Since a good story is universal, it is no that cartoons have captured the imagination of the world. A. wonder A. need C. point D. sense 查看更多



Lisa Reid lost her sight(视力) because of cancer ten years ago, but a knock on the head has given it back. The 24-year-old lady has    36    part of her sight after being knocked on the head. Eleven days ago, Miss Reid    37    down to kiss her guide dog good night, but accidentally(意外地) hit her head on a coffee table.    38    she woke up the next morning, she could see for the first time in 10 years.

“I could    39    believe it. It’s amazing,” she said. The cancer that stole Miss Reid’s sight was diagnosed(诊断) 13 years ago. Doctors gave her a five percent    40    of survival after discovering she had brain cancer. An operation(手术) to excide the tumor(切除肿瘤) was    41   , but it damaged her eyes and had a bad effect    42    her sight.

Miss Reid was blind at 14, and her eyes were only able to notice    43    and dark.. “I had lost hope and thought that everything was against me,” she said.

Now Miss Reid has recovered 80 percent of the sight in her left eye, but her color vision(色觉) is    44   . The eye expert has no    45    for her recovery because he has never seen a similar case(病例).

After Miss Reid recovered her sight on November 17, she    46    it a secret at the beginning, but later in the day she called her    47    and over the telephone read the health warning on a cigarette package(盒) to her mum. “Lisa    48    me and said‘there’s been a change; listen to this’,” said Louise Reid, Miss Reid’s mother. “Then she started reading to me. I was surprised.” Unsure whether her sight would last(持续), Miss Reid waited    49    the next day before    49    her walking stick and spreading the good news. She couldn’t wait to celebrate it with her family and friends.


B. recovered

C. damaged

D. examined

A .bent

B. stood

C. lay

D. jumped

A. Before

B. While

C. When

D. Since

A. always

B .almost

C. hardly

D. simply

A .danger

B .chance

C. ability

D. sign

A. wrong

B. successful

C. difficult

D. expensive

A. on

B. up

C. to

D. of

A. light

B. color

C. night

D. white

A. wild

B. weak

C. wrong

D. sick

A. explanation

B. description

C. purpose

D. excuse

A. allowed

B. hid

C. kept

D. protected

A. doctor

B. mother

C. friend

D. boss

A. emailed

B. warned

C. showed

D. rang

A. till

B. on

C. in

D. off

A.throwing away

B.sending away

C. handing out

D. running out


Despite all the reports of Internet security attacks over the years, including the recent ones on Google’s e-mail service, many people have reacted to the break-ins with a shrug(耸肩).
  Mr. Shulman and his company examined a list of 32 million passwords that an unknown hacker stole last month from RockYou, a company that makes software for users of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. The list was briefly posted on the Web, and hackers and security researchers downloaded it.
  The list provided an unusually detailed window into computer users’ password habits. Typically, only government agencies like the F.B.I. or the National Security Agency have had access to such a large password list.
  Some Web sites try to keep back the attackers by freezing an account for a certain period of time if too many incorrect passwords are typed. But experts say that the hackers simply learn to trick the system, by making guesses at an acceptable rate, for instance.
  To improve security, some Web sites are forcing users to mix letters, numbers and even symbols in their passwords. Others, like Twitter, prevent people from picking common passwords.
  Still, researchers say, social networking and entertainment Web sites often try to make life simpler for their users and are reluctant to put too many controls in place.
  Even commercial sites like eBay must weigh the consequences of freezing accounts, since a hacker could, say, try to win an auction(拍卖) by freezing the accounts of other potential buyers.
  But owing to the reality of our overcrowded brains, the experts suggest that everyone choose at least two different passwords — a complex one for Web sites where security is vital, such as banks and e-mail, and a simpler one for less risky places, such as social networking and entertainment sites.
  Mr. Moss relies on passwords at least 12 characters long, figuring that those make him a more difficult target than the millions of people who choose five- and six-character passwords.
  “It’s like the joke where the hikers run into a bear in the forest, and the hiker that survives is the one who outruns his companions,” Mr. Moss said. “You just want to run that bit faster.
59.   The underlined sentence “Many people have reacted to the break-ins with a shrug” shows that many people ______.
don’t take seriously the hacker’s break-ins
are worried and frightened at the hacker’s break-ins
don’t know what to do with the hacker’s attacks
are eager to get helps from the experts
60.   According to the passage, which of the following web sites needs a more complex password?
A social web site.
An entertainment web site.
A commercial web site.
A government web site.
61.   The Internet users are advised to______ in order to keep back the hackers.
mix letters, numbers and symbols as well
choose passwords with at least 12 characters
choose passwords with 5 or 6 characters
choose at least two different passwords
62.   Which would be the best title for the passage?
Password, Simple or Complex?
Popular Passwords, High Risk!
Clever Hackers, Stupid Netizens.
Hacker, the Enemy of Internet Security.



Mark was seven when he joined his father and two other elder brothers at sunrise in the fields. __36__ the time he was eight he was helping Dad fix up old furniture. He was given a cent for every nail he __37__ out of old boards.

       He got his first __38__ job at BT’s Restaurant in town, when he reached twelve. His main tasks were__39__tables and washing dishes, __40__sometimes he helped cook.

       Every day after school he would __41__ to BT’s and work till ten. Even on Saturdays he __42__ from two till eleven. At that age it was difficult going to work and __43__ his friends run off to swim or play. He didn’t necessarily like work, but he loved what working __44__ him to have. Because of his __45__ he was always the one buying when his friends and he went to the local shop. That made him __46__.

       Word that he was trustworthy and hard-working __47__ around the town. A local clothing shop offered him credit(赊帐)__48__ he was only in Grade 7. He immediately __49__ a $ 68 sports coats and a $ 22 pair of shoes. He was__50__ only 65 cents an hour, and he already owed the shopkeeper $ 90! So he learned __51__ the danger of easy credit. He paid it __52__ as soon as he could.

       The first job taught him self-control, responsibility and brought him a __53__of personal satisfaction few of his friends had experienced. As his father, __54__worked three jobs, once told him, “If you__55__sacrifice and responsibility, there are not many things in life you cannot have.” How right he was!

A. Before                   B. Within                     C. From                D. By

A. pulled                   B. put                   C. picked               D. pressed

A. usual                     B. real                   C. main                 D. participate

A. sweeping            B. packing             C. clearing             D. empting

A. or                         B. so                     C. but                   D. even

A. head                   B. turn                  C. change                     D. move

A. studied                  B. worked             C. played               D. slept

A. helping                  B. having                     C. watching           D. letting

A. asked                    B. told                  C. promised           D. allowed

A. study                   B. power               C. age                   D. job

A. proud                  B. friendly             C. lucky                D. hopeful

A. ran                      B. got                   C. flew                  D. carried

A. although                  B. while                C. if                      D. since

A. sold                     B. borrowed          C. charged             D. wore

A. keeping               B. making             C. paying                     D. taking

A. gradually             B. greatly                     C. hardly               D. early

A. out                      B. over                  C. away                 D. off

A. point                   B. level                 C. part                  D. sign

A. he                       B. that                   C. who                  D. whoever

A. understand           B. demand             C. offer                 D. fear


--Why has he been staying at home these days?  

--He ___________ since a month ago.

A. has been out of work            B. was out of work

C. has lost his work               D. had left from his work



    Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she became a percussion soloist(打击乐器独奏演员) in spite of her disability.

     “Early on I decided not to allow the  36  of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began  37  piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion (酷爱)for music grew. But I also began to gradually lose my  38  . Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the  39  and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never  40  me.

      “My  41  was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I  42  to ‘hear’ music differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can 

43  the pitch of a note(音调高低)by the vibrations (震动) I feel through my body and through

  my body and through my  44  . My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every   45  that I have.

       “I was   46  to be assessed as a musician, not as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had  47  this before and some teachers  48  my admission. Based on my performance,  I was  49  admitted and went on to  50  with the academy’s highest honours.

      “After that, I established myself as the first full-time solo percussionist. I  51  and arranged a lot of musical compositions since  52  had been written specially for solo percussionists.

      “I have been a soloist for over ten years.  53  the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn’t  54  that my passion couldn’t be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be  55  by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.”

A. conditions        B. opinions       C. actions           D. recommendations

A. enjoying         B. choosing       C. taking            D. giving

A. sight            B. hearing         C. touch            D. taste

A. evidence         B. result          C. excuse            D. cause

A. left              B. excited        C. accompanied      D. disappointed

A. purpose         B. decision         C. promise         D. goal

A. turned           B. learned         C. used             D. ought

A. tell             B. see             C. hear             D. smell.

A. carefulness       B. movement       C. imagination       D. experience

A. sense           B. effort            C. feeling           D. idea

A. dissatisfied      B. astonished        C. determined       D. discouraged

A. done            B. accepted        C.advised           D. admitted

A. supported        B. followed         C. required         D. opposed

A. usually          B. finally           C. possibly         D. hopefully

A. study           B. research          C. graduate         D. progress

A. wrote           B. translated        C. copied           D. read

A. enough          B. some            C. many           D. few

A. However        B. Although         C. When           D. Since

A. mean           B. seem             C.conclude         D. say

A. directed         B. guided          C. taught             D. limited

