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They are only children of not more than twelve and don’t realize_______to organize such an exhibition.

A.when they take                        B.what it takes they take                         D.what takes them


They are only children of not more than twelve and don't realize ________ to organize such an exhibition.

[  ]

A.when they take

B.what it takes they take

D.what takes them



 1. .She described all the things she had to do -one was to make her bed-from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work.I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks.She was shocked, probably thinking I’d been raised by wolves in a forest.2..

Two weeks later she went into my office beaming.She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years-and nothing bad had happened.“And you know what?” she said.“I don’t dry my dishes anymore, either.”

3..One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before.The other was giving herself permission to be less that perfect.This story shows an important principle (原理) about managing time: No one can do it all.Each of us has to make choices and accept trade – offs.The problem is, many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last.They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.4.

So what is the solution? There’s an easy way.Decide what you want in your life, and put that first.On a daily basis, that should include regular meals, enough sleep and time with your family.Exercise, leisure, friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life.5..The choice is yours: whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.Take a nap.Take a walk.Take time to play the piano.Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office.Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers.Fill more of your time with want – to – dos instead of have – to – dos.

A.This woman had made two major breakthroughs (突破).

B.Above all, you needn’t do anything for yourself regularly.

C.They put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own.

D.However, she went along with my idea.

E.Most people do not take time to relax themselves.

F.The point is to do something for yourself every day.

G.A patient came to see me about the stress in her life.



BRITISH newspapers are among the oldest and most famous in the world. But recently big changes have   36   these traditional publications try to  37  the modern world. After 216 years, The Times has halved its   38   to become much smaller. In fact, the paper has  39  its size in half from a broadsheet to tabloid(小型报纸).
In Britain the newspaper market is  40  between the larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids. These terms  41  the size of the papers' pages but there is also a clear  42  in content. Broadsheets such as The Times, the Guardian and Daily Telegraph are  43  papers. They  44  a broad range of political, economic and international issues. Their stories are also  45  long and use quite formal language.
Tabloids have  46  more stories about less serious issues such as celebrities' love lives. Their stories are shorter and use more  47  language. Tabloids often have bigger pictures. Britain's  48  newspaper, the Sun, is a tabloid and has a naked page on page three every day.
By  49  to the size of a tabloid, The Times is following in the  50  of a less famous broadsheet paper, the Independent. It changed to tabloid last year and saw its sales increase  51 . Although both papers have   52   to the smaller size, the content of the papers has  53  the same. They are both still serious papers.
The two papers  54  that people find the smaller size easier to  55  when they travel to work on the bus or the train in the morning. The times says its new size is "compact", not tabloid.
36. A. found                   B. known                C. seen                   D. proved
37. A. match                    B. suit                     C. change                D. fit
38. A. length                       B. thickness             C. width                         D. size
39. A. printed                 B. cut                        C. added                       D. enlarged
40. A. divided                  B. separated                  C. arranged                D. marked
41. A. turn into                 B. think about               C. refer to                    D. connect with
42. A. meaning                  B. difference             C. mark                        D. sign
43. A. useful                        B. easy                    C. serious                  D. long
44. A. sell                       B. include                    C. take                      D. cover 
45. A. certainly             B. reasonably                      C. probably                D. necessarily
46. A. a few                        B. little                        C. far                           D. any
47. A. difficult                        B. simple                 C. easy                        D. good
48. A. best-selling                B. good-looking            C. slow-moving            D. ugly-looking
49. A. going                    B. getting                   C. coming                    D. changing
50. A. footsteps                       B. way                    C. direction                  D. method
51. A. slowly                    B. usually                    C. little                    D. greatly
52. A. halved                    B. made                   C. changed                 D. cut
53. A. become                   B. remained              C. left                   D. found
54. A. agree                     B. hope                    C. expect                 D. insist
55. A. handle                       B. look                         C. see                           D. buy


We produce 500 billion of plastic bags in a year worldwide and they are thrown away polluting oceans, killing wildlife and getting dumped in landfills where they take up to 1,000 years to decompose. Researchers have been unsuccessfully looking for a solution.

The 16-year-old Canadian high school student, Daniel Burd, from Waterloo Collegiate Institute, has-discovered a way to make plastic bags degrade(降解) in as few as 3 months, a finding that won him first prize at the Canada Wide Science Fair, a $10,000 prize, a $20,000 scholarship, and a chance to revolutionize a major environmental issue.

Burd’s strategy was simple: Since plastic does eventually degrade, it must be eaten by microorganisms (微生物). If those microorganisms could be identified, we could put them to work eating the plastic much faster than under normal conditions.

With this goal in mind, he grounded plastic bags into a powder and concocted(调制) a solution of household chemicals, yeast(酵母) and tap water to encourage microbes growth. Then he added the plastic powder and let the microbes work their magic for 3 months. Finally, he tested the resulting bacterial culture on plastic bags, exposing one plastic sample to dead bacteria as a control. Sure enough, the plastic exposed to the live bacteria was 17% lighter than the control after six weeks.

The inputs are cheap, maintaining the required temperature takes little energy because microbes produce heat as they work, and the only outputs are water and tiny levels of carbon dioxide.

“Almost every week I have to do chores and when I open the closet door, I have piles of plastic bags falling on top of me. One day, I got tired of it and I wanted to know what other people are doing with these plastic bags. The answer: not much. So I decided to do something myself.” Said Daniel Burd.

Daniel Burd won first prize at the Canada Wide Science Fair because      .

    A. he found a new kind of microorganism

    B. he contributed much to environmental protection

    C. he found a way to degrade plastics in shorter time

    D. he could encourage microbe growth in an easier way

Daniel Burd exposed one plastic sample to dead bacteria to      .

    A. make the live bacteria work better      B. test how effective his method was

C. know which bacteria worked faster      D. control the temperature in the process

Maintaining the required temperature takes little energy because       .

    A. plastics can get hot easily           B. microbes can produce heat themselves

    C. much carbon dioxide is produced     D. the temperature can be controlled

Daniel Burd got his idea from       .

    A. his school textbook          B. the failure of researchers

    C. his everyday work           D. the practice of other people

