She has made up her mind that she will make her sister has made. A. as beautiful a kite as B. so beautiful a kite as C. as a beautiful kite as D. so a beautiful kite as 查看更多



She has made up her mind that she will make _____ as her sister has made.


  A. as beautiful a kite as B. so beautiful a kite as


  C. as a beautiful kite as D. so a beautiful kite




She has made up her mind that she will make     her sister has made.

A. as beautiful a kite as  B. so beautiful a kite as

C. as a beautiful kite as  D. so a beautiful kite as



She has made up her mind that she will make _____ as her sister has made.
[     ]
A. as beautiful a kite
B. so beautiful a kite
C. as a beautiful kite
D. so a beautiful kite


She must be the wisest woman on this planet, for she has lived up to the three words “Seize the moment”. Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven’t thought about it, or because they are unwilling to try something new.

My sister died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together. I can’t remember how many times I was refused when I called her to go to lunch. She would say to me: “I can’t. I have clothes on the line.” “My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday.” “I had a late breakfast.” “It looks like rain.” Only after her death did I choose to be a little more flexible.

Life is not made up of thing that you do at a particular time, but it demands variety and adventure. As we grow older, the list of promises made to ourselves may get longer. Perhaps one morning, when we awaken, we will find to our surprise that our life is full of “I’m going to”, “I plan to” and “Someday, when things are settled down a bit.”

My seize-the-moment friend is open to adventure and ready at any moment to make a new start. She keeps an open mind about new ideas. Her great interest in life is contagious. With her around you, you may trade your bad feet for good shoes.

I have not touched ice cream for 10 years. The other day, I stopped off and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.


43.The passage suggests that the author’s sister _________________.

       A.was very busy with her work               B.died a very happy person

       C.always did things in a fixed order          D.was the wisest woman in the world

44.The writer has had a new way of looking at life since ___________.

       A.his sister died                                      B.he met the wise woman

       C.he turned old                                       D.the three words appeared

45.The underlined word “contagious” is used to show that the woman is_______”.

       A.polite                  B.powerful             C.practical              D.proud

46.The author expects those who have read the passage to ___________.

       A.have a long list of promises          a smart businessman

       C.hit an iceberg in their cars            as adventurous as himself


About a year ago, if you had asked who Dinara Safina was the answer would have been:   "She is Marat. Safin's younger sister."  Back then she was overshadowed by her wonder brother.  But now she has made a name for herself: the world No. 1 player in women’s tennis.

The 22-year-old Russian. will overtake Serena Williams of the US for top ranking on April 20.  "Before, every place I go, I am Marat's sister. Nothing else," she told New York Times. "I always wanted to be myself, and now finally the results are coming, and people can know me as Dinara Satina.”

Safina has made it to two great event finals, in the 2008 French and in this year's Australian Open, and won a silver medal in the Beijing Olympic Games.

Clearly; family isn't the only connection Safina's and her brother share. Both of their DNA burns with competitive fire. Satin has held the distinction for years of being a hot tempered player on Court. When he lost his temper, he would break a racket(球拍). Safina is as emotionally explosive as her brother. A headline in the newspaper The Australian once described her as   "mad as a snake".  The Sydney Morning Herald, during the Australian Open, summed up Safina's volatile(不稳定的)emotional state with the headline: "Satina goes from basket case to top of the world."

It's not rare for a family to have two top tennis players. Safina's father owns a tennis academy and her mother worked as a coach.   "I had no choice but to become a tennis player, but I don't mind being a tennis player," Safina said.

From this talented family she is also given one of her best weapons on court, her size. She is 1.82 meters tall and Weighs 70 kg. But it is hard work that led her to her recent Success.

"I hope to prove to everyone over the coming months that I deserve the honor of being world No. 1," she said.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How Safina came first in world women's tennis.

B.How the parents taught Safina to play tennis.

C.How her brother helped Safina play tennis.

D.How Safina beat her brother in playing tennis.

2.Which of the following doesn't contribute to Satina's success?

A.Her hard work and strong competitiveness.

B.Her emotional explosion and volatile emotional state.

C.The fact that she is 1.82 meters tall and weighs 70 kg.

D.The fact that her parents are two good tennis players.

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Serena Williams will be topped by Safina on ranking list on April 20.

B.Dinara Safina was always very confident and eager to succeed.

C.Safina was eager to become a tennis player when she was a child.

D.Marat Safin won the two finals, in 2008 French and in Austrahan Open.

4.What can we infer from the headline "Safina goes from basket case to top of the world.”?

A.Safina wanted to top the world in tennis when she was a baby in a basket.

B.After she won this year's Australian Open, Dinara Safina cried.

C.Too nervous at first, but Safina finally gained confidence and won.

D.Safina learnt from the basket case and finally became top of the world.

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A.Family plays an absolute role in shaping world-rank players.

B.As long as you have the same size as Safina, you are surely to succeed.

C.Safina hasn't been getting along with her brother for being ill-tempered.

D.Fine qualities help to make a top player, counting hard work.

