The word “honesty is an a noun. 查看更多



The word “honesty” is an a____________ noun.


1.The word "honesty" is an____(抽象)noun.
2. Which do you like better, his painting or____(雕 塑)?
3. There are many art___(画廊)in New York.
4. An a____ country is always ready to start a war.
5. His a____ is to be a successful writer.
6. You'll soon be c___ that she is right, though you think not now.
7.The prisoners a___ to escape, but failed.
8. The keys are in the p___ of the boss.
9. I'm afraid I've never been much of a____(学者).
10. The book is t___ of its kind.
11. We've already bought the house but we don't take ___of it until May.
12. In the picture the tree is the s____ of life, while the snake stands for evil.
13. I____(试图)to speak but was told to be quiet.
14. The rain was heavy; c___, the road was flooded.
15. You look r____(可笑的)in those tight jeans.

