Let’s the meat and share with each other. 查看更多



In 1960 Khrushchev headed a group to visit Indonesia and was warmly treated by his hosts. Once in Jakarta the hosts treated the guests to a special fruit, the durian(榴莲果). President Sukarno picked one, took a bite and handed it to Khrushchev. Just then, Khrushchev noticed that all the Indonesians present were staring at him, whispering. Obviously something funny was going to happen. Puzzled, he took over the fruit and immediately a very terrible smell attacked his nose, which nearly made him sick. Being a good guest, he braced himself up and took a small bite with great care. To his surprise, he found the fruit to be uncommonly delicious. He was so impressed by this strange fruit that he decided to let his colleagues (同事) in Moscow have a taste of it too. So he sent by air one share for each member of the Presidium. The plane was to pass New Dehli and Kabul and Khrushchev didn't forget his friends in India and Afghanistan. He also wanted Prime Minister Nehru and the king of Afghanistan to taste this fruit.

When Khrushchev returned to Moscow, his colleagues all thanked him for his kind gifts, but at the same time they pointed out that either because the plane must have been delayed on the way or because of some other reasons, all the fruit had gone bad. They had to throw them away because they gave out an awful smell. Later Khrushchev received similar messages of thanks from his friends in India and Afghanistan, only the messages were more skillfully worded.

56. What did Khrushchev notice when Sukarno presented a durian to him?

A. The fruit had a sweet smell.

B. He became the centre of the people's attention.

C. He was made fun of by the Indonesians.

D. There was something wrong with his nose.

57. Which of the following statements can describe the special fruit?

A. Ugly-looking but extremely tasty.

B. Unpleasant to nose but delicious to mouth.

C. Uncommonly delicious and sweet.

D. Not only delicious but also good-looking.

58. Why did Khrushchev decide to send durians to his colleagues?

A. He wanted to make fun of them.

B. To show his kindness and consideration.

C. To see whether his colleagues would like the taste of it.

D. He was impressed by the fruit, so he wanted his colleagues to taste it too.

59. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The fruit durian is uncommonly delicious but easy to go bad.

B. All delicious fruits can be accepted at once by various people.

C. His colleagues and friends didn't know the taste of the fruit.

D. One man's meat is another man's poison.



  In 1960 Khrushchev headed a group to visit Indonesia and was warmly treated by his hosts. Once in Jakarta the hosts treated the guests to a special fruit, the durian. President Sukarno picked one, took a bite and handed it to Khrushchev. Just then, Khrushchev noticed that all the Indonesians present were staring at him, whispering. Obviously something funny was going to happen. Puzzled, he took over the fruit and immediately a very terrible smell attacked his nose, which nearly made him sick. Being a good guest, he braced himself up and took a small bite with great care. To his surprise, he found the fruit to be uncommonly delicious. He was so impressed by this strange fruit that he decided to let his colleagues(同事) in Moscow have a taste of it too. So he sent by air one share for each member of the Presidium. The plane was to pass New Dehli and Kabul and Khrushchev didn't forget his friends in India and Afghanistan. He gave orders that Prime Minister Nehru and the king of Afghanistan should each have a package.

  When Khrushchev returned to Moscow, his colleagues all thanked him for his kind gifts, but at the same time they pointed out that either because the plane must have been delayed on the way or because of some other reasons, all the fruit had gone bad. They had to throw them away because they gave out an awful smell. Later Khrushchev received similar messages of thanks from his friends in India and Afghanistan, only the messages were more skillfully worded.

1.What did Khrushchev notice when Sukarno presented a durian to him?

[  ]

A.The fruit had a terrible smell.

B.He became the centre of the people's attention.

C.He was made fun of by the Indonesians.

D.There was something wrong with his nose.

2.Which of the following can describe the special fruit?

[  ]

A.Ugly-looking but extremely tasty.

B.Unpleasant to nose but delicious to mouth.

C.Uncommonly delicious and sweet.

D.Not only delicious but also good-looking.

3.Why did Khrushchev decide to send- durians to his colleagues?

[  ]

A.He wanted to make fun of them.

B.To show his kindness and consideration.

C.To see whether his colleagues would like the taste of them.

D.He was impressed by the fruit, so he wanted his colleagues to taste it too.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]

A.The fruit durian is uncommonly delicious but easy to go bad.

B.All delicious fruits can be accepted at once by various people.

C.His colleagues and friends didn't know the taste of the fruit.

D.One man's meat is another man's poison.

