相关词汇:配合 co-operate,和谐的 harmonious,效率 efficiency One possible version: Recently, parents, students and teachers sometimes care much about test results, especially when kids fail. Some parents, when their kids fail in an exam, choose to yell at their kids and complain much about present education system while their kids would blame the bad results on teachers. Teachers, who always work hardest, have more complaints like lack of co-operation from parents and less hard work of students. What should be the appropriate attitude towards test results is always under hot discussion. Gladly, most parents nowadays are quite aware of their own responsibilities. They would co-operate more with teachers afterwards and give enough guidance to their kids. Teachers will undoubtedly re-consider and thus improve their teaching methods aiming to increase classroom efficiency. Students will certainly study harder. In my opinion, it is always the best for family, students and schools to co-operate closely. When kids fail, everybody should be brave enough to bear responsibilities and find practical solutions to avoid similar mistakes. It surely benefits a lot in the construction of a harmonious society as well as forming a friendly relationship between families and schools. 书面表达③ 中学生英文报举行一次英文征文比赛.请你写一篇文章参加此次比赛.要求如下: 查看更多




伤亡情况: 死约200人,伤逾万人。

救援人员: 军队,当地政府及民众。


注意:      1. 词数100左右。


相关词汇:rescue 救援   the trapped 被困人员

Dear John,

Thank you very much for your concern over the earthquake in Ya’an, Sichuan Province.                                                                          


Anyway, thank you for your offer and I will keep you informed of the situation.



Li Hua



伤亡情况: 死约200人,伤逾万人。
救援人员: 军队,当地政府及民众。
注意:      1. 词数100左右。
相关词汇:rescue 救援   the trapped 被困人员
Dear John,
Thank you very much for your concern over the earthquake in Ya’an, Sichuan Province.                                                                          
Anyway, thank you for your offer and I will keep you informed of the situation.
Li Hua


Section C (25 points)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


相关词汇:哥本哈根世界气候大会 the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen;全球变暖 global warming;减排 reduce (greenhouse gas) emission;汽车尾气car exhaust ;清洁能源clean energy ;可再生资源renewable resources





Section C (25 points)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


相关词汇:哥本哈根世界气候大会 the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen;全球变暖 global warming;减排 reduce (greenhouse gas) emission ;汽车尾气car exhaust ;清洁能源clean energy ;可再生资源renewable resources





1.        伤亡情况: 死约200人,伤逾万人。

2.        救援人员: 军队,当地政府及民众。

3.        婉言劝止并说明理由。

注意:      1.  词数100左右。

2.      可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3.      相关词汇:rescue 救援   the trapped 被困人员

Dear John,

Thank you very much for your concern over the earthquake in Ya’an, Sichuan Province.                                                                           


Anyway, thank you for your offer and I will keep you informed of the situation.



                                                           Li Hua

