A. seller B. printer C. owner D. finder 查看更多



Back in my country, when I was a child, I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One day each week, farmers used to ___1___ their fruit and vegetables into the city. They ___2___ one street to all cars, and the farmers set up tables for their ___3___. This outdoor market was a great place to ___4___. Everything was fresher than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in ___5___ after the harvest. My mother and I always got there early in the morning to get the ___6___ produce.

The outdoor market was a wonderful adventure for a small child, ___7___ was like a festival — full of colors and ___8___. There are red tomatoes, yellow lemons, green lettuce, peppers, grapes, onions. The farmers did their own ___9___. They all shouted loudly for ___10___ to buy their produce. “Come and buy my beautiful oranges! They’re juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to ___11___ your children healthy and strong!”

Everyone used to ___12___ with the farmers over the ___13___ of their produce. It was like a wonderful drama in a theatre; the buyers and sellers were the “___14___” in this drama. My mother was an ___15___ at this. First, she picked the freshest, most attractive tomatoes, for example. Then she asked the price. The seller told her.

“What?” she said. She looked very surprised. “ So ___16___?”

The seller looked terribly ___17___. “My dear lady!” he replied. “I’m a poor, ___18___ farmer. These are the cheapest tomatoes on the market!”

They always argued for several minutes before agreeing ___19___ a price. My mother took her tomatoes and left. Both buyer and seller were ___20___. The drama was over.

1. A. carry      B. take    C. bring         D. fetch

2. A. opened        B. closed   C. started   D. stopped

3. A. produce      B. goods        C. food     D. product

4. A. buy B. sell         C. bargain        D. shop

5. A. hurriedly       B. immediately      C. directly      D. straightly

6. A. best   B. finest    C. freshest      D. cheapest

7. A. who     B. that         C. which   D. what

8. A. voices    B. noises   C. sounds     D. accent

9. A. shopping       B. business       C. shouting       D. advertising

10. A. customers    B. producers        C. themselves      D. sellers

11. A. keep       B. let      C. except D. make

12. A. argue    B. talk    C. discuss         D. speak

13. A. order    B. price         C. quality     D. form

14. A. viewers B. listeners   C. actors  D. directors

15. A. actress       B. inventor   C. advancer  D. expert

16. A. wonderful    B. exciting        C. cheap        D. expensive

17. A. injured      B. hurt      C. damaged  D. wounded

18. A. excellent      B. fair    C. honest   D. easy

19. A. with     B. to       C. in           D. on

20. A. disappointed B. encouraged C. satisfied     D. tired


Frankly,I appreciate myself very much.Yes,I admit I’m in many aspects not as good as other people,but I don’t think I’m always not good.When I find what I’ve done or written is okay,I’ll remain pleased with myself for quite a few days,and if I receive praise for it,I’ll even become so excited as to add a few words to reward myself.

True,I’m not modest at all.People may call me conceited(自负的).But I think otherwise.

I appreciate other people.I appreciate anything good.Isn’t it unfair to forget appreciating myself while appreciating others?

We Chinese generally tend to be modest,and we take pride in being so.For example,a Chinese man will call his own wife zhuojing,meaning “my humble wife”,and his own writings zhuozuo,meaning “my poor writings”.But if you call his wife a “rustic(乡村的)woman”or his writings “trash”,he would,I’m sure,declare he would make a clean break with you angrily.As a matter of fact,there is probably no difference at all between what is said by him and you.

I don’t think it’s wrong of you to freely praise yourself if you’re really worthy of praise.As we know,there is an old Chinese saying disparaging(蔑视) a melon seller,named Lao Wang,who keeps praising his own goods.Well,why can’t he praise his melons if they are really sweet and juicy?

Lao Wang sells melons for a living.How could he carry on business if he,by imitating the affectations(装模作样)of us intellectuals,were to show false modesty about his melons?He would sure enough die of starvation.

Self?appreciation is therefore a key to professional dedication and enjoyment of work.Needless to say,the same is true of those who make a living with their pen.One will lose confidence in writing when he stops admiring his own essays.

1.We know from the first three paragraphs that the author________.

A.is modest in some way

B.is pleased to be a good writer

C.is too conceited

D.thinks it unfair to appreciate others

2.What do we know about the author’s attitude towards Chinese modesty according to Paragraph 4?

A.Supportive.       B.Negative.

C.Neutral.         D.Careless.

3.The author mentions the example of Lao Wang to prove that ________.

A.Lao Wang is very proud of himself

B.melon sellers should praise their goods

C.reasonable self?appreciation is good

D.writers should learn from Lao Wang

4.The purpose of the passage is to encourage readers to be________.

A.modest        B.considerate

C.respectful       D.confident



Back in my country, when I was a child, I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One day each week, farmers used to ___1___ their fruit and vegetables into the city. They ___2___ one street to all cars, and the farmers set up tables for their ___3___. This outdoor market was a great place to ___4___. Everything was fresher than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in ___5___ after the harvest. My mother and I always got there early in the morning to get the ___6___ produce.

The outdoor market was a wonderful adventure for a small child, ___7___ was like a festival — full of colors and ___8___. There are red tomatoes, yellow lemons, green lettuce, peppers, grapes, onions. The farmers did their own ___9___. They all shouted loudly for ___10___ to buy their produce. “Come and buy my beautiful oranges! They’re juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to ___11___ your children healthy and strong!”

Everyone used to ___12___ with the farmers over the ___13___ of their produce. It was like a wonderful drama in a theatre; the buyers and sellers were the “___14___” in this drama. My mother was an ___15___ at this. First, she picked the freshest, most attractive tomatoes, for example. Then she asked the price. The seller told her.

“What?” she said. She looked very surprised. “ So ___16___?”

The seller looked terribly ___17___. “My dear lady!” he replied. “I’m a poor, ___18___ farmer. These are the cheapest tomatoes on the market!”

They always argued for several minutes before agreeing ___19___ a price. My mother took her tomatoes and left. Both buyer and seller were ___20___. The drama was over.

1. A. carry      B. take       C. bring D. fetch

2. A. opened        B. closed        C. started   D. stopped

3. A. produce      B. goods    C. food     D. product

4. A. buy B. sell     C. bargain       D. shop

5. A. hurriedly       B. immediately      C. directly      D. straightly

6. A. best   B. finest    C. freshest      D. cheapest

7. A. who     B. that         C. which   D. what

8. A. voices    B. noises         C. sounds         D. accent

9. A. shopping       B. business   C. shouting  D. advertising

10. A. customers    B. producers      C. themselves  D. sellers

11. A. keep            B. let       C. expect D. make

12. A. argue    B. talk         C. discuss         D. speak

13. A. order    B. price         C. quality         D. form

14. A. viewers B. listeners   C. actors  D. directors

15. A. actress       B. inventor   C. advancer  D. expert

16. A. wonderful    B. exciting      C. cheap        D. expensive

17. A. injured      B. hurt    C. damaged  D. wounded

18. A. excellent      B. fair    C. honest   D. easy

19. A. with     B. to       C. in           D. on

20. A. disappointed     B. encouraged C. satisfied    D. tired 



  When a consumer finds that something he or she bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to what the producer says for it, the first step is to present the warranty(保单), or any other records that might help, at the store of buying.In most cases, this action will produce results.However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.

  A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager.In general, the “higher up” the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled.In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, taking it as true that he or she has a just right.

  Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of buying, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.

  Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can show clearly what is wrong with what was bought in question.If this can't be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements.For example, “The left speaker doesn't work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear” is better than “This tape recorder does not work.”

  The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the producer, if so, the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible.But if a polite complaint does not achieve the expected result, the consumer can take a step further.He can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a public organization responsible for protecting consumers’ rights.

1.According to the passage, what should you do first when you find what you’ve bought has a fault in it?(No more than 15 words)


2.Please explain the underlined word in English.(No more than 5 words)


3.According to the author, what is the most effective compliant about what was bought?(No more than 15 words)


4.What is the main idea of the passage?(No more than 10 words)


5.According to the passage, what is the last way a consumer has to use?(No more than 20 words)




Stephen Hawking, who is the most famous physicist, was born in Britain on January 8th, 1942.As a child, he was enthusiastic about   1  (design)complicated toys but   2  (fortune), in his twenties, he suffered   3   a disease that was impossible to be cured,   4   was a great challenge for him.However, not only was he positive about the misfortunes   5   eventually he defeated all the obstacles but also he was   6  (absorb)in his research in the universe.The year 1988 saw his best-seller A Brief History of Time,   7   which he put forward the idea   8   time itself has a beginning, and that it will have   9   end.In conclusion, he has made outstanding   10  (contribute)to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity.

