4.Nowadays Internet is becoming increasingly popular and new high speed broadband network was recently started. A.a,the B.the,a C.a,a D.the,the 查看更多



Nowadays ________ Internet is becoming increasingly popular and new high speed broadband network was recently started.

 A. a; the      B. the; a      C. a; a     D. the; the


Nowadays________Internet is becoming increasingly popular and new high speed broadband network was recently started.

 A. a; the  B. the; a  C. a; a  D. the; the


Nowadays ________ Internet is becoming increasingly popular and new high speed broadband network was recently started.

 A. a; the  B. the; a  C. a; a  D. the; the


.Nowadays ________ Internet is becoming increasingly popular and new high speed broadband network was recently started.

 A. a; the  B. the; a  C. a; a  D. the; the


Nowadays ________ Internet is becoming increasingly popular and new high speed broadband network was recently started.

 A. a; the  B. the; a  C. a; a  D. the; the

