-Hi, I’m glad m see you. - . A. Thank you B. Me, too C. My name is Mary D. I’m glad to hear that 答:B.Me, too. = I’m glad to meet youtoo. 如: -I don’t quite like the idea. -Me, too. =l don’t quite like the idea, either. 查看更多



—Hi, I’m glad m see you.


A. Thank you     B. Me, too    C. My name is Mary  D. I’m glad to hear that



—Hi,I’m glad to see you.?


A.Thank you                B.Me,too

C.My name is Mary      D.I’m glad to hear that?


--Hi, I'm glad to see you.


[  ]

A. Thank you
B. Me, too
C. My name is Mary
D. I'm glad to hear that


--Hi, I'm glad to see you.


[  ]

A. Thank you
B. Me, too
C. My name is Mary
D. I'm glad to hear that


AHi, Tom   Haven't seen you for a long time   How are you?

BFine, thank you   And you?

AI'm fine, too   Thanks How are you getting on with you work in the shop?

B 1  I changed my job two weeks ago

A    2  Where are you working now?

BI'm working in a school library

AOh, great! Do you like your new job?

BYes, I like it very much 3  I can do some reading when free   Besides,  4 

AI'm glad to hear it   How about coming to my house this Saturday afternoon and having supper with my family? My elder brother has just come back from the USA   He'll be very happy to meet you

BThat'll be very nice!  5  I'm sure he'll tell me something very interesting about the United States   See you then!

ADo come   Bye!

AI see!

BOh, did you?

CI'd like nothing better than to meet him

DI work very hard

EI'm not so busy as I was

FI no longer work there

GI am paid better than I was

