne is playing that piece much prettier than ever,” he 18 But Marianne was washing pots in the kitchen. The father moved slowly upstairs. He pushed the door 19 and there was little Wolfgang playing in 20 “I love it so !”whispered the child.


[  ]

A. with
B. behind
C. in front of
D. without


[  ]

A. but
B. so
C. or
D. and


[  ]

A. one
B. piece
C. song
D. piano


[  ]

A. disappeared
B. hurt
C. lost
D. missed


[  ]

A. who
B. he
C. which
D. whom


[  ]

A. watch
B. calm
C. quiet
D. back


[  ]

A. said
B. to say
C. saying
D. and saying


[  ]

A. begged
B. persuaded
C. advised
D. demanded


[  ]

A. learned
B. stopped
C. mastered
D. passed


[  ]

A. joke
B. surprise
C. pleasure
D. pity


[  ]

A. smiled
B. laughed
C. shouted
D. satisfied


[  ]

A. head
B. nose
C. age
D. hands


A. learn
B. wait
C. apologize
D. try


[  ]

A. quarrel
B. fun
C. laughing
D. questioning


[  ]

A. insisting
B. dream
C. demanding
D. wanting


[  ]

A. make up

B. put up

C. clear away

D. wash away


[  ]

A. in surprise
B. in a hurry
C. in peace
D. angrily


[  ]

A. answered
B. whispered
C. asked
D. added


[  ]

A. back
B. down
C. closed
D. open


[  ]

A. the darkness

B. the light

C. the shade

D. silence

