We tried to her , but she kept shouting and crying. 查看更多



Yesterday, after telling my brother, Rhys, and me to stop playing like wild animals, Mom went to take a bath. We were having a pillow fight when  36 one hit a vase. Mom  37 the loud crash. Wasting no time, she came  38 into the room. I was sure that she was going to shout at us, but instead she just knelt by the 39 and began to cry.

  This made Rhys and me feel pretty  40 . We went over and put our arms around her, and she explained to us why she was so upset. In the pieces  41 a broken glass rose, one petal (花瓣)gone, which was given by Dad on their first wedding anniversary. Dad had said that if he ever forgot to bring flowers home  42 an anniversary in the future, Mom was to look at that one. It was like their love—it would last a  43 .

  We began crying, and  44 to glue it. But Mom said that wouldn’t really fix it.  45 it had been broken, the  46 of the “limited edition” had reduced. As Mom  47 began to pick up the mess, we tried everything we could think of to  48 her up, but even our best funny faces didn’t  49 . Tears kept coming down her cheeks. Everything was picked up. Seeing Mom going back to the bath, I  50 her and put both hands on her shoulders, saying, “All things can be  51 ,Mom. The only thing that cannot be broken is our  52 . It’s the only thing that can never be broken. ”

  Mom hugged me very tightly and  53 smiled. After dinner that night, Mom glued the petal back onto the rose. Then she softly said, “My rose is truly unique. Its tiny damage reminds me of  54 more important:the realization that love  55  forever. ”

36. A. gradually                        B. suddenly

C. surprisingly                            D. immediately

37. A. caused                          B. witnessed

C. heard                             D. ignored

38. A. dressing                         B. shouting

C. flying                             D. crying

39. A. pieces         B. vase             C. pillow        D. ground

40. A. disappointed                  B. angry

C. awful                             D. sensitive

41. A. grew         B. lay              C. stood        D. existed

42. A. for              B. in           C. from         D. by

43. A. decade        B. year             C. season           D. lifetime

44. A. offered                         B. supported

C. pretended                          D. agreed

45. A. Just as                          B. In case

C. Now that                           D. Even though

46. A. price          B. wealth        C. value         D. treasure

47. A. skillfully       B. hopefully      C. kindly        D. slowly

48. A. cheer         B. make         C. light         D. get

49. A. smile         B. work         C. show        D. say

50. A. prevented                        B. stopped

C. kept                                  D. followed

51. A. destroyed                        B. mended

C. improved                           D. broken

52. A. friendship                        B. honesty

C. love                                  D. happiness

53. A. finally                          B. quickly

C. confidently                         D. immediately

54. A. anything                         B. something

C. nothing                               D. everything

55. A. changes           B. appears          C. lasts             D. keeps

