A. natural B. difficult C. warm D. different 查看更多



Modern zoos are very different from zoos built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places ________(1)people could see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in ________(2) with iron bars. The cages were easy to keep clean.________(3), for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. Although the zoo ________(4) took good care of them, many of the ________(5) did not feel comfortable, and they often became ________(6).

In modern zoos, people can see animals in more ________(7) conditions. The animals are given more freedom in larger places ________(8) they can live more freely as they would in ________(9). Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and water flows________(10) the places that the animals live in. There are few bars,________(11) there is often a deep ditch(沟), filled with ________(12), which surrounds a space where several________(13) of animals live together as

they would naturally. In an American zoo, the visitor can walk ________(14) a huge special cage that is filled with trees, some small animals and many birds. And it is large enough for all the birds to live ________(15).In a zoo in New York, because of special night ________(16), people can observe certain animals that are ________(17) only at night when most zoos are closed. Some zoos have special places for visitors to ________(18) animals that live in the desert or underwater. Some other zoos have special places for animals that live in cold conditions like the ________(19) from the Arctic.

Modern zoos not only show animals for visitors, but also ________(20) and save rare animals. For this reason, fifty years from now, the grand children of today’s can still be able to enjoy watching these animals.

1.A.that   B. where C. which D. there

2.A.houses      B. rooms C. cages  D. offices

3.A.Therefore B. however     C. So      D. Though

4.A.masters    B. managers    C. keepers      D. trainers

5.A.workers    B. animals      C. bears   D. animals     

6.A.excited     B. angry  C. ill       D. frightened

7.A.natural     B. difficult     C. warm  D. different

8.A.so that      B. and     C. but     D. or

9.A.forest       B. nature C. rivers  D. the water

10.A.in   B. by      C. near    D. through

11.A.instead    B. instead of   C. and     D. or

12.A.stones     B. earth   C. oil      D. water

13.A.sorts       B. families      C. classes D. groups

14.A.by   B. out     C. through      D. in

15.A.happily   B. naturally    C. deeply D. hardly

16.A.moon     B. sign    C. light   D. signal

17.A.live B. active  C. living  D. sleeping

18.A.feel B. touch  C. watch  D. talk to

19.A.snakes    B. monkeys    C. bears   D. tigers

20.A.buy B. keep   C. sell     D. catch


Modern zoos are very different from zoos built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places ___1___people could see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in _____2___with iron bars. The cages were easy to keep clean.__ 3___, for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. Although the zoo ____4____ took good care of them, many of the ____5____ did not feel comfortable, and they often became ____6____.

In modern zoos, people can see animals in more _____7___ conditions. The animals are given more freedom  in larger places ____8____ they can live more freely as they would in _____9___. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and water flows____10____ the places that the animals live in. There are few bars,____ 11____ there is often a deep ditch(沟), filled with _____12___, which surrounds a space where several_____13___ of animals live together as they would naturally. In an American zoo, the visitor can walk ____14____ a huge special cage that is filled with trees, some small animals and many birds. And it is large enough for all the birds to live ____15____.In a zoo in New York, because of special night ____16____, people can observe certain animals that are ___17_____ only at night when most zoos are closed. Some zoos have special places for visitors to ____18____ animals that live in the desert or underwater. Some other zoos have special places for animals that live in cold conditions like the ____19____ from the Arctic.

Modern zoos not only show animals for visitors, but also ____20____ and save rare animals. For this reason, fifty years from now, the grand children of today’s can still be able to enjoy watching these animals. 

1. A. that           B. where            C. which           D. there

2. A. houses          B. rooms            C. cages            D. offices

3. A.Therefore             B. However       C. So             D. Though

4. A. masters         B. managers              C. keepers         D. trainers

5 .A. workers        B. animals          C. bears            D. animals     

6. A. excited         B. angry            C. ill              D. frightened

7. A. natural         B. difficult         C. warm            D. different

8. A. so that          B. and            C. but                   D. or

9. A. forest           B. nature            C. rivers            D. the water

10. A. in            B. by              C. near              D. through

11. A. instead        B. instead of          C. and               D. or

12. A. stones         B. earth             C. oil               D. water

13. A. sorts           B. families         C. classes          D. groups

14. A. by           B. out             C. through         D. in

15. A. happily       B. naturally        C. deeply          D. hardly

16. A. moon         B. sign            C. light             D. signal

17. A. live            B. active            C. living           D. sleeping

18. A. feel            B. touch             C. watch           D. talk to

19. A. snakes        B. monkeys        C. bears            D. tigers

20. A. buy            B. keep              C. sell               D. catch


     Some of Britain's most favoured spring visitors are disappearing in their thousands. Scientists say
birds such as the cuckoo (布谷鸟), whose song announces the arrival of warm weather in Britain, are
dropping in numbers.
     A typical migrant bird (候鸟) from Africa, cuckoo may no longer make its annual appearance in the
woodlands in Britain
, says a scientist. Numbers of migrant birds from Africa have declined seriously in
the UK since 1995.For cuckoos the figure is 44%.The call of the cuckoo could be silenced in the near
     The real problem is that there are so many different possible causes for the loss-which makes it
difficult to find out the real reasons for their decline and to prepare plans to put things right.
     The loss could be the result of changes in farmland use in Britain which are affecting the way cuckoos
breed (繁殖) when they arrive here in spring. On top of changes of land use, scientists suspect that many
cuckoos are finding it increasingly difficult to feed themselves when they come to breed in Britain. The
large insects they eat have dropped rapidly in number here.
     Climate change might be another important reason. Migrant cuckoos arrive and breed at times which
are no longer the best periods when food, such as insects, is available. Climate changes also affect timings of breeding cycles.
     Or the loss could be due to the increase of human populations in Africa and the destruction of natural
living environment where they make their homes in winter.
     Apart from these, the killing takes place in spring and autumn when cuckoos, flying from and to
Africa, cross islands in the Mediterranean Sea. They are shot in their hundreds of thousands by hunters
who just enjoy killing them for the "sport" .It is against the European Union law, but that doesn't stop it
     Sheehan, a scientist, said, cuckoos "arrive in our countryside just as the first good weather arrives.
We associate them with spring and warmth. That is why they appear so often in old English stories. They
are part of our culture-which makes the decline in their number so worrying."
1. What can be inferred from the underlined part in Paragraph 2?
A. Cuckoos may arrive in warm weather.
B. Cuckoos may rarely be seen in Britain.
C. Cuckoos may appear every two years.
D. Cuckoos may come back to the woodlands.
2. Concerning the rapid decrease in the number of cuckoos, scientists _______.
A. find it difficult to discover the real reasons
B. know few possible causes for the loss
C. have plans to put things right
D. doubt if the data are accurate
3. According to the passage, what happens in Britain that possibly causes the decline of cuckoos?
A. Many hunters kill cuckoos for fun.
B. Cuckoos' main food is getting less.
C. Policies on land use have changed.
D. Human population increases rapidly.
4.Which could be the best title for the passage?
A. Cuckoos, Who Take Away Your Food?
B. Climate Change: A Danger to Cuckoos
C. Spring May Lose Song of Cuckoos
D. A Song for England's Cuckoos


It is of great importance for students to be able to get a feel for the rhythm and sounds of a poem---more so than for most pieces of prose (散文). This isn’t always easy in a second language, and so listening to their teacher read the poem, or to a professional recording, perhaps by the poet or by an actor, is, I feel, necessary.

As with any listening activity, students will need some kind of preparation and task so that they can be actively engaged. They might be asked to check predictions that arose from a warm-up discussion, to compare their suggested rhyming couplets with the poet’s, or to identify stressed words and syllables.

You might also want to get your students to listen to recorded or live discussions about poems. This can, for example, take the form of a couple of teachers or a group of students giving their views on a poem, or even an interview with the poet.

I’m a big fan of jigsaw listening because of the natural information gap. If your school has the facilities, you might like to:

divide your students into two, or even three groups

give each group a different cassette or CD and tasks to work on

then they come back together to share what they have learned.

Remember that your own enthusiasm is a key factor in any activity relating to literature in the classroom.

Finally, don’t forget to encourage art for art’s sake. Listening for pleasure, to poetry (or to anything else, for that matter), is to be fostered at every opportunity, because of the obvious benefits which include motivation, vocabulary acquisition and learner independence. Many good song lyrics (歌词) could be termed poetry and treated accordingly in the classroom, copyright rules permitting.

46.  Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.      An English student will have difficulty understanding Li Bai’s poems.

B.      An English student will have some difficulty understanding Walt Whitman.

C.     A Chinese student will have some difficulty understanding Du Fu’s works.

D.     An American student will have some difficulty understanding William Shakespeare.

47.  What kind of preparations should the students do in the listening activity?

                     a.              They’d better predict what the poem is about.

                     b.              They’d better have a warm-up discussion.

                     c.              They will share their own works with their classmates

                     d.              They should know the stressed words.

                     e.              They should make clear the stressed syllables.

                     f.              They should first go to an actor.

    A. abcf        B. abde         C. cdef         D. bcdf

48.  Who do you think is this passage written for?

A. The students.    B. The poets.    C. The teachers.    D. The readers.

49.  What can we get from listening to poetry or good song lyrics?

A. Motivation, enlargement of vocabulary and the independence of learning.

B. Opportunity, encouragement, and the independence of learning.

C. Ability of understanding poetry and learning awareness.

D. Ability of understanding poetry and copyright rules.

50.  What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. How to use poems to develop the students’ skills.

B. Listening to poem is more difficult than reading prose.

C. The schools should encourage the students to study poems.

D. Preparations should be done before teaching.



It is of great importance for students to be able to get a feel for the rhythm and sounds of a poem---more so than for most pieces of prose (散文). This isn’t always easy in a second language, and so listening to their teacher read the poem, or to a professional recording, perhaps by the poet or by an actor, is, I feel, necessary.

As with any listening activity, students will need some kind of preparation and task so that they can be actively engaged. They might be asked to check predictions that arose from a warm-up discussion, to compare their suggested rhyming couplets with the poet’s, or to identify stressed words and syllables.

You might also want to get your students to listen to recorded or live discussions about poems. This can, for example, take the form of a couple of teachers or a group of students giving their views on a poem, or even an interview with the poet.

I’m a big fan of jigsaw listening because of the natural information gap. If your school has the facilities, you might like to:

divide your students into two, or even three groups

give each group a different cassette or CD and tasks to work on

then they come back together to share what they have learned.

Remember that your own enthusiasm is a key factor in any activity relating to literature in the classroom.

Finally, don’t forget to encourage art for art’s sake. Listening for pleasure, to poetry (or to anything else, for that matter), is to be fostered at every opportunity, because of the obvious benefits which include motivation, vocabulary acquisition and learner independence. Many good song lyrics (歌词) could be termed poetry and treated accordingly in the classroom, copyright rules permitting.

46.  Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.      An English student will have difficulty understanding Li Bai’s poems.

B.      An English student will have some difficulty understanding Walt Whitman.

C.     A Chinese student will have some difficulty understanding Du Fu’s works.

D.     An American student will have some difficulty understanding William Shakespeare.

47.  What kind of preparations should the students do in the listening activity?

                     a.              They’d better predict what the poem is about.

                     b.              They’d better have a warm-up discussion.

                     c.              They will share their own works with their classmates

                     d.              They should know the stressed words.

                     e.              They should make clear the stressed syllables.

                     f.              They should first go to an actor.

    A. abcf        B. abde         C. cdef         D. bcdf

48.  Who do you think is this passage written for?

A. The students.    B. The poets.    C. The teachers.    D. The readers.

49.  What can we get from listening to poetry or good song lyrics?

A. Motivation, enlargement of vocabulary and the independence of learning.

B. Opportunity, encouragement, and the independence of learning.

C. Ability of understanding poetry and learning awareness.

D. Ability of understanding poetry and copyright rules.

50.  What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. How to use poems to develop the students’ skills.

B. Listening to poem is more difficult than reading prose.

C. The schools should encourage the students to study poems.

D. Preparations should be done before teaching.


