379] The suit over 60 dollars. [译文] 这套衣服花了60多美元. A. had costed B. costed C. is costed D. cost [答案及简析] D. cost的原形过去式都是cost. 查看更多





Although stressful and unpleasant, examinations are a part of education that students all over the world have to experience. Exams are not recent methods of testing knowledge. They have been used since ancient times and our ancestors probably went through the same anxious preparation as students today.

China, exams were first introduced more than 1,300 years ago during the Sui Dynasty. Known as the Imperial Examinations or keju, the ten subject tests were used to select people for government jobs. A career in public service was considered the highest profession, and the examinations attracted millions of hopeful participants each time they were held. The tests had three levels: for local, provincial and national government. Only about 5% of those taking each level passed, and the number of students who passed all the levels was even smaller- perhaps as low as 0.0004%.

The exams were so important in China that some people spent nearly their whole lives retaking the exams in the hope of eventually passing. Others tried to cheat by hiding notes in cakes or on their clothes. Historians found one undergarment that had 353 model essays written on it. Perhaps if this particular student had spent as much time studying as he did writing on his clothes, he would have passed!

The Imperial Examinations lasted until 1905, when they were replaced. Exams, however, are still a compulsory part of education in China. As nobody has yet come up with an alternative method of judging students’ abilities, it seems likely that the system of examinations will continue for more years.


                in China


●Examinations are a part of education that students      have to experience.

●Exams have    been used to test knowledge.

The history of exams in China

●Exams         in the Sui Dynasty.

●The test had three levels: for local, provincial and national government.

●The       of students passing all the levels was only 0.0004%.

     people tried to pass the exams

●Some people spent their whole lives retaking the exams.

●Some tried to pass the exams by          .

         for exams continuing

●An       way of judging students’            abilities has not yet been          .




Although stressful and unpleasant, examinations are a part of education that students all over the world have to experience. Exams are not recent methods of testing knowledge. They have been used since ancient times and our ancestors probably went through the same anxious preparation as students today.

China, exams were first introduced more than 1,300 years ago during the Sui Dynasty. Known as the Imperial Examinations or keju, the ten subject tests were used to select people for government jobs. A career in public service was considered the highest profession, and the examinations attracted millions of hopeful participants each time they were held. The tests had three levels: for local, provincial and national government. Only about 5% of those taking each level passed, and the number of students who passed all the levels was even smaller- perhaps as low as 0.0004%.

The exams were so important in China that some people spent nearly their whole lives retaking the exams in the hope of eventually passing. Others tried to cheat by hiding notes in cakes or on their clothes. Historians found one undergarment that had 353 model essays written on it. Perhaps if this particular student had spent as much time studying as he did writing on his clothes, he would have passed!

The Imperial Examinations lasted until 1905, when they were replaced. Exams, however, are still a compulsory part of education in China. As nobody has yet come up with an alternative method of judging students’ abilities, it seems likely that the system of examinations will continue for more years.


      1.        in China


●Examinations are a part of education that students  2.   have to experience.

●Exams have  3. been used to test knowledge.

The history of exams in China

●Exams    4.    in the Sui Dynasty.

●The test had three levels: for local, provincial and national government.

●The   5.   of students passing all the levels was only 0.0004%.

   6. people tried to pass the exams

●Some people spent their whole lives retaking the exams.

●Some tried to pass the exams by     7.    .

   8.    for exams continuing

●An    9.  way of judging students’            abilities has not yet been      10.   .




shake  rise  smelly  pond  burst  canal  steam  ruin  injure  destroy  brick  dam  shock  rescue  electricity  disaster  organize  bury  mine  shelter  fresh    speech   judge   honour   prepare 

1 Let me write it down while it is still _________ in my mind.

2 Without __________ our life would be quite different today.

3 He got _________ in the right leg while playing foofball last week.

4 When an earthquake comes people can feel the house _________.

5 At Jerry’s party, Mr Smith delivered an amusing _________.

6 If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _________ to man.

7 Most of the buildings _________ in the earthquake.

8 From yesterday on the temperature began to _________.

9 Never _________ a person only by his clothes.

10 Our class went on an _________ trip last Monday.

11 Stones and _________ are used to build a house.

12 The water in the small _________ froze and kids skated on it.

13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________.

14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China.

15 After getting hanged Saddam Husin _________ in his home town.

16 Three Gorges (峡)________ on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world.

17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying.

18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening.

19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year.

20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death.

21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝).

22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain.

23 Five soliders were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow.

24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶).

25 The bad weather _________ our trip.



If we say the four great inventions (Gunpowder,Compass,Paper and Art of Printing) reflected ancient China’s scientific achievements,then Zhaozhou Stone Bridge perfectly represented one of the greatest contributions to ancient China’s bridge building.Nobody was unfamiliar with the stone bridge full of legends and vivid folk stories.

The ancient Zhaozhou stone bridge started to be built in 590 during the Sui Dynasty (581~618) and established in 608.The pioneer for building the bridge was Li Chun who overcame unimaginable difficulties,undergoing all hardships.The location of the bridge is in Zhao County south,Hebei Province.It lay across the Xiaoshui River,far away from the mountains that provided rocky materials.In ancient times,it was such a busy,deep and wide river that could be used as an important carriage to transport heavy rocks and other materials.As we know,no train,no lifting machine could be used to move granite(花岗岩)blocks to the construction site.As an intelligent stonemason and engineer,Li Chun worked out his plan and design all from his own direct observation and investigation.It took his whole life-time in completing the great historical project inChina.Nowadays it is not only a historical remarkable model of architecture,but also a brilliant Chinese cultural crystallization(结晶) of wisdom.

The entire length of the bridge is 50.82 meters with 10 meters width.The whole stone bridge looks like a big bow,the span of which is 37.02 meters,and its height from the top to the surface of water at a regular position is 7.23 meters.The bridge arch seems to be moving smoothly and flatly.The whole arch consists of 28 big granite blocks connected each other tightly together.On both end sides of the general arch there are 4 smaller arches,2 of which on one side,the other 2 on the other side.The smaller arches could be used to decrease the weight of the bridge and save stone materials,and help flood get through easily,which seems to be much prettier.Such a hard-thinking and careful consideration of the engineering article is really a model of design and layout.The span was much wider than the other stone bridge in ancient times all over China.

Today Zhaozhou Stone Bridge is one of international cultural relics and perfectly protected and preserved by the concerned administration of China.

The best title of this passage is _________.

A.Great engineer in ancient China                      B.Zhaozhou stone bridge

C.Four great inventions                                     D.How to build a bridge

The third paragraph mainly tells us _________.

A.the materials of Zhaozhou bridge                    B.the structure of Zhaozhou bridge

C.the arches of Zhaozhou bridge                        D.the importance of Zhaozhou bridge

The underlined word “carriage” probably refers to _________.

A.cart                          B.transport                   C.channel                     D.resourse



shake  rise  smelly  pond  burst  canal  steam  ruin  injure  destroy  brick  dam  shock  rescue  electricity  disaster  organize  bury  mine  shelter  fresh    speech   judge   honour   prepare 

1 Let me write it down while it is still _________ in my mind.

2 Without __________ our life would be quite different today.

3 He got _________ in the right leg while playing foofball last week.

4 When an earthquake comes people can feel the house _________.

5 At Jerry’s party, Mr Smith delivered an amusing _________.

6 If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _________ to man.

7 Most of the buildings _________ in the earthquake.

8 From yesterday on the temperature began to _________.

9 Never _________ a person only by his clothes.

10 Our class went on an _________ trip last Monday.

11 Stones and _________ are used to build a house.

12 The water in the small _________ froze and kids skated on it.

13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________.

14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China.

15 After getting hanged Saddam Husin _________ in his home town.

16 Three Gorges (峡)________ on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world.

17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying.

18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening.

19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year.

20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death.

21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝).

22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain.

23 Five soliders were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow.

24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶).

25 The bad weather _________ our trip.

