They have for years to drive the invaders out of their country. 查看更多



equip,    hunger,    super,    expand,    grain,    struggle,
rid...of,    sunburnt,    output,    be satisfied with
1. _____ is the best sauce.
2. Her shoulders were badly _____.
3. Another _____ Skyscraper is being built.
4. Manufacturing _____ has increased by 8%.
5. The business _____ a big one.
6. Farmers produce millions of tons of _____ to feed the nation.
7. I _____ the result of the experiment.
8. They have _____ for years to drive the invaders (侵略者) out of their country.
9. We all wish that we could _____ the world _____ crime.
10. They can't afford to_____ their laboratories properly because of lack of funds.

