Key: 1.在boy后加who或将was去掉.2.去掉to.3.spend改为cost.4.and改为but.5.to改为for.6.this前加to.7.another改为other.8.if改为unless.9.正确.10.Looks改为Look. 21 A rainbow is a whole circle, but most we see is only part of it, unless we are on a tall inountain or up in plane. The bottom part of the rainbow is hidden from us. The “ends of the bow look as if they are planted on the earth. This gave rise to the saying that there is “a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. As drops of rain kept falling, each moment we see’other rainbow, which it is formed by a new set of drops. Those viewing it from different place see a different rainbow. 查看更多





  Friendship and friends continue to remain central to our lives.The relationship that we share with our friends is based on a mutual(相互的)concern.Even in the information age, the need of friendship, whether online or offline, remains people’s primary concern.

  Research has shown that the quality and nature of your friends are one of the key influencing factors in achieving happiness, self-esteem(自尊), and satisfaction.Friends often affect the health and energy of a person as well.More and more people are increasingly turning towards their friends for support and mutual sharing rather than communicating with their relatives; and this leads to the desire to make more friends.Then how to win friends?

  First, make them like you.Let someone know that you are sincerely interested in them.Second, develop a mutual concern and consideration with the other person.And show your support and encouragement towards your friend.In this way the friendship between you and your friend is certain to develop.













1. 词数在100左右;
2. 可是适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen ,
Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries.
Thank you!





     Nowadays, the pressures on schools and teachers are often passed on to students and parents. Students are tested more and assigned more homework. In the past 25 years, homework assignments have risen by 51% according to a 2008 study at the University of Michigan. That is an average of 12 extra hours of homework per week!

     Excessive homework often leaves no time for students to have fun or do something for themselves. Many parents spend at least three hours every night going through their children's work.

      However, the governments' efforts to cut the homework burden of primary and middle school students have drawn mixed reactions.  Ironically, though teachers have been widely criticized for piling on homework, it is parents who sometimes ask for more work for their children! When teachers don't give homework, some parents will go to the school and complain. They want teachers to assign homework every day as a means of making sure teachers do their job and the children have work to do.












第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)
Some people think studying under pressure keeps us motivated. Maybe a little pressure does good to us, but too much pressure is not favorable to students. Scientific studies show people studying under too much pressure generally don’t perform as well as they do when they are not under extreme pressure. Psychologically, too much pressure can lead to mental problems or disorders. In recent years, there has been an increase in stress related diseases among college and high-school students. A newspaper article says many students admit that they have cheated in exams because of excessive pressure coming from their parents and teachers who demand high marks in their examination.
3. 题目自拟。


I do desire to help my Chinese students to find a better way of learning. I once divided my Chinese MBA students into six groups and set them an assignment: brainstorming on “two-hour business plans”, for example: a restaurant chain. Originality would be valued most. As a result, five groups proposed projects for restaurant chains. The sixth showed a catering service. I couldn’t help expressing my disappointment, though the time limit had been rather challenging.

Those middle managers and financial analysts from state-owned enterprises and global companies were not untalented or without opinions, but they had been accustomed to an educational system that rarely rewarded critical thinking or Originality. Papers were often copied from the Internet and the Harvard Business Review. Students insisted that copying was a superior business strategy, better than inventing and creating.

In China, you can see almost all kinds of products you can imagine have been made and sold, but so few well developed marketing and management minds have been produced that it will be a long time before most people in the world can name a Chinese brand!

Partnerships with institutions like Yale and MIT have been established so as to solve the problem mentioned above. And there’s also the “thousand talent scheme”: this new government program is designed to improve technological modernization by inviting top foreign trained scientists to the mainland with large sums of money. But there are concerns about China’s research environment, which is known for lacking in encouraging independent thinking and inventiveness, and even high salary offers may not be attractive enough to overcome this.

If China wants to become a major world creator, it is no good just seeking partnerships with top Western universities or gathering a group of well-educated people and telling them to think creatively. It’s time to establish a rich learning environment for young minds. Yes, new way of learning is the key!

1.The author feels disappointed when the students hand in their plans because_____

A.there’s one group presenting a catering service.

B.all groups followed his idea of restaurant chains.

C.the students’ ideas were lacking in creativeness.

D.the time limit had been rather challenging.

2.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A.China can make and sell all kinds of product all over the world

B.High pay can solve the problem of China’s research environment

C.Foreign trained scientists are expected to invent a Chinese brand

D.The new government program is aimed at encouraging imagination

3.Which can serve as the best title of the passage?

A.Look for a New Way of Learning

B.Develop MBA Students’ Creative Thinking

C.Help China to Become a Creator

D.Improve China’s Research Environment


